Toronto Escorts

alone now...


Still a treat!
Jul 8, 2009
Hi... I. Am informing you I am mourning loss of family... I am not sure when I am back. You guys have become such good friends to me... Some fed me and my kids in hard times. Some ensured my kids had something to open on christmas. Some helped me with my feburary trip... I owe you gentlemen si much. Most of you know I do make good. I have working back in alberta I'm my med field. Not sure if I can keep that up with news of this morning... I will have to deal with this, and honestly the "outside"(meaning outside re normal job ) world is not a fit right now. You guys have become my friends, my social life and at times my only personal outlet... I will be back as I now need my children. But not sure what is in future now. Barrie has a piece of me. I won't ignore that. I have no immediate choice but to march on with a brave face. For now I am in a strange city, by myself... I hope kindness. And compassion in prairies, time will tell. Not looking for sympathy but reaching out with grateful for what I do have. I have edmonton number. I will pm one of you... I will keep in touch, thank you, to all including mod4, fredzed and my community here. I am blessed in a odd way...

Thinkin and missin


Cunning Linguist
Apr 11, 2003
Hang in there.
We're all thinking about you.....


May 3, 2010
It's really hard to know what to say about Carrieann - she was one of (OK, the best) SP's in the area - but there was something about her that just made you want to take her in and help her out. She has a heart of gold, and so much going on in her personal life, that you just always wanted to help her with a hand up. If you treated her with respect - she became your fast friend - and she was sincere about it.

I saw her many times and got to know her quite well. I hope she can now focus on making her life better. Judging from the support in this thread - and others, she has a lot of friends she can count on.

Take care of yourself Carrieann. Let us know when you're back in town!! Just for a coffee though!!

A good friend.

Post edited by Mod, removed "personal information"
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