This web site looks great, and willing to TOFTT, just wondering if someone else has seen her. She's listed in the escort section on Brantfords backpage, but her website says "no bare services".
This web site looks great, and willing to TOFTT, just wondering if someone else has seen her. She`s listed in the escort section on Brantfords backpage, but her website says "no bare services".
Dear toofast4u i actually did not make that website someone made it for me and i actually think it looks great!!! Everything on there is accurate (including pics) This gentleman did it for free and did not ask for anything in return. I am extremely grateful that he did that for me sorry its not up to your standards ive had nothing but compliments on it!
Dear toofast4u i actually did not make that website someone made it for me and i actually think it looks great!!! Everything on there is accurate (including pics) This gentleman did it for free and did not ask for anything in return. I am extremely grateful that he did that for me sorry its not up to your standards ive had nothing but compliments on it!
Thank you Bopper! I love my webpage i think it looks amazing. I am not great with computers and i did my own webpage before IT looked like crap nothing like my new one. Maybe toofast4u should make me a new web page???? lol