Alex Rios Video...

Blown in 60 Seconds

New member
Nov 10, 2008
A Confederacy of Dunces
I heard about this incident on the fan590 and found it on youtube. Don't these spoiled overpaid baseball players realize this sort of thing will be on the internet faster than it takes for their publicist to write up an excuse for them?

Guess it is true what they say about Alex having a shitty attitude! I heard he turned down a kid for an autograph at a charity event. I'm sure it's not the first time too.

Of course he later apologized as most athletes would do for damage control. :rolleyes:

I'm a Yankee fan and Blue Jays fans deserve better treatment than that! No class!

What an asshole!!!


Rios is not the first athlete to refuse to sign an autograph & certainly won't be the last. He was wrong & he should signed it for the kid. He had a bad day at the plate & he wasn't in the mood, he will learn from it. I think the real asshole is the guy egging him on calling him a bum several times. That's what instigates the fuck yous from Rios.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
That was a pretty good line about how he played and he's lucky someone should want his autograph, have to expose these jerks for what they are.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
Rios was at a CHARITY event. Doesn't that mean he should give? It's an autograph for fuck sakes. I understand that some of these guys might be in a rush but that was not the case in this scenario. He could have signed that one autograph. Some of these guys don't remember where they came from and it could all be taken away just like that. Gratitude is huge and so is giving and Rios displayed that he has either of these traits. Heartless piece of shit. You have to hand it to Rios after all he was repeatedly swearing in front of a child. Nice one. :rolleyes:

I'ts funny because when these guys retire, they are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. One day when they are old and grey, no one is going to ask them for anything except to pay their bills.

I really don't care if he was being egged on or not. Always keep your cool.


Active member
Sep 4, 2001
Not quite like Babe swinging for the fence after spending time in the hospital with little Johnny Sylvester, is it?


Apr 7, 2005
Never liked him.

A few years ago I was at a game and Rios threw a ball into the crowd and a kid around 15-16 caught it and Rios stood there pointing to a hot babe a few rows back basically telling the kid to give it to her. Basically that he was throwing it to the pair of tits and not the young fan.

This incident does not surprise me.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
I dont follow baseball at all, did this just happen recently?
OP said that he apologized afterwards, so what! IMO Sorry and few other words are wayyyy overrated. If you knew it was wrong when you did it, then you aint sorry afterwards, just that you got caught doing so. Especially if you are famous!

But as many people that dislike what he did, how many would forgive him for apologizing afterwards.
Isnt this the world we live in though, if you're a celebrity or anyway famous, you get more slack and chances than the common folks.

I agree its not like its a big crowd surrounding him, its 1 kid after a charity event, WTF is he thinking.
Easily could have spend 2 sec to sign and walk away with his hot gf/wife and this story could've been a complete 180 degrees.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
blopar said:
Not quite like Babe swinging for the fence after spending time in the hospital with little Johnny Sylvester, is it?
Also nothing quite like Sidney Crosby getting off the team bus for a quick game of shinny with those little 'timbit' kids on the pond. :p

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
If Rios had any class, he would have signed the autograph. If the heckler persisted, simply say "I'm doing my best" and defuse the situation.

He's been around long enough. By now he should know that being a sports figure comes with higher expectations than he displays. You can't teach class. Douchebag.
Jan 19, 2004
Wrong Sport

blueline said:
Also nothing quite like Sidney Crosby getting off the team bus for a quick game of shinny with those little 'timbit' kids on the pond. :p
I thought this was a thread about a Baseball player.
Jan 19, 2004
Not 'I', really.

blueline said:
Gee thanks genious. :rolleyes:
Although the term "genius" is sometimes used to denote the possession of a superior talent in any field, e.g. a particular sport or statesmanship, it has traditionally been understood to denote an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and creative originality in areas of art, literature, philosophy, music, language, science and mathematics.

Just wanted to confirm the spelling.


Sep 30, 2008
I am throwing away my Alex Rios bobble head.

Hockey players tend to be more down to earth than baseball players.

If I was Rios, I would just sign the autograph for the kid. Showing the heckler that he provoked you only satisfied the heckler more. He got your attention. Don't give him that satifaction. Get in the car and go home.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Bridgeman said:
Although the term "genius" is sometimes used to denote the possession of a superior talent in any field, e.g. a particular sport or statesmanship, it has traditionally been understood to denote an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and creative originality in areas of art, literature, philosophy, music, language, science and mathematics.

Just wanted to confirm the spelling.
You are obviously pretty full of yourself if you feel you have to correct people. As I said, you need to lighten up. You surely missed my tongue-in-cheek post when comparing two athletes who truly treat their adoring fans very differently. One is an ignorant prick, the other is not. Get over yourself dude.
Jan 19, 2004
Value of Commentary

blueline said:
You are obviously pretty full of yourself if you feel you have to correct people. As I said, you need to lighten up. You surely missed my tongue-in-cheek post when comparing two athletes who truly treat their adoring fans very differently. One is an ignorant prick, the other is not. Get over yourself dude.
I don't feel I have to correct anyone. Not in the least. The correction clearly made itself with no assistance from me. Grammar, spelling and syntax always represent themselves.

If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll see that I always include good humour in anything I write. A point can always be made more emphatic with laughter rather than antagonism.

I would just like to see a post about any sport, be it baseball, soccer, basketball, cricket or whatever, that isn't filtered through some kind of hockey microscope.

Alex Rios is a baseball player. That is all. If he has the same bad attitude as Bonds or Clemens or (God Forbid) Rocker, this is what the thread is about.

The bad 'sense of entitlement' attitude that develops in baseball players once they reach some sort of success.

The topic has enough depth and value of commentary on its own without drawing parallels with another sport. There are plenty enough in baseball.


Active member
Sep 21, 2001
Bridgeman said:
I don't feel I have to correct anyone. Not in the least. The correction clearly made itself with no assistance from me. Grammar, spelling and syntax always represent themselves..
Really? I guess that wasn't you who posted that very clever wikipedia definition and spelling of 'genius'? Someone obviously felt they had to point that out. That person must have a terrific life if all they have to worry about are spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, etc. from people on an escorts review board. I see these things nearly every time I come on here, I could care less about how somebody spells or writes. I do not feel the need to point them out in order to elevate myself in a discussion. Like I said several times dude, lighten up.

Bridgeman said:
If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll see that I always include good humour in anything I write. A point can always be made more emphatic with laughter rather than antagonism.
To be honest with you, I do not ever remember seeing any of your posts, especially in the sports forum, which is where I usually hang out. As for making a point with good humour, etc. I did not get that sense from your posts to me. I all I got from them is that you were going out of your way to take three separate shots at me and I responded. If you don't want a person to respond with antagonism, then don't antagonize that person.
Jan 19, 2004
At present, quite true!

blueline said:
Really? I see these things nearly every time I come on here, I could care less about how somebody spells or writes. If you don't want a person to respond with antagonism, then don't antagonize that person.
Indeed, I can see that you are true to your words, Sir. Kudos to you.

I clearly defines that we are both on different playing fields.

As I said, in concurrence with this post, Alex Rios behaved like an idiot and I hope he can get past it. I don't want to see him lumped in with the other baseball idiots that have been mentioned. I was continuing the theme of this thread which was baseball, not hockey. Or was I wrong in this?

If this caused some kind of confusion, I sincerely state my concern. It meant to antagonize no one. Only to comment on one, Alex Rios.

I will now excuse myself and attend to the young lady who is waiting for my attentions. I'm sure we all enjoy our baseball but there are things far more interesting that presently beckon.
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