Al -Qaeda militantas seize control of prison in Kabul


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
May 3, 2004
Fred Zed said:
HUNDREDS of rioting prisoners led by al-Qaeda and Taleban militants were locked in a stand-off with security forces last night after seizing control of a wing of Afghanistan’s main high-security prison:,,3-2060280,00.html
How do they really know for sure that they're AQ and Taliban prisoners in that jail? Just because the Afghan and coalition security forces say they are doesn't really mean they are.

These "labelled for life" AQ and Taliban prisoners could just as easily be innocent civilians and run-of-the-mill criminals unjustly apprehended and incarcerated under the cloak of the "war on terrorism."

The thing is we really don't know, so it is unfair, unjust and most likely illegal to label these prisoners as AQ and Taliban.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
There was a story on this place on CTV newsnet last night. Seems some of the women are in the prison with a sentence of 16 years for being a prostitute. The nature of their " crime" was that they were raped, and are now unclean.

When you look at islam in that light you can sure see its appeal. They really are an enlightened bunch. ;)
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