On the flip side, now you've got the party of child molesters and pussy grabbers running against the party that's against sexual predators.
You are correct, but I don't see it as a winning strategy for the Dems.
I don't think they will gain a single vote based on their stance on this issue.
Just look at 1 year ago. Trump was a pig (I know that's an insult to all the 4 legged variety of pigs out there, but I'm speaking metaphorically here) 1 year ago. Everyone knew it. But to his followers, they didn't care. They still voted for him. They will continue to vote for him.
I don't see the DEMS gaining votes based on the "moral highground". People are sick of the moral highground.
The DEMS have become the party that worry more about bathrooms and gender issues and sexual harassment and equity and trigger words and all the other cry-baby bullshit that really only matters to a tiny minority of people. In the mean time, the vast majority of Americans in those 4 or 5 states that swing an election (Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) worry about jobs and financial security for them and their families.
To quote Bill Clinton advisor James Carville in 1992, "it's the economy stupid". It's the truth.
Tossing Franken under the bus gained the DEMS soundbites on Bill Maher's show, but that's about it.