Ah yes, more evidence of Muslims channelling and focusing their angst.

May 3, 2004
By SINAN SALAHEDDIN, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A car bomb exploded Tuesday at an outdoor market in a Shiite area of southwestern Baghdad, killing 22 people and wounding 28 in the deadliest such attack against civilians in the capital in a month.

The blast in the neighborhood of Dora — one of several bombings across Iraq that killed a total of 29 people Tuesday — left cars burning and nearby stores ablaze. Children screamed while women wailed "Our children have died!" and "The terrorists, may God punish them!" The suspected bomber was arrested.

Dora is among the most dangerous neighborhoods in Baghdad, where car bombings and roadside bombs have been a daily occurrence since a Sunni-dominated insurgency began in the summer of 2003.

In other violence Tuesday, seven people were killed and at least 27 wounded in a series of bombings, some targeting liquor stores and women's hair dressers in Baqouba, according to police.

Shortly after midnight, eight hair dressers were blown up in one street by extremists who have broadened their targets beyond Americans, Iraqi security forces and government officials. The blasts caused huge damage but no casualties, according to the Diyala police.

Explosions also hit three liquor stores, killing one owner and wounding three other people, said police in the city 35 miles northeast of Baghdad.

Tuesday's bombing appeared to be the worst in Baghdad since Jan. 19, when a suicide attacker blew himself up in a downtown coffee shop, killing 22 people and wounding 23.

Islam the "vehicle" for the attainment of "Power and wealth". The great motivator. Yeah right. How's about just calling it a fuckin slaughter of Muslims by Muslims?


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
*insert artticle about fundamentalist Christians killing abortion doctors, make comments about Christianity*

There are crazy people in all religions and they are willing to exploit their religion to gian power. Nothing new I'm afraid. :(


Nov 25, 2005
SilentLeviathan said:
*insert artticle about fundamentalist Christians killing abortion doctors, make comments about Christianity*

There are crazy people in all religions and they are willing to exploit their religion to gian power. Nothing new I'm afraid. :(
When was the last abortion clinic killing, and where does the death tolll stand? Are we in double digits yet?
May 3, 2004
SilentLeviathan said:
*insert artticle about fundamentalist Christians killing abortion doctors, make comments about Christianity*

There are crazy people in all religions and they are willing to exploit their religion to gian power. Nothing new I'm afraid. :(
Good apology SL. Next Muslim atrocity UPPPPP


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
How is it in anyway an apology? You are stating that Islam=violence. I am countering with the belief that extremism=violence.

Look at any religion or cultural group and you will find plenty of wackos. I suppose you could even lump the IRA in there too as they were a Catholic terrorist group.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
arclighter said:
When was the last abortion clinic killing, and where does the death tolll stand? Are we in double digits yet?
Thankfully it's been several years since the last was killed. However, my point was simply that stereotyping all followers of a certain religion as behaving a specific way is wrong.

Islamophobia, or whatever it's being called these days, seems to have become an acceptable form of bigotry.


Sep 2, 2004
A Christian man kill another for toilet paper!!

Disturbing crimes by christians:eek:

MOSS BLUFF, Florida (AP) -- A man was arrested and accused of fatally beating his roommate with hammers because there was no toilet paper in their home, police said.

Franklin Paul Crow, 56, was charged Monday with homicide, according to a spokesman with the Marion County Sheriff's Office.

Crow is accused in the death of Kenneth Matthews, 58, the spokesman said.

Capt. Thomas Bibb said Crow initially
Crow told investigators that the men were fighting about the toilet paper over the weekend when Matthews pulled out a rifle.

Crow said he then began beating Matthews with the sledgehammer and claw hammer, according to an affidavit.

Matthews was beaten so bbbbbadly he had to be identified through his fingerprints, detectives said.

Crow was being held at the Marion County jail without bond. It was not immediately known whether he had an attorney



I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
DonQuixote said:
A united Islamic front is like the Irish Catholics and Protestants
creating a united front. Shiites and Sunnis despise each other.
But, lets not focus on their internal disputes. We'd rather imagine
their hatred toward the west, though totally bogus. There's a very
good reason why the Mideast has been in disarray for centuries.

But, we need a symbolic enemy for our right to do our desired
deeds. Someone, anyone, is going to pay for 9/11, relevant
or not.
I think there's a large portion of the Middle East that hates the West. However, I also think that a lot of this hatred is becuase of the conditions under which they live. If you lived under a repressive government and saw the weathly Western countries living the way they do, living off the oil that comes from your country you'd be angry too. The leaders of these countries are able to use that anger and focus it on the West and blame us for all of their problems. It's much easiewr to blame someone else then it is to try and fix the problem. It's also very effective.

Now, the real question is this: Is the West to blame? Short answer is no. However, the West can do a lot more to help out the countries over there.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
Topol-M said:
Disturbing crimes by christians:eek:
Well yes, I'm sure most of the crimes in the West are "Christian on Christian crimes". Just like most of the crimes in the Middle East are "Muslim on Muslim". My point was just in reference to crimes being committed in the name of religion.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
DonQuixote said:
Like I posted, everyone needs a devil.
Especially incompetent leaders including
those in the Mideast.

We be their devil. Ergo, they don't hold
their potentates responsible.
I'm not disagreeing, just reenforcing your point. You're quite right.

In Iraq there are two basic groups of "terrorists". There are the religious ones and there are those who are simply fighting for power and/or to get the Americans and others out. I mean if it really was as simple as Islma being the casue of all the attacks then one would expect the relatives of those who died to be happy as they died for a greater good. Obviously this isn't the case.


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
DonQuixote said:
IMO the religious leaders and those seeking power are
one and the same. Same motive, different tactic.
Yeah that's a good point. I guess it's a case of the ends justifying the means.
May 3, 2004
SilentLeviathan said:
Thankfully it's been several years since the last was killed. However, my point was simply that stereotyping all followers of a certain religion as behaving a specific way is wrong.

Islamophobia, or whatever it's being called these days, seems to have become an acceptable form of bigotry.
I don't see any evidence of stereotyping and/or phobia of all Muslims in the original post. What the orignal post evidences is the fact of Muslims slaughtering Muslims. This slaughter of Muslims by Muslims occurred in Bagdad on Tuesday Feb 21/06. This horrific reality should be of great concern and not swept under the carpet of denial, by those who choose to cast an apologetic eye away from this atrocity.
Last edited:


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
rogerstaubach said:
I don't see any evidence of stereotyping and/or phobia of all Muslims in the original post. What the orignal post evidences is the fact of Muslims slaughtering Muslims. This slaughter of Muslims by Muslims occurred in Bagdad on Tuesday Feb 21/06. This horrific reality should be of great concern and not swept under the carpet of denial, by those who choose to cast an apologetic eye away from this atrocity.
You're absolutely correct. However, there are many people out there who would jump to the conclusion that all Muslims are terrorists and we shouldn't try and help them at all and the world would be better off without them. I don't think anyone is trying to deny what happened, but I believe that the "why" needs to be understood so appropriate action can be taken. Was the religiously motivated? Sunni vs Shiite? Someone looking to destablize the interm government's power? Is the person behind tyhis even Iraqi or is a foregin government behind this attack?


New member
Oct 8, 2004
DonQuixote said:
A united Islamic front is like the Irish Catholics and Protestants
creating a united front. Shiites and Sunnis despise each other.
But, lets not focus on their internal disputes. We'd rather imagine
their hatred toward the west, though totally bogus. There's a very
good reason why the Mideast has been in disarray for centuries.

But, we need a symbolic enemy for our right to do our desired
deeds. Someone, anyone, is going to pay for 9/11, relevant
or not.
Bin Laden, a Sunni, declared war on America, and Americans. Khomeini, a Shiite, declared death to Americans. Iran, today, still controlled by Shiites, is the number one sponsor of Islamic Terrorism. True, Jihadist Muslims fight each-other. So what? Baathists have helped Jihadists, so what makes you think Muslims wouldn't help each other against a common enemy? In fact, they already have, consider, the united front against, Israel.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Metalass said:
Bin Laden, a Sunni, declared war on America, and Americans. Khomeini, a Shiite, declared death to Americans. Iran, today, still controlled by Shiites, is the number one sponsor of Islamic Terrorism. True, Jihadist Muslims fight each-other. So what? Baathists have helped Jihadists, so what makes you think Muslims wouldn't help each other against a common enemy? In fact, they already have, consider, the united front against, Israel.
Dude, whats your point?????

Plenty of Sunni's are with the West and plenty of Shiites are also with
the West !!!

So whats your point???????????


New member
Oct 8, 2004
Esco! said:
Dude, whats your point?????

Plenty of Sunni's are with the West and plenty of Shiites are also with
the West !!!

So whats your point???????????
With the West, I presume you mean, in agreement with the West?
If you've followed my posting you'll find that I'm very precise with my definitions.
Yes, of course, there are plenty of nominal Muslims - from both sects - who are with the West.

On the other hand, I believe I noticed a lack of precision from you.
In another Tread you said you weren't anti-Muslim.
I'm also not anti-Muslim, if by Muslims you mean, nominal Muslims.
I'm certainly opposed to Islam, as I am opposed to all forms of tyranny over the minds of men.
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