Agree or Disagree

Agree or Disagree

  • Strongly Agree

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Agree

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Strongly Disagree

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 13, 2004
What's just one more little poll.

This maybe controversial, and even worse a repeat post. But in a post by XIX, "The theorem cost of paying for sex", I clicked on the link and immediately my eye caught the link. Thinking of a vacation soon, I clicked and eventually made my way to a page which discusses "Difference between Western women and non-Western women". Here's what it has to say.

WARNING: Sounds very misogynistic and generallizations are made, but I guess the reason for the poll is do you agree with the following or disagree. I'll add strongly disagree and strongly agree as well for those of you that belong to the He-Man-Woman-Haters-Club;

American women specifically and Western women in general have problems that turn men off:

* Western women want men to serve THEM most of the time but are unwilling to put in the effort or TIME to make it an intelligent partnership.
* Western women are coarse, vulgar, rude, or distinctly lack femininity.
* Western women are argumentative, critical, and demanding (i.e. bitchy).
* Western women are money-hungry and superficial.
* Western women are generally mentally unstable.
* Western women use sex as a weapon and reward to get things.
* Western women are just bitter and show contempt for men.

Most of non-Western women in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe are the exact opposite of Western women.

* Non-Western women do not have anti-male bias and they are not pre-occupied with fairness and trying to prove themselves and to make a point.
* Non-Western women are not self-centered and do not have high-maintenance, superficial, and stuck up attitude.
* Non-Western women are a lot more mentally stable and they do not use sex as a weapon and reward to get things.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
* Western women want men to serve THEM most of the time but are unwilling to put in the effort or TIME to make it an intelligent partnership.
* Western women are coarse, vulgar, rude, or distinctly lack femininity.
* Western women are argumentative, critical, and demanding (i.e. bitchy).
* Western women are money-hungry and superficial.
* Western women are generally mentally unstable.
* Western women are just bitter and show contempt for men.

All these things describe an ex gf who was Asian, although her rational side would protest otherwise. Also none apply to another ex gf who was North American.

* Non-Western women do not have anti-male bias and they are not pre-occupied with fairness and trying to prove themselves and to make a point.
There could be truth to this, but it's an over generalisation.

* Non-Western women are not self-centered and do not have high-maintenance, superficial, and stuck up attitude.
This one just stands out like a beacon as being wrong ! : )

We tread on thin ice whenever we begin to make generalisations, even though there is usually some element of truth. One of the problems with these generalisations is that they are too broad and don't take into account regional or societal differences in culture within or between the countries they encompass.
Experience tells me, their past, upbring may be contributing factors. If they were raised to 'catered' to men, it may becomes 2nd nature. While if so repressed, they can become the opposite. If one has to fend for themself, or at least not appear weak to avoid from being picked on, in western soceity, they have to be look after number one first.

If we have to generalize, true in many cases (not intend to offend anyone) but also know many exceptions.

pool said:
All these things describe an ex gf who was Asian, although her rational side would protest otherwise. Also none apply to another ex gf who was North American.
Try reflect on 3 ex-GF in 48hrs. My head is still spinning. All started with overseas ex-gf's news of bad breakup. A day later, on my rare half day off, I bumped into two ex-gf in 2 obscure plaza hours apart. The big guy upstairs must be sending me message as I'm believer of fate and destiny for major events in life. So odd, as I hate crowds almost never go shopping on weekends and I rarely get time off.

All 3 ex-gf are/were married, pocessed qualities consistent with most Asian women profile but raised in different society posses traits for both sides. Now why did I bring this up, not sure except Celine's song lyric, "I'm everything I am because you loved me". The question is whether it appears to them more or me?
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Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I could agree to a large extent with some of the statements about Western women, though I would say it applies much more strongly to women from North America and the Anglosphere. However, I think the belief that most Non-Western women are significantly different on all these counts is based on outdated stereotypes.

For example I find it hard to concur that SouthAmerican women are less argumentative, lower-maintenance and more emotionally stable than the women here. The attitude you get from maids & hospitality workers is likely alot softer than what their husbands get at home. I've known many who can turn hyper in a blink!

Also how do you define things like Money Hungry & Superficial? In many cultures relationships & marriage are strictly a method for socio-economic advancement, to say nothing of the widespread bartering of sex. In much of India, Thailand & neighbouring countries, skin colour is a major factor deciding to whom a respectable woman would "give it to"; in Central America, it's ones' degree of "Indianness". Modern day Korean & Japanese are the postergirls for superficiality & materialism. And doesn't every solvent woman in South America have some sort of cosmetic surgery these days?

Many foreign cultures present a facade of what their women are supposed to be like, but the reality in the home is often different from the ideal. I've know a few Indian, Korean & Filipino guys who were terrified of their (allegedly) tyranical wives. In all the Filipino families I've known, the Matriarch is the financial decision maker, often berating the husbands as inadequate providers in front of others!
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