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again problems accessing Terb & Perb


Sep 16, 2002
A couple of weeks ago I could not access Terb or Perb for almost a week. Terb's address sent me to something called the "Red Hat Linux Page" and the Perb address told me I was "denied permission" (403 error)

Then all went back to normal.

Now, as of last Tuesday, I can no longer access Perb. I can get on to the main page of Terb but this freezes my Browser ( Safari). I am now using Firefox to aceess and it seems to work okay (quite sluggish though), but I still can not access Perb-error 403.

Also when I access Terb with Safari, sometimes but not always, I get an explosion of new windows opening-50-60 windows in about 30 seconds, until I can shut the browser down or force quit.

Any idea what may be happening?

I miss Terb & Perb when I can not access.
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