After the Xmas parties/pot-lucks...

After the work parties or pot-lucks, if there are surplus food in good condition, consider calling Second Harvest who will send refrigerated truck to pick-up for those less fortunate.

It's easy. I did this for my company Xmas parties and had up to 8 full carts of tasty food for the T.O. shelter kitchens. From baked goods to many treats co-workers made for the parties, otherwise thrown-out at end of those get-togethers.

There're various companies that donate surplus food on regular basis. Second harvest drivers were on-time, friendly and helpful.

So when you plan an event, please consider help the less fortunate. I know many are tired of constantly being asked for money, but here's another way to enjoy and help others enjoy the holidays.


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
I wish large food companies, restaurants, etc. would do this... take Canada's Wonderland for example, wanna know what they do with ALL the leftover, unsold food from the park? They chuck it!!! I'm not kidding.

Hundreds of pounds of uneaten food at Wonderland, goes into the trash. Not even the employees get any of it. So why do this? Why not get a charitable organization to come by and pick up the food to distribute to the hungry?

There's no profit in it.


New member
Nov 22, 2005
Thanks for the info. I am going to let my dad's nursing home know. They throw out so much!!


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

Gawd said:
I wish large food companies, restaurants, etc. would do this... take Canada's Wonderland for example, wanna know what they do with ALL the leftover, unsold food from the park? They chuck it!!! I'm not kidding.

Hundreds of pounds of uneaten food at Wonderland, goes into the trash. Not even the employees get any of it. So why do this? Why not get a charitable organization to come by and pick up the food to distribute to the hungry?

There's no profit in it.
Why some companies throw it out?
Lawsuit, food posioning, must pay employees to pack food for pickup, probably need speical vechile to carry all food to the shipping.receiving bay doors.
OR maybe the kitchen org. don't want to drive all the way up there for such small amount to pick up.
Management is not really thinking which wouldn't surprise me.
personally I think it would be a great publicity stunt for them.
Good Corporate citizenship

xix, that's same excuses Corporate Canada use. It's good Corporate citizenship to give back to society. Many large firms now-a-days are looking for brand recognition, company that give back, here's 1 way. Second harvest will issue your company a certificate as recognition.

Various supermarkets, well-know bakeries, cafeterias, food chains do it. My old work cafe donated their daily leftovers. I've been to 2nd harvest warehouse, amazed by the variety of food. Some don't advertise their contributions for various reasons.

It only takes few mins to seperate the leftover, I was amazed by how many volunteers that wanted to contribute and helped. Many coworkers baked or made extra not fearing wasted leftover for the contribution.

2nd harvest drops-off aluminum containers ahead of time. Their drivers offered to come into build or where appropiate to pick-up. Their staff will inspect the food. If there's ever any doubt, they will safely dispose of any contimated food and no one harmed.

Food goes to shelters and various church kitchens. It's 1 way to spread the holiday cheers.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts