African leader silences Euro leader regarding China


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
This is what happens when you go to a developing country and try to lecture them as if they dont know what they are doing. Watch this kraut squirm in his seat. :ROFLMAO:

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Speaking of Africa, China and the rest of the world. Almost 3/4 of the world's Cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it's a horror show there. This is the very bottom of the supply chain for this valuable toxic mineral for renewable batteries. It's basically mined by hand, by the very poor for almost nothing, which then goes mostly to these Chinese companies that have contract/lease deals with the African leaders. The Chinese don't give a damn about the workers or the conditions. Then the Western companies turn a blind eye to the source of these Chinese products.



Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
Speaking of Africa, China and the rest of the world. Almost 3/4 of the world's Cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it's a horror show there. This is the very bottom of the supply chain for this valuable toxic mineral for renewable batteries. It's basically mined by hand, by the very poor for almost nothing, which then goes mostly to these Chinese companies that have contract/lease deals with the African leaders. The Chinese don't give a damn about the workers or the conditions. Then the Western companies turn a blind eye to the source of these Chinese products.

We also ship our waste to African countries to deal with. We dump our trash there for "recycling" and those guys just burn it in a pile.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
China is smart in the way the exercise power over African countries. They're not doing anything different, they just use better lube when screwing them.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
We also ship our waste to African countries to deal with. We dump our trash there for "recycling" and those guys just burn it in a pile.
That's only because China stopped accepting it. I couldn't believe that China actually put what's good for the planet ahead of their religion of money.

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
China is smart in the way the exercise power over African countries. They're not doing anything different, they just use better lube when screwing them.
Eh. Everyone wants to make money, nothing to see there.

But the Chinese treat developing countries better by actually selling technology etc., We look down our noses at them and lecture them about what they should be doing as if we know what the fuck we are doing.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Eh. Everyone wants to make money, nothing to see there.

But the Chinese treat developing countries better by actually selling technology etc., We look down our noses at them and lecture them about what they should be doing as if we know what the fuck we are doing.
You mean China selling the technology they steal from other countries?

And I do "know we what the fuck we are doing, and it is generations of humanity ahead of China by every measure.

I am proud to be a Canadian and live in one of the most civilized, wholesome and fair countries in the world. I have EU citizenship and I can live anywhere in the world I would like to. I've been to, done business in and spent extended periods of time in many beautiful cities and countries. I am proud to be a Canadian.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Speaking of Africa, China and the rest of the world. Almost 3/4 of the world's Cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and it's a horror show there. This is the very bottom of the supply chain for this valuable toxic mineral for renewable batteries. It's basically mined by hand, by the very poor for almost nothing, which then goes mostly to these Chinese companies that have contract/lease deals with the African leaders. The Chinese don't give a damn about the workers or the conditions. Then the Western companies turn a blind eye to the source of these Chinese products.

Episode #1914 The Joe Rogan Experience with the author of this book- Siddhartha Kara. Heartbreaking.
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
How will it stabilize? What do you think will change?
Corruption is different in different countries. Corruption in underdeveloped nations starts at a lower level such as the with the police or at the DMV and goes all the way up. Corruption in developed countries is more at a high level such as with industrialists, politicians and senators and therefore not as apparent. America used to be a very corrupt country back in the 1800s and early 1900s too. So as a country develops and people become more educated and prosperous these things will slowly change.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
You mean China selling the technology they steal from other countries?

And I do "know we what the fuck we are doing, and it is generations of humanity ahead of China by every measure.

I am proud to be a Canadian and live in one of the most civilized, wholesome and fair countries in the world. I have EU citizenship and I can live anywhere in the world I would like to. I've been to, done business in and spent extended periods of time in many beautiful cities and countries. I am proud to be a Canadian.
I am proud too. But this fair country, was also the country that resorted to barbaric treatment of natives. There are many such examples.

But let us not lecture other countries on how to live their lives was my point. Developed countries have way of preaching and lecturing others where they have no place preaching and lecturing because values differ and what is fair in one country is not fair in another.

One example is the Qatar world cup when they wouldn't allow LGBTQ messaging. Our values may suggest equal rights but theirs is informed by their religion and not as liberal. As much as you disagree and you are free to say you disagree, it wasn't right for athletes to go over there and start protesting in a country that is not theirs! You go there shut the fuck up, do your job, come back and go to a gay pride parade in your city if you wish. But dont tell Qataris how to live or what rights they should have etc.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I am proud too. But this fair country, was also the country that resorted to barbaric treatment of natives. There are many such examples.
That is ancient history at worst, and behind us since the 90's at best. Except that I am disgusted by the Federal govt's lack of action on safe drinking water etc on reserves

But let us not lecture other countries on how to live their lives was my point. Developed countries have way of preaching and lecturing others where they have no place preaching and lecturing because values differ and what is fair in one country is not fair in another.
Human rights are HUMAN rights. And I will stand up for my fellow human's right to be free from religious or fucking goat herder tribal customs of say, gouging out the clitoris of 12 year old girls!

Tell me in what species is that "fair"?

One example is the Qatar world cup when they wouldn't allow LGBTQ messaging. Our values may suggest equal rights but theirs is informed by their religion and not as liberal. As much as you disagree and you are free to say you disagree, it wasn't right for athletes to go over there and start protesting in a country that is not theirs! You go there shut the fuck up, do your job, come back and go to a gay pride parade in your city if you wish. But dont tell Qataris how to live or what rights they should have etc.
Fucking right I'd stand up for what I believe to be human rights. Not fucking oppressive brutality of killing another human because he or she likes to suck cock or wants a their own cock so that someone can suck it. And I'll stand up for the right for women to be treated as equal human beings. Yet neither affect me.

Would I actually go over to Qatar or Dubai and go to jail to protest? Nope. Sadly, I am too selfish to actually go to jail for my fellow human beings in Qatar or Dubai. But I believe in any human's right to stand up for the human rights of their fellow human if they are willing to pay the price.

I have actually fought and won two significant "battles" that have indeed changed the course of our world. One was quite significant and only took me a phone call to a well placed individual in government at the right time in history. But it was not heroic as there was no risk nor cost to me. The other was a risk to me and the cost would have been the loss of my liberty for several years. But doing nothing could have also cost me a year in jail. I did what I thought was the right thing and it changed the way some laws were enforced. Whew!

But as they say, all that evil takes to grow is to do nothing. (Or something like that)
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
That is ancient history at worst, and behind us since the 90's at best. Except that I am disgusted by the Federal govt's lack of action on safe drinking water etc on reserves

Human rights are HUMAN rights. And I will stand up for my fellow human's right to be free from religious or fucking goat herder tribal customs of say, gouging out the clitoris of 12 year old girls!

Tell me in what species is that "fair"?

Fucking right I'd stand up for what I believe to be human rights. Not fucking oppressive brutality of killing another human because he or she likes to suck cock or wants a their own cock so that someone can suck it. And I'll stand up for the right for women to be treated as equal human beings. Yet neither affect me.

Would I actually go over to Qatar or Dubai and go to jail to protest? Nope. Sadly, I am too selfish to actually go to jail for my fellow human beings in Qatar or Dubai. But I believe in any human's right to stand up for the human rights of their fellow human if they are willing to pay the price.

I have actually fought and won two significant "battles" that have indeed changed the course of our world. One was quite significant and only took me a phone call to a well placed individual in government at the right time in history. But it was not heroic as there was no risk nor cost to me. The other was a risk to me and the cost would have been the loss of my liberty for several years. But doing nothing could have also cost me a year in jail. I did what I thought was the right thing and it changed the way some laws were enforced. Whew!

But as they say, all that evil takes to grow is to do nothing. (Or something like that)
All of what you said only amounts to "in my culture and in my conscience it is wrong". In their culture and conscience what you stand for is immoral. Both views hold the same weight because qualitatively humans are all equal.

Same with politics and international affairs. You may hate China and think allying with them is wrong, but you have to realize that western nations dont do jackshit for these African countries while China does. They are also sovereign nations who can make those decisions for themselves, so to go over there like the German minister and try to talk down to them is nonsensical.

Here is another video about LGBTQ rights, the Kenyan President and an European Karen (what was this bitch thinking when she says "you are going to get yourself in trouble"? Trouble with who?The guy doesnt report to her he reports to the people of Kenya! lmao)

This guy gives it straight:



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Corruption is always a problem in countries where everyone is poor. It becomes a dog eat dog world. It will stabilize in the future.
But it's the US's fault that corrupt politicians are willing to put their own wealth and control ahead of society?

BTW. China is smoother in their dealings but they aren't the slightest bit more supportive of African people's rights.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I am proud too. But this fair country, was also the country that resorted to barbaric treatment of natives. There are many such examples.

But let us not lecture other countries on how to live their lives was my point....
Why not? We have made some progress in addressing our issues. Why should we not be allowed to comment on countries that are choosing to not only oppress their own people but intentionally spread that oppressive world view?

We don't have any 'right' to force them to change but we sure can make our opinions known.

p.s. I see it as bordering on racism to excuse other peoples for ignoring what we see as basic human rights.
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