Toronto Escorts

Adios y mucho gracias, ladies and Terb!


New member
May 6, 2007
As you will see from a previous post, I am shortly leaving Canada for an extended visit to Colombia and elsewhere in South America, possibly permanently and hopefully to enjoy my retirement. I can do this because my exwife is just that - ex - and my children are all grown and no longer need my support.

I've been a noncontributing member of this board for several years (I know, that's not cool and I can only apologise) but I thought I'd sign off by thanking you all for for your contributions in guiding me towards some incredible times with a whole bunch of lovely, intelligent and extremely sexy ladies. Obviously not all of my encounters were completely satisfactory, but I will say that once I discovered TERB the chances of disappointment were considerably reduced, although not eliminated (YMMV and mutual attraction are of course aways a factor)

I will also say that - as I'm sure you're aware - you are very lucky to have such choice and quality in Toronto. While I can't speak for Montreal or Vancouver I do know that such does not exist in Alberta or on the East Coast. At least not in my experience. My good luck was that business brought me to and through Toronto on a fairly regular basis.

I don't know where or how else to do it, but I do want to acknowledge the various ladies (many now retired I realise) who made my life so pleasurable in the last few years. By the way, it has also been my experience that when I continued to see a lady with whom I clicked, the quality of the encounter, not to speak of the "menu" invariably improved over time as confidence grew on both sides, so most of these were multiple visits.

So, to begin. In Calgary. There were only 2. Tania, of Kate's, had an insatiable sexual appetite, which for me overcame her total disregard for timeliness and fixation on getting rich. Hopefully she's now doing better with both in Vegas, where she went to make her fortune. Kyra Yumiko was the ultimate courtesan, starting with the rose petals on her stairs. Sadly she's now retired.

In Toronto, I must first recognise my 2 current favorite 1st choices, Sugar and Kim Ly. Those of you who have seen either of them will know that no more needs to said. Leaving Canada is made that much harder by the thought of no longer seeing either of them. Other currently active ladies are Daphne (only saw her once - too difficult to rebook but I certainly would have done otherwise) and Luana of Roommates. I saw Luana twice based on her physical beauty and her reviews, even though for some reason she and I didn't click. Also time only allowed one visit with Mia (Sassy's) and Victoria (of This is Victoria), although both are high quality ladies.

The next group are ladies who I believe are retired. This list is headed by Claudia (Hollywood). She was one of the most sensual, passionate ladies I have ever met. Almost made made me wish that I was Italian. Then there was (in no particular order) Justine, Shanna and Scarlett (all Hollywood), Tera (Roommates), Teena (Sassy's) and Kisa (Cupids).

I am leaving until last the lady who without trying or wanting to, touched me very deeply. That is Adele of Cupids. I was lucky enough to meet Adele a few months prior to her retirement, on several occasions. All I will say is that with her the encounter wasn't merely sexual, it was closer to making love (and yes, I do know and have experienced the difference in civilian life). She may not have been cut out for this life and if so was smart to get out of it when she did. She and I remained in contact for a while after her retirement, and I got to know and appreciate her many fine qualities. Age, distance and, inevitably, her entering on a serious personal relationship ended that.

My friendship with Adele led to a lifetime ban from Jillian, to which I faithfully adhered. If you're reading this, Jillian, I hope you will finally forgive me.

Anyway, to Adele in particular, as well as all of the other "superstars" I've mentioned, and to those others I've spent time with but not chosen to include, I say thank you and good luck with your lives. You all touched me in some way or other (including you, Jillian!) To the Terbites who helped me make good choices, thank you too.

Now, on to Colombia and las chicas in that beautiful country.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I have a good friend who spent several years in Columbia; he has said great things about the country and the climate which leads me to believe that you have made a very good choice. Best wishes.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Had i to do it all over again, i'd hav done the same thing, gotton married young, raised kids, gotton divorced, then travel.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Best wishes and stay safe Trntndr.

Oh, and if you weren’t going to already, pay attention to Wetnose's post.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Enjoy your retirement but occasionally Take One For the Team :D
Jan 19, 2004
What the F.....?

big_iguana said:
For fucks sake people, google them! They're two different places, geez!
Kudos to you, Big Iguana.

It is particularly alarming that even though it is spelled properly starting with the first post, it STILL gets spelled incorrectly!!

Plain and simple: There is no "U" in COLOMBIA.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
big_iguana said:
For fucks sake people, google them! They're two different places, geez!

What googling did you do...Colombia is a country, Columbia is not! (See wikipedia).
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