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A thread that got voted off


Apr 6, 2003
Okay this question only applies to the Girls that are 6'0 tall and over!....okay hypothetical speaking...

Say a guy asks you out - and he's 6'0 tall. And you like a guy thats at least your height..

so you say yes..

so you go out on a date ...and he's intelligent, funny, sincere, says you're the most beautiful girl and for some reason, you believe him...and you can tell he's not lying...

so he drops you off - making sure you get home safe - treating you like a princess - like pure gold the whole date...

listens to your every word, even when you went on and on, talking about how pissed off you were about your girlfriends and the way your boss treats you, for what seemed like a full hour, over dinner..

and when you caught yourself rambling on and on, you gasped and screeched to a halt and apologize so sincerely. But he only smiled and said no! no! please continue..! I love hearing about your life...and you knew he meant it completely...and wasn't just being polite.

So yeah, the date ended perfectly and he blew you away with such sincere, good companionship and sincere attention and affection that you never felt from a man before...

so you call him up that very same night and talk for an hour and lo and behold! He asks if you want to go out again. And you agree..

So the second date, it not only goes well, it goes perfectly. The weather is amazing. The evening is amazing. The conversation was amazing. You just had a great time.

So at the end of the evening, at the top of the stairs leading to your doorstep, you guys sit together to talk a little before calling it another perfect date.

He says, "Babe, I think I'm falling for you..."

She says, "I think I'm feeling something too."

He says, "I'm not perfect you know..."

She says, I'm not perfect either..."

Then he says, "Before we continue. I need to tell you. I'm not really 5'11"

She gasps and says, "But you are..."

He says, "No...let me show you."

And he shows the shoes that make him 5 inches taller.

And he's really 5'7. And the shoes were totally invisible.

Ultimate Question is,to the girls that are 6'0.

Do you dump him?


Why do I ask this?


LMFAO holy shit, talk about desperate lol lol lol


Not desperate. I just find tall girls very attractive. I don't know. They seem more confident. More worth chasing. More beautiful. More sexier. More worth getting to know.

I'm sure you guys can understand this. When you see a tall girl walking down the street, in front of you and you're watching her long legs clad in tight jeans and a deadly figure, walking so proudly, her booty a sight to behold...yet she's several inches taller ...

I'm more attracted to tall girls than short ones...


Quote from: Crystal Mermaid

"welll.... a lie is a lie is a lie isn't it?"


Okay. So, you're saying that all the women in the
world, that wear high heels, sometimes granting
them an additional "false" five to six inches in
height are all liars? And looking to embarrass
anyone that asks them out?
Knowing how 99% of women wear high heels as a
casual shoe and how common and popular high
heel shoes are for women. So, you're saying all
women who wear high heels, granting htem an
additional 5 inches in height, are liars and wrong for
wearing the shoes that gives them "false height"?
and that all girls that wear high heel shoes that give
them an additional 5 inches of false height, need to
"grow up" as one person puts it...?


I like this girl at work that is significantly taller than me. And besides, I want to know if its written in stone if tall girls ever date short guys, and why this
is frowned upon in society, when people stare at a couple that consists of a tall girl and a short guy and they wonder why and how that could be. But
when you see a couple that consists of a tall guy and a short girl, which is more common than blades of grass on a lawn, people don't even notice.
And I'm trying to figure out where does it come from that makes it seem wrong in society for a tall girl to date a short guy, but its perfectly normal and so common for a short girl to be with a tall guy, sometimes even a much taller guy.

Is it wrong in society or is it wrong for her?

How did this come out to be expected and the norm in society?



Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Dash buddy get over the obsession with height. Either women like you or they don't. Like how many threads do you have started on height?

If women all taller then you don't let it hold you back. If they don't want anything to do with you because you are too short then they probably aren't good enough for you.

I can see why this post might have got booted somewhere else. It is too long and doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Oct 19, 2005
Dash !!!!!!!!

Do me one favor stop worrying about what any chick or anyone else thinks

of you ..I dont think chicks are saying this to you or thinking it but YOU...I

think your obessed with not accepting your height try not to be a mind

reader of how tall chicks think about short guys you said its YOU who is

attrracted to tall females ...imagine all the petite gals that must feel so

upset right now that you have not given them a chance based on there

height ..Do you relate to that ? When real love happens it doesnt matter

what bullshit you read about or hear it just happens with someone accepting

who you are .........How can any chick tall /short accept you when you

dont accept yourself ! Theres plenty of people out there that have lost

there legs due to many different reasons .That wish they could walk .Maybe

you should visit some in the hospital and then be thankful you have two

legs to give you a "Reality check " Everyone has some insecurity whether

they admit it or not ..Your obession or fear of being shorter will not goaway

anyway if you do find miss 6feet tall .So the sooner you deal with your big

issue the better Wish you luck Dash ..dont let me go there and spank your ass ! If nothing else works call oprah or dr.phill ! let me know when your on k lol


Oct 30, 2005
Dash said:
I like this girl at work that is significantly taller than me. And besides, I want to know if its written in stone if tall girls ever date short guys
It's not written in stone, as you know, but it's rarer, as you also know.

Dash said:
, and why this is frowned upon in society, when people stare at a couple that consists of a tall girl and a short guy and they wonder why and how that could be.
If people stare at all it's probably because it is rare, not because it is "frowned upon".

Dash said:
But when you see a couple that consists of a tall guy and a short girl, which is more common than blades of grass on a lawn, people don't even notice.
To claim that something is mundane and then claim that people don't tend to notice mundane things isn't much of a point! But I think I understand the gist of what you are saying.

Dash said:
And I'm trying to figure out where does it come from that makes it seem wrong in society for a tall girl to date a short guy, but its perfectly normal and so common for a short girl to be with a tall guy, sometimes even a much taller guy.
Try to keep in mind that there is a difference between 'wrong' and 'unusual' or 'rare'.

It's just evolutionary fate that sexual dimorphism (differences in sex) in humans makes for males that are, on average, physically larger than females. Also, females will select mates with traits that give genetic benefit to her offspring, and height is one of the more obvious factors (others being things like symmetry, health, status, resources, etc).

Hypothetically, a tall male mate would, among other things, give the female the dual advantage of getting his size advantage for protection/hunting, as well as potentially giving her offspring a chance of receiving this genetic trait for height as well. Because this was generally beneficial, evolution favored females who were attracted to tall males.

There isn't quite the same pressure for a male to select a tall female mate. Instead, a male might look for a specific waist-hip ratio (around 0.7) instead of height because it tends to indicate how well a woman can deliver children. Don't get me wrong, though, it's not that cave men went around with a tape measure, but evolutionary pressures made it so that females with that waist-hip ratio would seem attractive to the male (probably without the male even knowing why).

Also, a smaller female might need less food, so that is an advantage if he has to hunt for her (less work to feed a smaller stomach?). That's just a guess though.

In any case, it is these evolutionary pressures that are woven into and become part of culture and society. So that's where it comes from.

Dash said:
Is it wrong in society or is it wrong for her?
If I understand this question correctly, you are wondering if society puts the pressure on the woman to 'want' taller guys, or if the woman herself 'feels' that she must only go out with taller guys, right?

Well, it's probably a bit of both - media and advertising subtly hint that height is attractive, and women may feel an unconcious attraction to taller men because of evolutionary pressure.

But not all women feel the same about height. Attraction is a complex phenomenon and there are plenty of traits other than height that a women will use to evaluate a potential mate.

Dash said:
How did this come out to be expected and the norm in society?
See what I wrote above (evolutionary pressure).

Not sure if these were the answers you were looking for, but I sincerely hope it helps.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Book a session with a really tall SP and work your obsession out.
If that does not work, book another.
If that does not work import a very tall mail order bride.
If that does not work,,,,,, well,,,,,, lower your expectations (Sorry could not help that)


Jan 31, 2005
I feel sorry for short guys. Being a short guy is worse than having a short dick. Women hate it just as much, but they can see it up front. At least short dick guys can keep their inadequacy a secret until they're making a run for home plate.

Where's babymilo? Hey babymilo, are you short?


Nov 14, 2005
Dare not speak of fat women on P of F.

2x my profile was deleted for topics relating to descrimination of short men having no real basis but descrimination of fat women is based on a reflection of poor health, lifestyle & food choices. I swear the moderators are fat welfare slobs of women. Threads about short guys & women making very negative comments abound. You must only address fat women as BBWs. I started a thread asking why are short men not addressed as SSMs =( short sexy men). I challenged this inconsistency/ double standard. Not surprising the thread got deleted. P.S. I have spent 10 months on p of f. sent messages to about 3000 women in the gta & got 3 dates. My profile is jazzy-one & I consider the site a complete waste of time for the short man. I am 5'6" & all the ladies on there want men 5'10"+.:mad:


Apr 6, 2003
cute-bald said:
My profile is jazzy-one & I consider the site a complete waste of time for the short man. I am 5'6" & all the ladies on there want men 5'10"+.:mad:
Amen. Especially the pretty ones. They won't even reply to a guy that is 5'6. They only reply to the ones that are 5'10"+.

Even worse are all the female profiles describing how they are looking only for guys that are 5'10" and over.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
I'm taller than the great bear??? Say it isn't so...:eek:


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
as a single guy who is 5'6 on a good day and having wasted alot of time and money on those dating websites let me tell you to get away from them as far as humanly possible. They are full of mostly women who lie about their looks, have expectations of Brad Pitt with a platinum credit card to offer, while what they give in return is barely a high school degree, being 30 and working in a covenience store the rest of their lives is a good career move and track pants are a fashion staple.

Get away from them once again, where do you meet attractive, interesting, intelligent women, work, join a gym, through acquaintances and friends, volunteer for something the list is endless, and oh in the meantime I just like to pay hot chicks to play with my weiner, that my single male friends is the secret to a happy life.


Nov 14, 2005
At least the site is free!!!

As well I love to sail. I joined a yacht club here in Toronto & bought a 43ft sailboat. Hope to meet lots of interesting people with similar interest. Plus they have lots of social events. You can join as a social member & sail with others who have a boat. Any guys or gals that like sailing get back.:D


Apr 6, 2003
incognito said:
What would be worse is a female of the same height as you but won't date you cause your not taller than her. Almost makes me think that short men are becoming an evolutionary dead end.
Um - actually this happens to be the case as well. As most girls have plenty to choose from. They can date a guy that is either their height or taller. So obviously, if they have 200 guys messaging them, asking them out at bars, making passes at them...Who do you think they're going to choose? The guy that is 5'5/5'6...or the guy that is 5'10/6'3?

Considering its already commonly established that girls aggressively seek, date and get seriously involved with guys that are tall, dark and handsome.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm six feet tall. I always figured I was kind of short. I see women chasing guys taller than me all the time. You 5'6 guys, I have only one thing to say... bahahhahahahahahahaha.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Maybe the ladies aren't into you because you’re obsessed with talking about being too short... It could be a real turn off.

I have a friemd he is 5'6" - 5'7", he keeps in good shape, well spoken. I have never seen him ever have a problem talking to women or getting laid. I don't thing I have seen him go with anyone over 5'8" or something but hell it doesn't bother him.
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