A "Star" Review


New member
Jan 7, 2005
I had the occasion to be in town last week and, having noticed that Star was having an in-call day, decided to give her a call for a quick one hour side trip. And I'm glad I did. To be honest I've looked her over before but always went with the younger women. Why? I guess I'm just partial to younger fillies. Gents, don't let her age turn you away. She has an amazing body (better than many younger women), and she's in perfect shape. I'd match her against almost anyone in their mid to late 20's. But I degress.

She said that almost anything was on the menu except the island salad. I can take it or leave it so no trip to the islands didn't bother me in the slightest.

I'm not one to kiss and tell suffice to say that we both decided that I should have booked more than one hour. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and by the way she responded I expect that she did too. The time just flew by.

If you've looked over her site and decided not to go there because of her age, take a second look, I'm glad I did.

As for a repeat it's probably a yes. The only reason I say probably is like I said to her, I like variety.

If you'd like more details PM me and I might oblige.
Toronto Escorts