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A short academic musing on the distant future of prostitution law in Canada...


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
In light of impending new laws governing prostitution, I'd like to posit that within the next ten years we will either see prostitution in Canada completely criminalized, or decriminalized and regulated by individual municipalities. No doubt, if the Nordic model is introduced, there are those who will make it their mandate to launch another constitutional challenge. Then, if the Nordic approach is struck down which would seem likely, government would be somewhat limited in their options. While it would seem Canadians are generally in favour of 'legalization', society at large is still quite misinformed as to the true nature of the industry. That said, the ultimate outcome will depend largely on the political will/climate of the times. Perhaps it would have been wiser to leave well enough alone...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I'm really frustrated when I read this kind of opinion, especially by those who WEREN'T affected negatively by the laws as they were. Its all fine to stand up now that YOU'RE the one at risk but when it was US at risk we should have "left well enough alone"?
Jessica, I presume that in using the words "risk" and "affected negatively" you are speaking in a "we are sisters" sense of those terms, since as it was, the law principally impacted Street Walkers and those working in Bordellos (under cover of some other name).

I fully agree that we should be sorry for the Pickton victims, but I fail to see how a change in law will radically alter their risk of exploitation.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
There is absolutely no way on earth that ANY law will ever prevent deranged humans like Pickton, Bernardo, Russell Williams et al, from pursuing their nasty deeds. Escorts are and sadly will always remain in a high risk category regardless of where they ply their trade. The only difference coming up is, business will be tanking. See you at the local Walmart check-out


Mar 21, 2011
5 years for advertising services would just bury it and make it that much sketchier.
Hopefully this one never gets through.

La Presse says there was another $175k government poll that disagreed with the bill that the con's buried.

Jessica, what would you do to make things safer for the ladies?


Sep 22, 2010
In light of impending new laws governing prostitution, I'd like to posit that within the next ten years we will either see prostitution in Canada completely criminalized, or decriminalized and regulated by individual municipalities. No doubt, if the Nordic model is introduced, there are those who will make it their mandate to launch another constitutional challenge. Then, if the Nordic approach is struck down which would seem likely, government would be somewhat limited in their options. While it would seem Canadians are generally in favour of 'legalization', society at large is still quite misinformed as to the true nature of the industry. That said, the ultimate outcome will depend largely on the political will/climate of the times. Perhaps it would have been wiser to leave well enough alone...
My take: Feminists are destroying this industry and empowering rapists/murderers
This is all about control, women hate prostitutes, because hookers take away the sexual 'power' women
have over men. What's the point in going for coffee/wasting hours listening to some broad..when you
can simply go see an incall, get your rocks off and have the rest of the day to enjoy?


I saw this one mouthy broad on t.v., she kept blabbing about this law 'helping Men become honourable'
uhm...lady, 'honour' has fuck all to do with guys stopping seeing hookers if this law goes through: IT'S THE CONCERN OF JAIL/FINES.

The flipside:

Fact is: no law can 'ban' prostitution. Escorts will simply find new/innovative ways to promote
their services online, use different code words and will simply keep changing to avoid this 'cat & mouse'
game the escort industry is now playing with the Feds.

You'll probably see escorts repackaging themselves as "Looking for a sugar Daddy".

at worst, this means prices will go up a little because of the now dubious legality of basic recreational sex.

Federal government can't even stop online movie think they'll stop consenting people having sex?

The escort industry is the last true bastion of the free/unregulated market in this country. Overall, everyone is very happy
with the services offered, and it's self-correcting.

I've seen a whole lotta escorts, and I have never seen one simply 'having no choice'. They all have choices, this crap about
some woman being 'violently forced' into this business is maybe less than one percent of the entire industry.

The biggest complaints most escorts have are John's not showing up on time/at all, hygiene, haggling the price
and asking for BBFS. It's an annoyance, but far from being a 'destructive force/crime against humanity'

The vast majority of escorts are just plain women who love the TAX FREE easy money:
A guy comes in a room, pays, cums and leaves.

Non-hookers/feminists fucking hate this consensual exchange: Money for sex.. *FEMINISTS WANT YOUR MONEY, BUT NO SEX FOR IT*

Addendum: This new law will really 'stack the deck' against the client...if/when this law comes through: Protect yourself. Have a paper trail/something to validate that it was a consensual act. All what it takes is for escorts to start abusing this new law as a means to get 'mo money' (extortion)


Oct 3, 2006
Dogpile has expressed my views exactly. Men have seen the halcyon days of escorting in Canada. The foreseeable future will be fraught with uncertainty. For most of us who have the money and the time to engage in this activity we have significant downside to be involved in activities that are not legal for many reasons. For all of us who expect to be admitted to the US to conduct our business a conviction even with an absolute discharge is unthinkable. I have contacts in the US who spend time in Canada to avoid the repression of US laws that see successful American men taken down (just ask Eliot Spitzer). That is all coming to an end in this country. I have not remained here because of the high taxes.

Straight men unlike gay men will never "rise up" or protest. We will suffer in silence wondering how the open door of sexual liberation has been shut on us. The police will not be setting up sting operations in gay bathhouses or swingers clubs. This law is directed at men like us. We are the new criminals.

I have seen in my lifetime the erosion of my rights from so many perspectives. We are such easy targets because we live in silence of every law that is meant to punish us because we are the historic "oppressors".

Good luck in hearing any man at any cocktail party ever express a view like this one.

I can assure you that on every trading floor, every boardroom, every operating/emergency room, every caucus meeting, every team meeting there will be in the near future much greater tension. I have never exploited any woman in my 22 years of happily paying (significant) money for a sexual encounter.

Today I wake up as the new criminal.

May 21, 2008
I don't know. In my lifetime I've seen legalized gambling, relaxed laws around pot and gay marriage. Things have progressed in a certain direction. Not everyone agrees with these changes but that has been the trend.

Hell, I remember when g-strings were the law and look where we are today. Again, good or bad.

I honestly can't see society regressing on this issue. I just can't see women's groups accepting this negative hit to women's rights, health, safety and economics.

I hate it when we seem to be going backwards.

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