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A Question to other SP's


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Hello, this is Chloe Croft. I have received a couple of e-mails from a guy just saying things like "you look hot", etc. - he hasn't actually made any attempt to book me and for the most part I have ignored him since I'm not fond of these types of e-mails.

The problem is today his wife sent me an e-mail telling me to stay away from her husband along with a picture of them together. I'm guessing she found the messages in his e-mails and she probably doesn't realize I'm an sp (not sure that would make a difference, but whatever). I've been an indy for quite a while now and this has never happened. It's not a big deal but my question to other sp's is does this ever happen to you and if so how often? Should I even bother responding? (I'm thinking no).

Happy New Year everyone!!



Sep 20, 2005
I wouldn't bother responding.
and what's up with spouses spying on eachother through email? haha


It's been good to know ya
I've only had this happen once in all my time as an sp and this actually happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I just ignored it no point wasting your time dealing with an angry woman. The man should have been more careful when when e mailing an sp to be sure to use a safe e mail address that the wife would not get access to ie... a yahoo handle that only he would sign into for this purpose. That was actually the first thought that came to my mind when I read mine so no need to worry about it it is the mans fault for not taking care of that on his side. Do not get further involved and just ignore it.

But that said, it rarely happens.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
I agree -- ignore the "wife" (if that's what it really was -- and not just an attempt on the part of some troll to generate some interesting correspondence -- it happens!).

But if you do decide to respond, you might point out that YOU have never made any vows to her -- and if she has issues, she should take them up with the person who *has* made vows to her. It's between the two of them, eh?



Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
I have heard this story a couple of times in the last months. Starting to wonder if there is some sort of scam going on. Maybe the guy gets kicked out, and will come to you for some free sympathy sex.

Just ignore it.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Shortly before GTAC went down an unhappy wife went into a diatribe againt the sp's; I can't remember all the details of this. However she claimed that she was going to leave her husband over it and take the kids. I meant to pm her and dissaude her from doing this without weighing out all the options and consider the impact of the kids first. Unfortunately once I collected my thoughts on the matter the site was down.

This sort of thing must happen everyday but particular instance struck a chord in me.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Alexa Taylor said:
I used to chat regularily with an SP from Boston and she once had a regular client's wife come to her incall location. This woman had a private investigator followup beforehand as well by following the husband going to the escort's place to meet for an appt and snapping pictures of them at a restaurant. The wife had all the proof and made this SP's life a living hell.
Sounds like the wife was making a living hell for the wrong person.
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