A Polite Request...

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Might I make a polite request?

If and when you see an escort in a public place, such as out in a restaurant, or at a theatre, I believe that the best approach to take is polite avoidance. After all, you have no idea who she is with, what name they might know her by, or whether or not they have a clue what she does for a living.

Last evening, I was out with a friend, having dinner in a nice restaurant downtown. I noticed a client I had seen before, sitting at a table alone - something that happens from time to time. Toronto may be big, but in many ways it is still a small town. As he was leaving, he walked over to my table, re-introduced himself, and made some small chit chat, all the while calling me by my name. Now, I'm lucky - almost everyone I know is aware that I am an escort, including my date. However, I can only imagine the situation this could have put some of the women I know in.

I can appreciate that it must seem like simple politeness to say hello, but for many us, we also require a separation between the two parts of our lives.

I would never, ever approach a client I saw in public. I would not even acknowledge having noticed him, out of concern for putting him into an awkward situation with a family member, spouse, colleague or friend.

I'm simply asking that the favor be returned, and I think I can safely say that I speak for many other escorts on this matter.

Discretion is something we need to exercise, for all of our sakes.



Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Well, you can shout it, but try to keep it to a dull roar ;)

Worst of all time was a client who calmly walked over once while I was sitting at a pub with a table full of friends, smiled and said hello, and then asked if he could book an appointment for a spanking and CBT session the next day.

I had to spend the next hour listening to half of the table asking what the hell CBT was, and the resulting cries of 'eww, really?' and 'ouch, holy shit, you must be kidding' ....

Good thing I wasn't sitting with a church group or something like that.

-- Morgan


New member
Aug 17, 2001
Morgan Ellis said:
Worst of all time was a client who calmly walked over once while I was sitting at a pub with a table full of friends, smiled and said hello, and then asked if he could book an appointment for a spanking and CBT session the next day.

I hope you given him an EXTREME CBT session for that one....


Jun 3, 2002
The discretion should work both ways.

I've had an SP come up and chat with me while I was having lunch with a friend. No problems with this particular friend, but it's disconcerting to say the least.


It's been good to know ya
I have had the same thing happen to me and I was with ones that I did not want to give any explanation to. This man was in his van and saw me and literally followed me and had a buddy of his that he wanted to intoroduce me to and I could not walk fast enough to escape him stopping beside us. He kept calling me over meanwhile the ones I was with kept staring. He had litterally put me on the spot. So I had no choice but to walk over and was hoping that what was said was not heard. I gave him the worst looks at the same time but really could not say too much either. It is extremely uncomfortable. After leaving all I kept getting asked is what is that all about. I kept saying never mind. What else could I say.


New member
Oct 19, 2003
I had an interesting incident with a SP a few years ago - a time when I still indulged in the hobby in the US (as opposed to flying up to TO or MTL). For about a year, I used to see this SP once or twice a month. At some point, she dropped off the face of the earth, and I found Canada!

Over a year after our last encounter, I saw her in my workplace! Turns out that my company had hired her as an administrative manager. I was not her supervisor, but I had work work with her often to get work accomplished. It was awkward, and I didnt quite know whether to say something to her about our previous meetings, or ignore our past life. I chose to ignore the past life.

Over the next few weeks, I started to sense increasing hostility from her. In all fairness, I dont know if I was treating her different because of our past. If I did, it was not intentional. Nonetheless, things got worse and got to the point where we were no longer able to function in the work environment. So I went out on a limb and asked her out to lunch. It was a long affair - we killed a bottle of wine (yes, in the middle of the day), enjoyed a great meal, and talked about our past relationship and how best to move forward. We never went back to the office that afternoon, but it was the most productive 4 hours I have ever spent. That was over two years ago, and since that lunch, she and I have an excellent professional relationship. Turns out that she felt slighted that I did not acknowledge our past relationship.

Moral of the Story - sometimes the SP and john need to acknowledge each other outside the hobbying environment.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Face it boys and girls, people like to be acknowledged.

BUT one does need be polite and discret. As many laides and some clients do not use their own names, uning a first name might be ackward. I polite nod or even a hi, how are you. Is not out of line and can be waved off by either party.

But to say HEY!!!!!!!!!!!You working??

Or Damn you are a busy...............

Well now that is just rude and uncalled for.

Of course this is just my opinion.


Jan 29, 2004
Rochester, NY, USA
I had something similar happen in Niagara one time. I was getting a room at a hotel, when I realized the woman in front of me in the line was a dancer I knew from the Sundowner. I did'nt want to cause her any embarassment with the clerk, so I simply waited to see if she would remember me. When she turned to leave she saw me, and said hello. To make a long story short, we only needed one room that nite....


New member
Sep 7, 2003
Morgan Ellis said:
If and when you see an escort in a public place, such as out in a restaurant, or at a theatre, I believe that the best approach to take is polite avoidance.
The same approach should hold true for dancers and MPAs. I have had dancers tell me stories of some uncomfortable situations that arose when customers attempted to engage them in conversation outside the club. Remember that everyone has a personal life outside their proffessional life and they deserve respect and privacy.


New member
Feb 16, 2004
yes, pineapple guy, I agree. I was out at a night club one night with a girl friend (who has no idea i'm a dancer) and this guy came up and started shouting "hey i know you, you're a stipper, you work at locomotion!". i tried to give him a look to say please shut up, but he kept it up. i had to pretend he was mistaking me for someone else, all the while my friend was like what is he talking about? he even went as far as saying , "ya, you used to have blonde hair", so i think she was getting really suspicious.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
I was shooting craps one night at the fallsview casino. Two girls from the 'downer noticed me as they walked by; they started waving and more or less started yelling my name out to get my attention. After everyone finished looking at them, all eyes and some smirks were directed at me. I just said "what???? we went to school togather" I got a few chuckles and we played on. Not really a big deal. One day I'm sure it will bite me on the ass.


A guy w/a girlie handle
Jun 28, 2004
Burbs Boy
Hey buddy, look over there . . .

he even went as far as saying , "ya, you used to have blonde hair", so i think she was getting really suspicious. [/B][/QUOTE]

An 'excuse me' knee to the groin may have been in order.
Morgan Ellis said:
Might I make a polite request?

If and when you see an escort in a public place, such as out in a restaurant, or at a theatre, I believe that the best approach to take is polite avoidance. After all, you have no idea who she is with, what name they might know her by, or whether or not they have a clue what she does for a living.
Most men in this situation will act what John Cena likes to rap, "you can't see me!". That's a common sense and many terbites here know that. Quite the contrary, some men would probably try to dodge away from you first before you "recognize" him.

Last evening, I was out with a friend, having dinner in a nice restaurant downtown. I noticed a client I had seen before, sitting at a table alone - something that happens from time to time. Toronto may be big, but in many ways it is still a small town. As he was leaving, he walked over to my table, re-introduced himself, and made some small chit chat, all the while calling me by my name. Now, I'm lucky - almost everyone I know is aware that I am an escort, including my date.
You are not that hard to be recognized, even the poor eye sighted dude could recognize you right the way.

Or he is a reader of Josie's my messy bedroom website.

However, I can only imagine the situation this could have put some of the women I know in.
That explain why some SP refuses to take clients younger or the same age group or having the same heritage.

I can appreciate that it must seem like simple politeness to say hello, but for many us, we also require a separation between the two parts of our lives.
Many guys pretty know the "rules of the games" and the "lines in the sand". I am surprised to know in a "civilian" role, she will "appreciate" simple politeness from any guy out of the blue "solicitation".

Many "civilians" are smart enough to read when guys try to "solicite" them without their own definition of justification, the guys or pigs for some "civilians" always have the f-word in their minds. For the guys, the f-word is not always on top of the agendas.

I would never, ever approach a client I saw in public. I would not even acknowledge having noticed him, out of concern for putting him into an awkward situation with a family member, spouse, colleague or friend.
Any "true civilians" would not be that aggressive to acknowledge and notice any dudes and try to approach the "targets". Not even at the clubs. Those "on the edge cilivians" would rather cum as wolfpacks, try to manipulate and play hard to catch to the guys until the guys are either capitulate or control like an obedient puppies, but not too obedient that she just feels pathetic!


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
Anyone??? Is there blood coming out of my ears???^^^^^^

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
Some people have to be told everything that you would just think is common sense......... over and over and over......... common sense is not that common!!!!!.........
b d
Toronto Escorts