a message from MMofM


New member
Mar 31, 2005
#1,000 OMFG, What have I done!

Well today is the day. Today I go from being a newbie, to a dirty old man.
How the hell did I get here?
I started the 999 thread as a non-hijacked thread for Calloway and I to pick on Indy until he hit the 1,000 mark. (My apologies for all the recent hijackings) Little did I know that the 999 thread would take on a life of it’s own! That my friends is YOUR fault! You people are certified NUTS….and I love ya for it.
I realize that for many of us, this is a “secret life”. Both for the women and for the guys. The really strange thing is, for me, this “secret life” is the real me. So I have a hard time calling the other life, the “real world” as many refer to it as. How much more real can it be if I have developed friendships, both male and female. I have discovered that there are a few women that I have fallen in love with and after learning the lessons that they have taught me, some now have become my best friends. I’ve also come to believe that terb is, for many of us, an “adult” MSN. The fact that we can banter back and forth, cause each other to laugh out loud and some days get each other through a rough day, makes this a great place to play. This KW board has become my own “reality show” and damn it’s fun!

To start with the ”Grand Wizard” himself. Sheik, I was stunned that you posted in my lowly thread. It was a honour to hear from you. You have now left yourself subject to my inquiring mind. Does the handle “Sheik” refer to the fact that you rule over this kingdom called terb? Or is my sick mind correct in assuming that it refers to the fact that you are the condom that keeps all us pricks covered? (Oh damn, almost forgot, “with all due respect, sir). Now regarding your thought to duplicate my post, why are you thinking so small? If you’re going to do that go big time and duplicate my POSTS. Take me past 2,000, that should shut me up for what, a year? One last question, sir, don’t you just think that this KW board is the most civil one in all of the terb empire?

Indy, what the hell took you so long? Making me stay quiet this long has been unbearable. This dirty sock in my mouth is really starting to taste like crap! And using Shauna to coerce me was worse than you refusing to post my messages for me!

Thank God for friends like Calloway, someone that is trustworthy, upstanding and willing to carry the torch in my self imposed exile. Here is a gentleman that knows how to read the “fine” print!
(thanks for posting the “message from MMofM)

Speaking of exile, Nautilus, where the bejesus have you been when I needed you most? You’re the one that got me into this crazy hobby in the first place! Now you’re sweeping all my favourite girls off their feet. Maybe THAT’S the problem, I haven’t been making them lie down!!!

Hammertm, as usual being the ever detail oriented guy that you are, realized that if all our posts still existed, I’d be over already. (actually, it’s been “over for me” for a long time, lol)

Musketeer, it’s water under the bridge after having seen that “newbie’s” post describing what some of us so fondly wish was an experience for only ourselves. Your “rapier” wit has been waning lately, git back at it me boy! That being said, if you and I can start talking to each other, then time should heal the rift between hammertm and Calloway.

Cutterbuck (danny), you perverted little “twin’, thanks for the intro to Amanda and our daily musings. The similarities in life scare the hell out of me!

MrO, intellectually and emotionally I cannot set you adrift. For you are the bedrock from which many of us have aspired to outdo you’re warped sense of humour.

Phnine, holy crap, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you knew us peons existed!!

Salsamarc, I am becoming suspicious that the “Shill Hunter” has a softer gentler side that he only shows on the KW board. HA, let’s make that KW’s gain and Hamilton’s loss. I think it’s time you took the “3 hr cruise.”

Choron, I will do my best to stop teasing you………………………………………on one condition. Stop being nasty to the newbies. We were all there once. I have always been a champion of the underdogs. I will withdraw my pitchfork if you withdraw your dagger. What you are doing is not the same as having a “rapier wit” like Musketeer.

The ladies………
Yes I’ve fallen for a few and been chastised by some on this board. Ironically, not by resident KW board members. I think that is because there are a few here that have fallen prey to the same women that I have. Let me take the liberty of mentioning a few from this year and we’ll consider this my year end post.
Spice knows the buttons to push to not only give you what you need, but the aggressiveness to show you how to please her. The tigress outfit is really representational of the woman within! There is no such thing as a clock with Spice, because time literally flies by unnoticed!
Savannha has a way with words as well as a wonderful way to stop herself from talking. She has the ability to “inflate” more than just your ego. There is no question that the energizer bunny has come back with a vengeance. I love the way she has made terb her own personal web site!
Jakobee my dear, there aren’t many that I would travel all the way to Vancouver for to spend time with. Gentle Jakobee has taken a piece of KW with her to Vancouver and the “Beach” is a better place because of it.
The soft spoken Amanda has been a well hidden secret until recently. That has changed since talking to Cutterbuck and seeing MrO’s, Indy’s and other’s glowing accounts. There is no question that there is a sweet and wild ride in that tiny frame!

Now these two ladies that have taught me more in the last year, than I have learned in all my prior years. These two really should be sisters. There are many similarities not visible to the naked eye, but damn they do look good naked! They have both actually become two of my best friends and I hope that one day they will become the best of friends. How can you not fall for Mariah or Shauna? The attributes are endless because the variety of personality traits seem endless. Both have tremendous business acumen, both are truly successful in their chosen fields. They are not the “flavour of the week”, but long standing business women in an incrediblely competitive line of work. I don’t think any of us have to put forth the effort that they do to stay at the top of their field. It requires intelligence, beauty, devotion to maintaining a level of physical fitness, the ability to put up with some of us idiots on a daily basis and the thing that blows my mind the most…….the courage to open that door to a complete stranger. I defy any of you to tell me that you or I have to contend with these issues on a day to day basis.

And finally “the one”!
This is the woman that my travels and adventures have lead me to. This is the one that embodies the character, the maturity, the beauty and intelligence of my two best friends above. I had been convinced and convinced myself that what I sought was unattainable. Life is funny that way, when you stop looking for something, it actually shows up and bites you when you least expect it.
Love bites and I’m loving every bite she takes…………


This refusing to post number 1,000 before Indy, was actually an elaborate ruse.
I needed a way to stop posting, to give myself time to think about what I would say in this my 1,000th post.
But, it started to drag on longer than I had anticipated (you little bugger), so I had to try and accelerate things. Indy waged his campaign in public, with the advantage of having all you people available in a public forum. I had to resort to the politician’s method. Back room dealings and behind the scenes negotiations with a few of our KW “power brokers”.

A message from MMofM:

Indy, my friend, CONGRATULATIONS …………you’ve been had………AGAIN! ROTFLMFAO!!!


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Does that qualify?


New member
Mar 31, 2005
Thank you for that wonderful review and for the present(s) this morning.
I always enjoy spending time with one of my dearest friends. You guys are so much fun!!!!
But you do know that you are considered a bigger perv because I know the year that I met you and how long you have been following me and it doesn't match up with your join date on Terb. hehe


Jan 17, 2004
Cutterbuck (danny), you perverted little “twin’, thanks for the intro to Amanda and our daily musings. The similarities in life scare the hell out of me!

Me, perverted? I resemble that remark. You got it Pontiac. See ya, buckaroo.:D


Gone to the future.
Indy, did Shauna tell you?

Your prize was retroactive......you actually received it that morning. She was thinking about making the offer before you got there, thought what the hell Indy can have his prize now. That way there won't be any fighting after MMofM wins. ;)

Such a smart woman!!!


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
magicmanofmassage said:
Indy, did Shauna tell you?

Your prize was retroactive......you actually received it that morning. She was thinking about making the offer before you got there, thought what the hell Indy can have his prize now. That way there won't be any fighting after MMofM wins. ;)

Such a smart woman!!!
LMAO! Now, boys, no more fighting as Shauna sighs.

Yes, a smart woman indeed who knows how to stifle the competition and award each contestant their much coveted prizes.

MMofM and Indy, you are both lucky horndogs!

Gawd, I'm still drooling over Shauna's latest signature pics the past week. Oooh-la-la!
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