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A Message for Children about Climate Change


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Hilarious, and spot on.

A Message for Children about Climate Change

Dear Children,

I’m sorry adults have frightened you about climate change and how it might affect your future. You might be less afraid if you knew some facts that adults intentionally do not explain to you. I’ll tell you here.

The news was once a source of real information, or so we thought. But in the modern world, the news people discovered they can make more money by presenting scary news regardless of whether it is true or not. Today, much of the news on the right and the left is opinion that is meant to scare you, not inform you, because scary things get more attention, and that makes the news business more profitable. The same is true for people who write books; authors often make books scary so you will buy them. Most adults know all the scariness is not real. Most kids do not. You just learned it.

Nuclear energy used to be dangerous, back in the olden days. Today’s nuclear power plants (the ones built in the past 20 years all over the world) have killed zero people, and are considered the safest form of energy in the world. More people have died installing solar panels and falling off roofs than have died from nuclear power problems anywhere in the world for the past few decades. And nuclear energy is the obvious way to address climate change, say most of the smartest adults in the world, because it can provide abundant, cheap, clean energy with zero carbon emissions.

Nuclear energy as a solution to climate change is one of the rare solutions backed by several Democrats running for president and nearly all Republicans. Please note that two Democrats in favor of nuclear energy (Corey Booker and Andrew Yang) are among the youngest and smartest in the game. To be fair, the oldest Democrat running for president, Joe Biden, also supports nuclear energy because he is well-informed.

If you are worried about nuclear waste, you probably should not be. Every country with nuclear energy (and there are lots of them) successfully stores their nuclear waste. If you put all the nuclear waste in the world in one place, it would fit on one football field. It isn’t a big problem. And new nuclear power designs will actually eat that nuclear waste and turn it into electricity, so the total amount of waste could come way down.

The United Nations estimates that the economic impact of climate change will reduce the economy by 10% in eighty years. What they don’t tell you is that the economy will be about five times bigger and better by then, so you won’t even notice the 10% that didn’t happen. And that worst case is only if we do nothing to address climate change, which is not the case.

A number of companies have recently built machines that can suck CO2 right out of the air. At the moment, using those machines would be too expensive. But as they come down in cost and improve in efficiency, we have a solution already in hand should it ever be needed. It would be expensive, but there is no real risk of CO2 ruining the world now that we know how to remove any excess from the atmosphere. (Plants need CO2 to thrive, so we don’t want to remove too much. Greenhouses actually pump in CO2 to make plants grow better.)

Scientists tell us that we could reduce climate risks by planting more trees. (A lot more.) That’s all doable, should the world decide it is necessary. There are a number of other companies and technologies that also address climate change in a variety of ways. Any one of the approaches I mentioned (nuclear energy, CO2 scrubbers, planting trees) could be enough to address any climate risks, but there are dozens of ways of dealing with climate change, and more coming every day.

Throughout all modern history, when we humans see a problem coming from far away, we have a 100% success rate in solving it. Climate change is no different. All the right people are working hard at a wide variety of solutions and already know how to get there, meaning more nuclear power plus CO2 scrubbers, plus lots of green power from solar, wind, and more.

If you are worried about rising sea levels, don’t be. The smartest and richest people in the world are still buying property on the beach. They don’t see the problem. And if sea levels do rise, it will happen slowly enough for people to adjust.

Adults sometimes like to use children to carry their messages because it makes it hard for the other side to criticize them without seeming like monsters. If adults have encouraged you to panic about climate change without telling you what I am telling you here, they do not have your best interests at heart. They are using you.

When you ask adults about nuclear energy, expect them to have old understanding about it, meaning they don’t know the newer nuclear energy technologies are the safest energy on the planet.

What I told you today is not always understood even by adults. You are now smarter than most adults on the topic of climate.

My generation has a lot of faith in your generation. You will be the most educated and effective humans of all time. My generation (and a few generations younger than me) already has the fixes to address climate risks coming online. Your generation will finish the job.

We adults respect your passion and your energy on the topic of climate. But it isn’t fair for us to deny you the basic facts while at the same time scaring you into action. I hope this letter helps you sleep better. We adults have this problem under control, or will soon, and you’ll help us finish the job. So get some good sleep tonight. Together, we got this.

Scott Adams


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Lotsa good stuff in that piece, too bad it comes distorted by the usual XXIC YouTube rhetoric of self-righteous sound-bites, he wraps it in, where everyone who slightly disagrees can only be a dire villain or deluded simpleton.

He has paragraph after paragraph telling his junior audience climate change is real and must be faced, as humans have faced and dealt with changes before. He points out that 'solutions' exist, can be found, and can even produce profits and prosperity. But instead of setting that out as a cause for hope and a strategy for ambitious personal goals, he uses it to slag every adult he can think of for their failure and shortsightedness.

Ask any Millennial how their grandparents similar smug sloganeering: "Don't trust anyone over thirty" made a better world for them to inherit. All well and good to denounce the climate-change scare-mongers, but negatives are always the easiest and least useful responses to problems; it's a pity he got so stuck with his.

Well worth a second read to look past them. Even if it does make you wonder if he has shares in the nuclear biz.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Hilarious, and spot on.

A Message for Children about Climate Change

Dear Children,

I’m sorry adults have frightened you about climate change and how it might affect your future. You might be less afraid if you knew some facts that adults intentionally do not explain to you. I’ll tell you here.

The news was once a source of real information, or so we thought. But in the modern world, the news people discovered they can make more money by presenting scary news regardless of whether it is true or not. Today, much of the news on the right and the left is opinion that is meant to scare you, not inform you, because scary things get more attention, and that makes the news business more profitable. The same is true for people who write books; authors often make books scary so you will buy them. Most adults know all the scariness is not real. Most kids do not. You just learned it.

Nuclear energy used to be dangerous, back in the olden days. Today’s nuclear power plants (the ones built in the past 20 years all over the world) have killed zero people, and are considered the safest form of energy in the world. More people have died installing solar panels and falling off roofs than have died from nuclear power problems anywhere in the world for the past few decades. And nuclear energy is the obvious way to address climate change, say most of the smartest adults in the world, because it can provide abundant, cheap, clean energy with zero carbon emissions.

Nuclear energy as a solution to climate change is one of the rare solutions backed by several Democrats running for president and nearly all Republicans. Please note that two Democrats in favor of nuclear energy (Corey Booker and Andrew Yang) are among the youngest and smartest in the game. To be fair, the oldest Democrat running for president, Joe Biden, also supports nuclear energy because he is well-informed.

If you are worried about nuclear waste, you probably should not be. Every country with nuclear energy (and there are lots of them) successfully stores their nuclear waste. If you put all the nuclear waste in the world in one place, it would fit on one football field. It isn’t a big problem. And new nuclear power designs will actually eat that nuclear waste and turn it into electricity, so the total amount of waste could come way down.

The United Nations estimates that the economic impact of climate change will reduce the economy by 10% in eighty years. What they don’t tell you is that the economy will be about five times bigger and better by then, so you won’t even notice the 10% that didn’t happen. And that worst case is only if we do nothing to address climate change, which is not the case.

A number of companies have recently built machines that can suck CO2 right out of the air. At the moment, using those machines would be too expensive. But as they come down in cost and improve in efficiency, we have a solution already in hand should it ever be needed. It would be expensive, but there is no real risk of CO2 ruining the world now that we know how to remove any excess from the atmosphere. (Plants need CO2 to thrive, so we don’t want to remove too much. Greenhouses actually pump in CO2 to make plants grow better.)

Scientists tell us that we could reduce climate risks by planting more trees. (A lot more.) That’s all doable, should the world decide it is necessary. There are a number of other companies and technologies that also address climate change in a variety of ways. Any one of the approaches I mentioned (nuclear energy, CO2 scrubbers, planting trees) could be enough to address any climate risks, but there are dozens of ways of dealing with climate change, and more coming every day.

Throughout all modern history, when we humans see a problem coming from far away, we have a 100% success rate in solving it. Climate change is no different. All the right people are working hard at a wide variety of solutions and already know how to get there, meaning more nuclear power plus CO2 scrubbers, plus lots of green power from solar, wind, and more.

If you are worried about rising sea levels, don’t be. The smartest and richest people in the world are still buying property on the beach. They don’t see the problem. And if sea levels do rise, it will happen slowly enough for people to adjust.

Adults sometimes like to use children to carry their messages because it makes it hard for the other side to criticize them without seeming like monsters. If adults have encouraged you to panic about climate change without telling you what I am telling you here, they do not have your best interests at heart. They are using you.

When you ask adults about nuclear energy, expect them to have old understanding about it, meaning they don’t know the newer nuclear energy technologies are the safest energy on the planet.

What I told you today is not always understood even by adults. You are now smarter than most adults on the topic of climate.

My generation has a lot of faith in your generation. You will be the most educated and effective humans of all time. My generation (and a few generations younger than me) already has the fixes to address climate risks coming online. Your generation will finish the job.

We adults respect your passion and your energy on the topic of climate. But it isn’t fair for us to deny you the basic facts while at the same time scaring you into action. I hope this letter helps you sleep better. We adults have this problem under control, or will soon, and you’ll help us finish the job. So get some good sleep tonight. Together, we got this.

Scott Adams
Always a sign of good parenting to encourage them to believe fiction as reality. Or alternative facts.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Dilbert is really the expert the right wing was looking for, I guess.

My generation has a lot of faith in your generation. You will be the most educated and effective humans of all time. My generation (and a few generations younger than me) already has the fixes to address climate risks coming online. Your generation will finish the job.
Except that none of that is true. As the WMO reports, emissions are going up, coal is still being burnt, nobody is building nuclear and there are no CO2 scrubbers anywhere.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Lotsa good stuff in that piece, too bad it comes distorted by the usual XXIC YouTube rhetoric of self-righteous sound-bites, he wraps it in, where everyone who slightly disagrees can only be a dire villain or deluded simpleton.

He has paragraph after paragraph telling his junior audience climate change is real and must be faced, as humans have faced and dealt with changes before. He points out that 'solutions' exist, can be found, and can even produce profits and prosperity. But instead of setting that out as a cause for hope and a strategy for ambitious personal goals, he uses it to slag every adult he can think of for their failure and shortsightedness.

Ask any Millennial how their grandparents similar smug sloganeering: "Don't trust anyone over thirty" made a better world for them to inherit. All well and good to denounce the climate-change scare-mongers, but negatives are always the easiest and least useful responses to problems; it's a pity he got so stuck with his.

Well worth a second read to look past them. Even if it does make you wonder if he has shares in the nuclear biz.
He has always packaged his messages that way, perhaps his sense of humor isn’t for everyone.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Dilbert is really the expert the right wing was looking for, I guess.

Except that none of that is true. As the WMO reports, emissions are going up, coal is still being burnt, nobody is building nuclear and there are no CO2 scrubbers anywhere.

Vs a Highschool Sophomore and a Bartender?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
If all we had was nuclear we could make it work, nuclear has limited ability to maneuver it's output so the way we use energy needs to change such that it is always constant.

If all we had was solar we could also make it work, but it would be a much harder to adapt to it. In the winter, hours would be cut and in summer we all work longer hours, that is just the tip of the iceberg of adaptation that we must undergo.

The technolgy that would make both nuclear and solar a drop in replacement and solve most of global warming is graphene. Graphene is a superb energy storage device that is safe, graphine can also be made to be super conducting at room temperatures which means a small wire can carry the entire power usage of a small town or city. It's super conducting and it's semiconductor properties allows graphine transistors to reach over 400 Ghz. Graphine is incredibly strong and a thin sheet can stop a high calibre bullet. Graphene's super conducting properties at room temperature will play a key part in make fusion power a reality.

Graphene is our saviour, but we have yet to be able to manufacture it on a large scale and without errors.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
My message for the children can be summarized in two words:
conservation, austerity. Yes they inherit the pending ecological
crisis. But they also inherit a modern society the fruit of 4000 years
of progress of science and civilization. Just like our generation don't
expect them to show us any gratitude we are not thrilled to be
denounced like we have stolen their dreams. Holding us in contempt
will be fruitless for there is only one life to live and we won't be
able to atone our sin when we are gone. It is entirely up to you
to manage what little of remaining natural resources to bring
the transition to a non-polluting world living on renewable resources.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
My message for the children can be summarized in two words:
conservation, austerity. Yes they inherit the pending ecological
crisis. But they also inherit a modern society the fruit of 4000 years
of progress of science and civilization. Just like our generation don't
expect them to show us any gratitude we are not thrilled to be
denounced like we have stolen their dreams. Holding us in contempt
will be fruitless for there is only one life to live and we won't be
able to atone our sin when we are gone. It is entirely up to you
to manage what little of remaining natural resources to bring
the transition to a non-polluting world living on renewable resources.
Thet are right to be critical of this generation for not taking steps to ameliorate the situation while there is time.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Thet are right to be critical of this generation for not taking steps to ameliorate the situation while there is time.
When they start paying the mortgages they will have earned the right to be listened to....


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Can you be more specific as to what steps should have been
How about weening ourselves off oil to begin and moving toward renewable, wind, solar etc.. And definitely phasing out beautiful, clean coal.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
How about weening ourselves off oil to begin and moving toward renewable, wind, solar etc.. And definitely phasing out beautiful, clean coal.
Physically impossible to replace fossil fuels with wind & solar
It would take a land mass the size of Russia
tThe energy required to mine and process the copper, rare earth metals, steel aluminum, plastics etc is astronomical, Then hundreds of thousands of miles of cable would be required
I doubt there is that much copper on the planet
A solar powered copper smelter has not been invented yet (nor will be)
Then the wind turbines would need to be replaced every 20 years, after they decimated the birds (can you say a bloom in insect population?)

This lame idea might have a ghost of a chance if nuclear was included in the mix , but that is not aligned with Greenpeace's agenda
Who do you think is driving the propaganda / narrative of a man made apocalypse?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
How about weening ourselves off oil to begin and moving toward renewable, wind, solar etc.. And definitely phasing out beautiful, clean coal.
How would we have managed the low and variable production of renewables?

Fracking NG pushed out clean coal. (Why the EU has not followed this is insane)

Meanwhile, Canada ...... the people who hate the planet the most.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Physically impossible to replace fossil fuels with wind & solar
Then I suppose future generations are fucked when fossils run out, right?
Or are you of the ignorant ilk that believe fossil fuels are an unlimited resource?

I bet you are old, alone, and childless... non?

I'm sure at one point in history, some ignorant twat said it was impossible to create a mechanized device that would change the world 'for the better'.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Then I suppose future generations are fucked when fossils run out, right?
Yeah that will likely be a problem if the environuts are still preventing nuclear
No matter the world will have to go down the nuclear path one day

Or are you of the ignorant ilk that believe fossil fuels are an unlimited resource?
The facts of geology and technological limitations dictate that fossil fuels are not unlimited
There is finite amount

I bet you are old, alone, and childless... non?
You should not bet on what you do not know

I'm sure at one point in history, some ignorant twat said it was impossible to create a mechanized device that would change the world 'for the better'.
You may be right on that, after there have been billions of people who could have said that

Now that you have shown how obnoxious you can be perhaps you try to show how intelligent you can be?
explain how in detail wind and solar are going to overcome the issues I explained ?

It is a simple fact. they can not and if you are able to rationally and objectively view a problem, you would come to the same conclusion


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
they can not
Your age and ignorance are showing.
You think nuclear is the only solution, don't you?
I suppose you have never read about Chernobyl or Fukushima, or Three Mile Island?
I bet you don't know that if the Chernobyl 'remediation' (if you want to call it that) went sideways, MOST of Europe would STILL be uninhabitable, and be so for the next few thousand years.
Let's populate the world with little 'disasters in waiting', right?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You need to stop viewing propaganda sites
Get back to us when the headlines are not predictions from envior propaganda sites
An enthusiasic and positive lot, however clearly more sizzle than steak

Australia already tried going big on the renewables
So did Germany
Prices skyrockets , brown outs occur and a string of ousted governments in Oz
Germany is buying coal from poland

Physically impossible to replace fossil fuels with wind & solar
It would take a land mass the size of Russia and massive amounts of energy to process the massive amounts of materials required
Think about the amount of energy that needs to be replaced
Try it for a change. stop and think
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