A Diary of A Hobbyist: Just for the fun of it Part 2


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Snapshots from a hobbyists life well spent...

I started this in another section; https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?304266-A-Hobbyists-Diary-Just-for-the-fun-of-it
but thought maybe the forum might be the place for this rambling.

June 22, summer solstice in Frankfurt Germany a new/old world business centre. Finished a long day of meetings and was cut lose for the evening. It was time to explore one of the largest red light districts in the world. Action doesn’t start till after 8 in the Bahnhofsviertel block.
This was to be a night of firsts.
First, a visit to several of the Eros Centres. These are 4 or 5 storey buildings; hotels with a difference. You wander through the halls of the hotel and if the woman is available she will be leaning against her open door way trying to entice you into her web. Women abound for every taste. Unlike Amsterdam they aren’t behind windows, they are touching you, and you savour the cornucopia of different perfumes and take in a veritable United Nations of accents. The higher you go in the hotel, the cheaper the rate and to a greater or lesser extent, the lower quality of the service provider. You have to move fast. Found one very attractive girl who was talking to a few men ahead of me. In typical Canadian fashion, I hung back waiting my turn to enter negotiations…but a deal was struck ahead of me and the door closed on this one. Lesson learned though.
Found another Eros Centre on a side street. Rather than the front door I followed a group of men to a dimly lit parking garage attached to the building. The adrenalin was pumping as I proceeded cautiously down the ramp into the dark interior of the garage. The parking area was marginally better lit. There were about 25 men milling about in the gloom. Some talking quietly others, like me, alone, shuffling around waiting nervously even though I wasn’t sure just what I was waiting for. Without warning the lights came up and as our eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness a door opened and 30 or 40 women in various “costumes” flowed in and filled the space. Some women headed for specific men, others just circulated. Very quickly I saw a gorgeous young brunette and made a beeline for her. I had learned my lesson from the previous centre! We talked, established a price of 30 euros and I was led away by the hand to her room. I thought that I had bagged my trophy for the night but in hindsight realized that it was she who had in fact bagged her game!
The second first occurred later that evening when I was dragged into a bar by a very attractive Asian woman. “Just come in and have a drink with me, we talk, you can watch me strip…” Feeling on top of the world from my encounter with “Helga” of the parking garage…and with a few euros left to burn…I said “sure, but just one drink…” The game was on. Her work was just begun.
Led to a booth, with a curtain and settled in for the first very expensive drinks. By the time we were on our second drinks and I was down about what I paid for the half hour with Helga, the curtain was pulled and the touching began. Light kissing progressed to more fevered embraces; awkwardly attempted sitting side by side in the booth. As my hand began to explore a lovely smooth leg, she stopped me with… “I have to tell you something, I have a penis…” Silence, I wasn’t sure what to make of this. A beautiful woman had never said this to me before. I think all I could do was say something like “…you’re joking, right?” A few seconds later she moved my hand up the path it had been travelling on its own until my fingers reached not a vagina but a familiar appendage! I had met my first Thai Ladyboy. Time for another round of drinks.
Over the next hour we drank, kissed and cuddled and frankly, I enjoyed her company. Had I not wiped out my bank account there is no telling where the encounter in this Chat Bar might have led. I finally disengaged from her company and staggered back to my hotel quietly singing “Life is a cabaret old chum…come to the cabaret!”


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Continuing Part 2:
Moncton New Brunswick in a blizzard is a quiet town.
It was 8:00 PM, dark and snowing hard when I pulled into my hotel after a long tough drive in ever worsening conditions. I was tense and needed a massage. I found a place listed in a local paper and questioning my sanity headed out into the storm in search of company.
Found the parlour and rang the bell. A woman well into her 30’s answered the door with her coat on; I caught her as she was just closing up for the night. Business isn’t too good in a maritime snow storm so she was quite happy accommodate me. In the light she wasn’t very attractive but the phrase “any old port in a storm” seemed to be quite appropriate on this night.
She led me to a large room with a shower in one corner, boxes piled along one wall and a large massage table in the centre of the room. I decided to shower so she handed me a towel then settled into a chair to chat and size me up as I undressed. As I finished the shower she roused herself from the chair and helped dry me off. Lying face down on the table I received an excellent massage. She knew what she was doing and I appreciated it.
Throughout the massage we talked about a wide range of things and clearly were enjoying each others company. On the flip, conversation stopped. She brought one hand gently down my stomach to meet her other hand sensuously travelling up my leg. In short order her hand gave away to her mouth and for the next lifetime I had the best BBBJ that I have ever had. It was a magical, unexpected experience at the end of a long day.
Sometime later I was in Moncton again and her business was gone…for me it was to be a once in a lifetime experience, but one I still remember to this day.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts