9 of 10 resumes in the trash!


Active member
May 3, 2006
So you made a typo on your résumé or smudged ink over your letterhead. No big deal, right? Wrong. A recent British study of 450 résumés found nine out of 10 are tossed in the trash without even a second look. Ninety-four per cent of the résumés studied by Personal Career Management never made it past the first stage of the recruitment process. Eighty-one per cent were tainted with spelling mistakes or poor grammar. Thirteen per cent used too much irrelevant or clumsy language. "Many employers only need to see one mistake to send CVs straight to the recycle bin," noted Julian Acquari, managing director of Monster UK and Ireland in response to the study. Corinne Mills, author of You're Hired! How to Write a Brilliant CV weighed in too. "Why would anyone want to employ a lawyer or secretary who makes spelling mistakes or errors?" Because obviously if a lawyer can't use spell check he must not know how to win a case.
81% with spelling mistakes? WTF?



"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
asn said:
that's just idotic. before I hand out my CV I ask at least 3 people I know to proof read it for me.
Me too... well, I haven't needed a resume in awhile, but I used to when I needed to.

It's always good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes look at things. Generally I try to spell correctly, even in text messages, but then there's things like typos and getting certain words mixed up... (e.g. its vs it's, there vs their vs they're, coarse vs course, right vs write, waste vs waist etc.) I KNOW the difference, but during the course (coarse!) of day to day communication and typing things out, I admit that they do get mixed up from time to time.

vsailor makes a very good point about how we have gotten lazy with such things with e-mail and text messaging...

Having said this, for something as serious as a curriculum vitae (resume) one should take the time and have it checked. Prospective employers look for this sort of thing all the time in order to weed them out.

BTW asn... "idiotic" was spelled incorrectly in your post! :p


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
I agree completely with the title of this post... and I'm the one throwing them in the garbage. :p

If you are applying for an executive/management position... at least spell and grammar check your resume and cover letter. Have someone else read it thoroughly before you send it.

Over the last two weeks, I've probably received 500+ resumes. When you have that many... you screen and edit on first impression. I'm sure that I've thrown out some resumes for some very talented people... but there's just not the time to interview/screen every single applicant. Be careful... it's an employers world right now.
calloway said:
... you screen and edit on first impression...
And probably are right most of the time. I once hired a guy that had an impressive resume, but his shoes were scuffed, he wasn't wearing a belt and just looked dishevelled. I hired him, because it was a plant-management job. Well, it turned out that his work was also "scuffed", his time-management skills were terrible and his attention to detail was simply absent!

None of this was reflected in his wonderful resume, which was supported by his former employers...

First impressions mean everything IMHO.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
asn said:
that's just idotic. before I hand out my CV I ask at least 3 people I know to proof read it for me.
As well you should. Sentences should begin with capital letters. "Proofread" is one word not two.


Apr 5, 2004
toughb said:

Doesn't surprise me.

People have become sloppy and lazy in their communications and it's catching up to them.

I see multiple errors here all the time. In Word and "reply to thread" all spelling errors are shown but then people post them without correction anyhow.
What about all the "quoting" fuck ups?

johnhenrygalt said:
As well you should. Sentences should begin with capital letters. "Proofread" is one word not two.
Ha ha... I was going to tease him about that, but I figured the spelling of idiotic was enough since that was the primary reason for the thread... (& which I noticed he has since fixed...)

Besides... I am part of the; "those who live in glass houses" crowd...

Just teasing you asn! :p


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
vsailor said:
Have you ever read people's emails???.....it's disgusting...even posts on Terb...people can't write coherently....they are so conditioned to write in "shorthand" for their PDA's and texting on their phones they have forgotten how to write!!!!...I think it's a riot...looks good on them!!!
Yes. Those posts on Terb are terrible. People just connect sentences together with ellipses "...". Each sentence should start with the first letter capitalized. Proper English does not use "???" and "!!!".

My hope is that since you used real English words, you probably know how to write properly. As such, your post is a likely sarcastic joke that went whooshing past by me. Otherwise, well written English is doomed.

Has anyone noticed that ESL students and English teachers are the only people that can actually write English properly anymore?


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2008
Take a look at any of Jasmine Jazz's posts. What a nightmare. Like it was written by a 9-year-old.
thewalker said:
What a nightmare. Like it was written by a 9-year-old.
But she has great titties and that offsets spelling and grammar errors to a large extent in my book! :p

Before we come down too hard on some folks' posts, remember that English is not everyone's first language...

I need to go and dangle my participle now.


New member
Aug 10, 2005

I got these 2 today.

respectfully it is stated that i woul dlike to apply fo rthe vacant position of shipper /receiver within ur company, i belive that my experince will match the requirements for this position, please have a look at my resume which i ve attaeched it to this email and kindly let me know if i can qualify for an interview,
i shall look forward towards ur reply,
Spell check anyone????

Dear Sir
Understanding from a reasonable source that you are going to appoint
a post of “Shipper / Receiver" under your kind control . I am offering myself
as a candidate for the same position..I hereby submit my resume for your kind
kind consideration.

If you kindly provide me for the position I will be grateful to you.
We don't appoint a post in Canada. How many times can the word Kind be used.


Tasty and Roundish
Jan 7, 2002
In Ecstacy
I just saw a resume from a woman and she spelled the name of her current employer wrong...


Active member
May 3, 2006
joker12 said:
We don't appoint a post in Canada. How many times can the word Kind be used.
Are you sure it's not a Nigerian scam letter? Did they offer you $15 million or so?


Jan 31, 2005
vsailor said:
Have you ever read people's emails???.....it's disgusting...even posts on Terb...people can't write coherently....they are so conditioned to write in "shorthand" for their PDA's and texting on their phones they have forgotten how to write!!!!...I think it's a riot...looks good on them!!!
Did you feel any sense of irony as you wrote that?


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
As posted somewhere else by some other person:

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rarely ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect in it's weigh
My chequer tolled me sew


New member
Jan 19, 2006
vsailor said:
Have you ever read people's emails???.....it's disgusting...even posts on Terb...people can't write coherently....they are so conditioned to write in "shorthand" for their PDA's and texting on their phones they have forgotten how to write!!!
Still there is a huge difference between failure to have a résumé carefully written and proofread (by several other people) and recreational posts (in several of the different senses of the word) on a internet board!


New member
Oct 28, 2006
This doesn't make sense. Is the UK somewhat behind?

Who uses paper resumes these days?

Maybe during an interview, but by that time, it's not "throw resumes in the trash" time.

These days, resumes are e-mailed or even more likely, cut-and-paste text on the company's website.

I never liked the cut-and-paste text, but I guess it's more efficient for the company.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
I will just say that I was upbraided for my spelling and grammar on a thread on this board last Friday. I reread the posting in question and found one small spelling error and no real grammar concerns. I figured I just ticked the guy off. The thing is, the board is a ESCORT REVIEW BOARD, not writing columns for the NY Times.

Now if I do a Resume, you can bet I will be VERY careful to scrutinize my spelling and grammar and all the info. Only makes sense...
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