9/11: Five Years On


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

RIP for those who died five years ago today.....



September 11, 2006 -- THE biggest story since 9/11 is that there hasn't been an other 9/11. According to our hysterical media culture, everything's always going wrong. The truth is that we've gotten the big things right.

On this fifth anniversary of the cold-blooded murder of thousands of Americans by Islamist fanatics, it's tempting to settle for grand rhetoric honoring our dead and damning our enemies. But the greatest tribute to those lost on that September morning is what we've since achieved.

In this vile political season, with those on the left suggesting that our president's a worse threat to civilization than Islamist terror, the rest of us should just review what's happened - and what hasn't:

Islamist fanatics have not been able to stage a single additional attack on our homeland. For all its growing pains, our homeland-security effort worked. In this long war with religion-poisoned madmen, the most important proof of success is what doesn't happen - and we haven't been struck again. Wail as loudly as they can, the president's critics can't change that self-evident truth.

Eventually, some terrorists will get through. That's just the law of averages. But we've enjoyed five golden years of safety and prosperity, thanks to our men and women in uniform and those who serve at all levels of government.

Al Qaeda is badly crippled. While the terror organization and its affiliates remain a deadly threat, al Qaeda is no longer the powerful, unchallenged outfit it was in the years of Clinton-era cowardice. Instead of holding court, Osama bin Laden's a fugitive. Almost all of his deputies are dead or imprisoned. The rest are hunted men.

And yes, we'll get Osama. Those who whine that we haven't offer no specific solutions themselves - and they'd like us to forget how long it took to apprehend criminals such as the Unabomber here at home. Al Qaeda can still kill, but its power has been reduced by an order of magnitude.

Terrorists no longer operate in freedom. Even Europeans have begun to awaken to the nature of Islamist fanaticism. One terror plot after another has been foiled. Those that succeeded proved counterproductive, mobilizing anti-terrorist sentiment. The world hasn't fully come to grips with the threat, but the progress has been remarkable. The terrorists are now on the defensive.

Our enemies fear our military again. Despite tragic mistakes in Iraq, we've already accomplished one crucial mission neglected for a generation: We've resurrected the reputation of the American soldier.
After our maddening retreats from Beirut and Mogadishu, and the Clinton administration's unwillingness to retaliate meaningfully after terrorist attacks, Islamist extremists concluded - and bragged - that Americans were cowards who wouldn't fight and hid behind technology. Well, Iraq proved that our troops don't run, but fight more fiercely than any other soldiers on earth. Now it's the terrorists who rely on stand-off weapons - roadside bombs. They're terrified of taking on our forces in combat. The importance of regaining our street cred can't be stressed enough.

Iraq has become al Qaeda's Vietnam. No end of lies have been broadcast about our liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan "creating more terrorists." The terrorists were already there, recruited during the decades we looked away. Our arrival on their turf just brought them out of the woodwork.
As for Iraq, Osama & Co. realized full well how high we'd raised the stakes. They had to fight to prevent the emergence of a Middle Eastern democracy. As a result, they've thrown in their reserves - who've been slaughtered by our soldiers and Marines.

The media obsesses on the price of this fight for us, but the terrorists have been forced to pay a terrible cost in trained fighters - while alienating fellow Muslims with their tactics. Pundits will argue forever over whether deposing Saddam was a diversion from the War on Terror, but the proof of its relevance - even if unexpected - is the unaffordable cost we've forced on al Qaeda.

We've achieved new levels of domestic security without compromising civil liberties. Frisking granny at the airport may be silly, but (despite the lies of the Left) Americans continue to live in unprecedented freedom. The Patriot Act and other measures worked - without harming the rights of a single law-abiding citizen. The only people who lost out were the terrorists and their supporters. We should be applauding the feds, not running them down.
America is much stronger today than we were five years ago. We have new homeland-security structures up and running, improved intelligence agencies - and the most experienced military in the world.

The dishonest nature of domestic politics and the media's irresponsibility obscure the fact that no one - not even the terrorists - now believes that our enemies can win a global victory. The terrorists are no longer fighting for conquest - they're running a salvage operation.

Does that mean everything's perfect? Of course not. As noted above, some terrorists will manage to hit us again. But if attempt No. 500 succeeds, it doesn't mean it wasn't worth stopping the other 499. Yet, after the next attack, we'll hear no end of trash-talk about how the War on Terror "failed."
The truth is that we're winning. Hands down. We just can't afford to revert to yesteryear's weakness and indecision.

WHAT should we worry about? Plenty.

First, the unscrupulous nature of those in the media who always discover a dark cloud in the brightest silver lining. They're terror's cheerleaders.

Second, the rabid partisanship infecting our political system - when "getting Bush" is more important than protecting our country, something's wrong.

A third concern is the Internet's empowerment of fanatics, conspiracy-theorists and all of the really good haters - on both extremes of the political spectrum. If there's one thing all responsible citizens, conservative, centrist or liberal, should agree on, it's that all extremism is un-American.

On this September morning, let us dedicate ourselves to living for the values the hijackers feared: freedom, tolerance, human dignity - and the invincible strength of our democratic society. The greatest tribute we can pay to the dead of 9/11 is to be good Americans.



New member
Mar 13, 2003
Re: Iraq, Force is what the terrorists respect. I didnt agree with the how or why exactly but I did agree with the when & where. No coincidence that no terrorist attacks on US since 9/11 will coincide with the slow democratization of the middle east. That is how they intend to defeat the terrorists one country at a time.


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
only one response and seven views?

strange how 9-11 conspiracy theories are getting several threads, hundreds of views and comments.
Sometimes reality is just too boring....hah what am I thinking...this board is filled with "reality escapists"..it's an Escort review board, what better way to escape reality hmm??


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I agree with the original post, not that it would surprise anyone.

We must continue to use the utmost force to eliminate this vermin and realize that any sign of weakness on our part will embolden them to try again.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
To all who lost family, friends and lovers

To all those who lost a loved one on September 11, 2001, my heart goes out to you everyday. My prayers always remember those who were lost on that dark day and since fighting to bring those resposible to justice. There are not words to express how much this loss has affected me and countless others.

I apolgise to you for all those who would have US forget. I pitty those who spend their days looking for excuses.

My all who were touched by September 11, 2001 rest well in the knowledge that your loss and sacrifices shall never be forgotten. My you find strength in the compasion of those whos lives were touched.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
DonQuixote said:
While giving respect to those that lost their lives on 9/11
isn't it just as appropriate to give respect to those that
died fighting the wars against terrorism. Their numbers
are fast approaching 3,000 dead as well. They are also
victims of this event.
Read the second sentence of my post


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
While giving respect to those that lost their lives on 9/11
isn't it just as appropriate to give respect to those that
died fighting the wars against terrorism. Their numbers
are fast approaching 3,000 dead as well. They are also
victims of this event.


Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Well said.

DonQuixote said:
While giving respect to those that lost their lives on 9/11
isn't it just as appropriate to give respect to those that
died fighting the wars against terrorism. Their numbers
are fast approaching 3,000 dead as well. They are also
victims of this event.
"I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom".

Abraham Lincoln


East end Hobbiest
What a heap 'o shit:

Islamist fanatics have not been able to stage a single additional attack on our homeland.

Ever hear of the original attacks on the WTCs? Five years without a repeat attack is just barely half the time they waited last time. And in case you haven't noticed, they no longer need to come to North America to attack the US ... the US was "kind enough" to send "the USA" to them to be attacked.

Al Qaeda is badly crippled.

Al Qaeda may well be dead and buried; the USA still has just as many enemies as it ever had, and probably a lot more. You went after a few enemies by blowing up whole countries, and you believe you're making yourself safer?

Terrorists no longer operate in freedom.

Terrorists never did operate in freedom ... except the ones sponsored by the USA (Israel, Iran for a while, Iraq for a while, Afghanistan for a while ... well, you get the idea.)

Our enemies fear our military again.

Yes, if by enemies you mean Canadian soldiers on patrol and exercises in Afghanistan. Fear of the US military is smart ... no force on earth is going to "bravely" stand up and face them in a head on conflict .. that would be suicide. The VC were "afraid" of the US military using those terms .. but in the end, that "fear" lead to the strategy that meant the defeat of that "fearsome" military.

Iraq has become al Qaeda's Vietnam.

Obviously you know about as much of the Vietnam war as you do about the Iraq conflict ... what's the fucking difference? Same old same old ... rush into a foreign country claiming you're saving the world from communism / Islamic terrorism, indiscriminately kill as many locals as you can, find out that not everyone in the world wants to be under the control of the USA, deplete your resources and manpower fighting a force that cannot be defeated, wait 30 years and slink out of the country with your tail between your legs.

We've achieved new levels of domestic security without compromising civil liberties.

Year, right .. tell that to the 1000 plus brown people arrested under your sweeping new patriot act laws ... all but a handful eventually released without charge, and those who were charged were charged with minor immigration infractions. But I suppose arresting people for "being brown" has always been acceptable in the USA. Tell that to all the "brown people" being put through hours of terror waiting for some gung ho home land security goon making the decision on whether they end up in prison for "looking like a terrorist" until they can prove their innocence (I've actually had my wife and 11 year old daughter sit in one of your holding cells in Chicago during a stop over from Canada to Asia because some fucking stupid immigration asshole figured that there was no difference between a middle aged South East Asian women and her 11 year old child and a terrorist.)

"Compromising civil liberties"? The whole history and "greatness" of the USA was fucking built on "compromising civil liberties".

Once again we have a bunch of tough guy war mongers trying to convince everyone that the only way to fight other tough guy war mongers is to let our own tough guy war mongers lead us into another tough guy war mongering war.

Sept 11th .. the anniversary of when "the Triads" struck back against "the Mafia" and starting a gang war that left thousands, possibly millions in the end, of people dead. A time when "true patriots" "people of God" try their best to justify their lust for killing.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
Do me a favor, OTB. You may own your own
company. Hire an Iraq vet and mentor him.
Vets were dishonored as far back as the
Revolutionary war when they were never paid
their wages. Same too for Civil War vets and
WWI vets. WWII vets were treated with the
honors due them. But, not the Korean and
'Nam vets. Hire a disabled vet. They've paid
the highest price. Give them the benefit of the
doubt and understand their souls are wrenched
and shattered. Their souls are tormented.
You don't witness the horrors and perversions
of combat without paying the price for a lifetime.
That's a steep price to pay for experiencing such
an obscenity.

And where shall we build a monument in their
honor? Will it be as grand as that on ground
zero? I doubt it. They're not on TV repeated over
and over again. Its singular, personal, and not
observant to the media audiences. Ergo, it doesn't
matter. It may as well have never happened.

To the family and friends of such a sudden and
seemingly purposeless loss, I can only say I do
understand, in my ineffable way.

Wile I don't own my own company I am hiring - and if I get a chance I'll do you (and I) that favor.

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