5 Year Anniversary


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
5 years later and the conflict in Syria is worse than it was. What started as a protest against the government has now resulted in over 200,000 dead and half the country's population either refugees or displaced from their homes. The UN has declared this the greatest humanitarian emergency of our era.

Just today 30 reportedly dead in government airstrikes on schools and residential areas.

Unfortunately there really isn't much of a solution. With the more moderate rebels from the start of the conflict being marginalized even Assad is starting to look good to the international community. Too bad ISIS, Assad, and Al Nursa can't be locked in a room and the people left to get on with their lives.



Well-known member
May 14, 2008
5 years later and the conflict in Syria is worse than it was. What started as a protest against the government has now resulted in over 200,000 dead and half the country's population either refugees or displaced from their homes. The UN has declared this the greatest humanitarian emergency of our era.

Just today 30 reportedly dead in government airstrikes on schools and residential areas.

Unfortunately there really isn't much of a solution. With the more moderate rebels from the start of the conflict being marginalized even Assad is starting to look good to the international community. Too bad ISIS, Assad, and Al Nursa can't be locked in a room and the people left to get on with their lives.

yes all egged on by the US and their allies who wanted to replace Assad. No one EVER seems to ask themselves WHAT NEXT? Is there really a better credible option then Assad? I don't see it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Fuck. Once again pathetic notty starts cheer-leading for any anti-western cause he can.

Can't be that Syrian people were upset over repression. Must have been a US plot. Worst disaster of our time and that's what you come up with?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Too bad ISIS, Assad, and Al Nursa can't be locked in a room and the people left to get on with their lives.

They are, that room is called Syria and Iraq...


Jan 31, 2005
yes all egged on by the US and their allies who wanted to replace Assad. No one EVER seems to ask themselves WHAT NEXT? Is there really a better credible option then Assad? I don't see it.
And had an international force actually gone in and removed Assad, Syria would not be the failed state it is today. Instead it could have had some UN force pacifying the region and ISIS never would have gotten a foothold.

Of course, for reasons beyond comprehension, you will NEVER blame the Arabs for fucking up their own countries. You like to blame the US, Israel, or anybody else, for Arab fuckups. You don't believe the Palestinians bear any blame for the wretched conditions their 60 year losing war of aggression has produced, and you don't believe Arabs in Syria or in Libya bear any responsibility for the disastrous civil wars they fight. It's always somebody else's fault, never theirs. Heck, not just for Arabs -- you don't think the Iranians bear any responsibility for their fucked up government either!

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.

seth gecko

Well-known member
Nov 2, 2003
5 years later and the conflict in Syria is worse than it was. What started as a protest against the government has now resulted in over 200,000 dead and half the country's population either refugees or displaced from their homes. The UN has declared this the greatest humanitarian emergency of our era.

Just today 30 reportedly dead in government airstrikes on schools and residential areas.

Unfortunately there really isn't much of a solution. With the more moderate rebels from the start of the conflict being marginalized even Assad is starting to look good to the international community. Too bad ISIS, Assad, and Al Nursa can't be locked in a room and the people left to get on with their lives.

If the CBC is using March 15th 2011 as the startdate, then isn't this actually the 4th anniversary.
The int'l community chose to invoke R2P doctrine to intervene in Libya, and ignored Syria (and without sufficient afterthought or followup, left Libya worse off than it was before).

Its that kind of inconsistent "policy" applications that diminish whatever good intentions we may have, and any goodwill we may have been able to generate.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Heck, not just for Arabs -- you don't think the Iranians bear any responsibility for their fucked up government either!

Wake. The. Fuck. Up.
USA bear some responsibility for the fucked government in IRAN. IRAN elected a democratically government then a CIA in the led coup in the 70's and overthrew a democratically elect govt and brought the shah of Iran into power and that fucked up in Iran to this day.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
USA bear some responsibility for the fucked government in IRAN. IRAN elected a democratically government then a CIA in the led coup in the 70's and overthrew a democratically elect govt and brought the shah of Iran into power and that fucked up in Iran to this day.
Khomeni was an active anti-government figure from the start of the modern age. He was going strong in the 40's before the US was even looking at Persia.
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