5 Reasons Why Canada Shouldn't Fear Accepting Syrian Refugees


Mar 8, 2014
This will anger Terb Conservative racists

5 Reasons Why Canada Shouldn't Fear Accepting Syrian Refugees
3 days ago | Updated 3 days ago

Hijal De Sarkar Political consultant


As the crisis in Syria continues, a devastating human disaster is unfolding right in front of our eyes. One can't watch or read the news without seeing images of women, children and men fleeing unspeakable violence in the most desperate ways possible (including this gripping image of three-year-old Alan Kurdi).

The crisis calls upon great nations like Canada to help alleviate the devastation. Our willingness as a country to step up and demonstrate kindness and compassion in the face of grave human tragedy is rightfully a point of pride for Canadians.

The issue of Canada accepting 25,000 Syrian refugees by January 1 has been dominated by questions of security and logistics. Particularly since Friday's gruesome attacks in Paris, and especially since news broke that a Syrian passport (since proven to be fake) was found near the body of one of the suicide bombers, people have expressed understandable concern about how Canada will be able to bring tens of thousands of people from a war zone into the country safely and securely.

I acknowledge that good, well-meaning people who genuinely care about Syrian refugees can have perfectly valid concerns about the security risk of bringing in tens of thousands of people from a war zone. It is as large an undertaking as it sounds.

So, in light of Canadian political leaders (like Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall and others on the right) playing on Canadians' concerns to spread fear and disinformation, I decided to research how Canada screens, accepts and settles Syrian refugees. It is my hope we can dispel fear and confusion with facts, reason and compassion.

1. Refugees coming to Canada will undergo three separate screening processes.

First, they are selected from those screened by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees. The UNHCR uses sophisticated anti-fraud tools like biometrics. They also use a rigorous five-step process.

Second, they are interviewed before coming to Canada.

Third, once in Canada, they are screened by Canada's security services.

Thanks to these precautions, security experts say the chances of an ISIS terrorist getting through are infinitesimal.

2. Canada is prioritizing families (particularly female-headed households), unaccompanied minors and the sick, not single individuals.

These groups were selected because they pose the least risk of radicalization.

3. Not accepting refugees is an even greater threat to national security.

According to leading experts in national security, terrorism, radicalization and intelligence -- like Munk School of Public Affairs Prof. Wesley Wark and Georgetown University Prof. Anne Speckhard -- filthy and unsafe refugee camps are hotbeds for extremism.

Perhaps not surprisingly, terrorists find it remarkably easy to recruit fighters in squalid and hopeless camps teeming with desperate and disenfranchised people.
According to Prof. Speckhard, "Experience from many conflict zones teaches us that the longer these refugees are left to languish in despair in camps the more prone they become to radicalization."

4. Accepting refugees strikes a blow at ISIS.

ISIS relies on extortion and the taxes they collect from the vast swaths of territory they control. The New York Times reports that extortion and taxation, as well as kidnapping ransoms, accounted for $620 million in 2014. That's more than the $600 million they made by stealing from state-owned banks in Iraq and from oil sales.

"They want to stop the refugee process because one of their main sources of income in the ISIS-controlled territory is taxation of the people there, extortion of the people there,"according to University of Ottawa law professor Errol Mendes.

5. ISIS is relying on the West to refuse Syrian refugees and increased Islamophobia in the West to aid their recruitment efforts.

ISIS has released a video telling fleeing Syrian refugees that the "infidel" West will never accept them, and that even if we do, we'd make them give up Islam.

Nearly all of the terrorists in the Paris attacks were raised in France or Belgium. This shows that, while ISIS is a threat, its greatest threat lies in its ability convince alienated Muslim youth in North America and Europe that they belong not in the West, but in ISIS' so-called caliphate.

The sheer scale of Syrian refugees' suffering compels us to act. To turn a blind eye to appalling human rights atrocities when it is in our capacity to help would be an abdication of Canadians' values, principles and sense of right and wrong.

Compassion calls on us to act. In this case, so too does our strategic interest.

By responding compassionately rather than reacting hysterically, and by demonstrating the eternal Canadian values of acceptance and pluralism, we will defeat ISIS.



Mar 31, 2009
Nearly all of the terrorists in the Paris attacks were raised in France or Belgium.
France and Belgium are perfect examples of why we are much safer when we have more Muslims, not less, in our country.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
A brilliant editorial from the huffington post. Sheer brilliance.

Reduce external threats, create them right at home.


Nov 26, 2002
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.


Mar 12, 2004
Hijal De Sarkar Political consultant



Nov 26, 2002
Would you be willing to offer the lives of your parents, wife, children, siblings, other relatives, friends, etc.?
I only have my life to offer, I do not own anyone else's life nor do I seek to. I am not my brother's keeper, if my loved ones are above the age of mental maturity and below the age of senility then they make their own choices. I have no doubt that many of them will chose to give up a little bit of liberty for the illusion of security.

To be frank, I would never ask my loved ones this question unless there was a legitimate threat as the likelihood of me losing respect for them is probable.

With a clear mind and no immediate threat, I speak based on principle. However, I know full well that in times of crisis I like anybody else will want to seek the path of least resistance. Reconciling Principle with action is a burden every man carries, at the very least your principles has to be lofty for even the slightest chance that your actions be in the positive direction.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
lmao the op reminded me of this :
this was from another poster from another forum haha lmao :

They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ...
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ..
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ..
They're happy in Australia .
They're happy in Canada .
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland .
They're happy in Denmark .
Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim
and unhappy in
every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like....
Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How damn dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim
Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
- More than one wife
-More than one mother in law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkey
- You cook over burning camel shit
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey.
Then they tell you that "when you die, it all gets better"??
Well no shit Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse!
Fight the cancer of Islam


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
and another one lmao again not from me :)

"I might be a somewhat novice at history, but I don't ever remember any of those Middle Eastern countries coming forward to help any other country out of their problems. I do remember a lot of them wanting to charge as much as they can for their gasoline. I do remember a lot of them wanting to create problems for other countries. I even remember some of those countries putting people from other countries in jail with trumped up charges. I even remember them taking some people from other countries hostage! So, with all of this lack of help from them, then just why is it that we should help them? I've heard it said that when I'm helping someone else out, then it's like putting money in the bank for later! Apparently, they don't have this belief either!"


New member
Jan 19, 2006
As Senator Marco Rubio said: “Does common sense still apply? Of course it does. A 5-year-old orphan, a 90-year-old widow, a well-known Chaldean priest—these are obviously common-sense applications, and you can clearly vet them just by common sense.”

But are either the Canadian or U.S. Governments going to apply such common sense.


Mar 31, 2009
There are still some countries that are safe from Islamic terrorism. No doubt some members of the board will call these countries racist, bigoted, Islamphobic and so on and so on.


New member
Mar 29, 2004
Syrian Refugees

There are still some countries that are safe from Islamic terrorism. No doubt some members of the board will call these countries racist, bigoted, Islamphobic and so on and so on.
If bringing in refugees hurts ISIS then we should bring in ALL the refugees .... that will really screw ISIS ????
I think folks have lost their common sense. Most Canadians have very little exposure to foreign cultures
and do not understand them well enough.

Even if you bring women and children, what is talked about in their homes, and with friends, is hatred for the west
and criticism of western standards and freedoms. No thankfulness for being given a new chance in life.
The children learn hatred at home and grow up with hatred in their hearts.
Very easy targets for radicalization....they are home schooled !!!

I am an Indian Christian immigrant and I am happy and proud to be a Canadian and love the culture.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.
You know what, I have never actually looked at it this way.
Honestly I am in the 'cautious' camp when it comes to these refugees... your comment has dented my armour a little bit.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.


Jan 31, 2005
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.
Great post. I agree. I am not a coward. Lots of Canadians died fighting for an inclusive, tolerant, free Canada.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.
Great !!!

They can move to your town
You do realize your brave pounding of your chest is pretty hollow since it is likely a different Canadian who will pay for your foolishness with their life

If one of these ISIS nutjobs gets into Canada, then Justin has potentially put Canadian lives at risk for no other reason than to look politically correct


Mar 12, 2004
We take in 25k syrian refugees, suppose a few of them are part of ISIS and brings terrorism to canada. Fuck it, we stand for something at least I thought we did, if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping.

ISIS is willing to lay down their lives for their cause which is counter to everything we as Canadians stand for, it is only fitting that we be prepared to lay down ours lives for the diametric. To give up a few lives to save many more, that is worth dying for.
How compassionate of you to sacrifice some mother and her child,...who had absolutely NOTHING to do with whats happening in some hell hole called Syria.

,..."if I die as a consequence then I will not regret helping",....:frusty:

Fine,...I'm willing to give up your life,...go stand in front of a statue some place,...but remember to leave your squirt gun at home.



Nov 26, 2002
If you want to sit back and no do sh*t to help, you can move south, you would make a good American.
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