4Chan's latest meme - Learn to code - stirs outrage


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The ingenious meme factory that is 4chan has done it again.

"Learn to Code" is an expression used to mock journalists who were laid off from their jobs, encouraging them to learn software development as an alternate career path. The phrase was widely posted on Twitter following the announcement of layoffs at BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post in late January 2019.

On February 10th, 2014, BuzzFeed News[8] published a quiz titled "Should You Learn to Code?," which provided links to articles recommending coding for people with various interests or professions.

Several months later, in April 2014, in response to a comment by Mark Zuckerberg about shifts in energy use that has led to many coal mines being closed and coal miners behind laid off, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the Future of Energy Summit said, "You’re not going to teach a coal miner to code. Mark Zuckerberg says you teach them [people] to code and everything will be great."[9]

Over the next year, other media outlets published pieces on coal miners learning to code. On November 18th, 2015, Wired published, "Can You Teach a Coal Miner to Code?" The article, which took issue with Bloomberg's assertion, focused on several coal miners who were, in fact, learning to code.[10]

On January 24th, 2019, Jalopnik editor-in-chief Patrick George tweeted[1] he believed in a "special, dedicated section of Hell" for people with anime profile pictures who tweet "learn to code" to journalists who had been laid off (shown below). Within 24 hours, the tweet gained over 1,300 likes and 260 retweets. The tweet was posted shortly after the announcements that BuzzFeed laid of 15% of its staff and The Huffington Post had eliminated its Opinion and Healthcare editorial sections.
- https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code

What goes around, comes around.



Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The ingenious meme factory that is 4chan has done it again.

- https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/learn-to-code

What goes around, comes around.

Telling Fired Journalists "Learn To Code" Is Now "Abusive Behavior" On Twitter

Mon, 01/28/2019
Update: As quickly as Twitter's actions went viral, their PR group rushed into action to explain why there is no hypocrisy here and that the answer is "nuanced."

Presumably, the stories written by liberal journalists telling coal-miners to "learn to code" were just not targeted enough - if they had named a few coal-miners, perhaps that would make things a lot different.

* * *

It appears - judging by Twitter's actions - that offering career advice to laid-off liberal journalists is very different from offering career-advice to laid-off middle American coal-miners.

As the temperature rose in the twittersphere amid simmering schadenfreude surrounding the firing of hundreds of left-leaning journalists from HuffPo and Buzzfeed in the last week, a meme went viral suggesting these media types seek alternative work and "learn to code" was born (encouraging them to learn software development as an alternate career path.)

This apparent trolling did not sit well with many...

And just days later, with feelings hurt and safe-spaces shattered, Twitter has reportedly done something about it...

"I am told by a person in the know that tweeting "learn to code" at any recently laid off journalist will be treated as "abusive behavior" and is a violation of Twitter's Terms of Service"

And the following example seemed to confirm this censorship...

There's just one thing wrong with this whole virtue-signaling charade - the same liberal media pundits who are crying from their safe-spaces that telling them to "learn to code" is mean and hurts their feelings (and thus warrants a ban from Twitter due to being "abusive behavior") were more than comfortable telling Rust Belt Americans to "learn to code" as their dirty, climate-changing, coal-mining jobs are lost...

So once again - it is not the message that is censored but the messenger (left, good; right, bad)
This seemed to sum the utter hypocrisy up perfectly...



Well-known member
Twitter VERY much has a bias towards certain types of beliefs. Mostly economic based. If a platform similar to it popped up over night I think they'd lose 15-20 million users. Small example, "Ellen Barkin"called for Loius CK to be shot on her twitter and she still has her account where others lose their's for much less offenses.
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