401 Encounter


New member
Sep 7, 2001
I was driving home today from downtown. It was just prior to rush hour ( 3:30 PM ) .

I was heading eastbound on the 401 and had just passed Brimley. I glanced out of my passenger side window as I passed a silver Chrysler Intrepid. I locked eyes with a stunning blonde of approx. 30 years of age. She reminded me of a cross between Darryl Hannah and the blonde woman who used to be on CNN and was later on NYPD Blue ( a bit older but with full lips and a rack that sits up high ). We looked at each other for maybe 5 seconds ( it felt longer ! ) . She had a fitted white blouse ( could tell it was designer ) and short stylish hair. She had a cell ear piece hanging form her ear and a Daytimer open on the dash.

I deduced she was in sales. I'm thinking Pharmaceutical ( my buddies are in the biz. and 90% of the women are hot and stylish ) . Either that or an account exec. with a soft drink company or something like that. I'm in the beer business and she aint one of us !

Anyhow ... I digress.

I passed her and thought " man ... she is smokin " ! I pulled back into the middle lane and within 10 seconds she is up beside me now ! We look at each other again and we stay like that for another 5-7 seconds.

I'm starting to think ... hmmmm ... she's definitely giving off buying signals here .

She moves off again and pulls into the middle lane ... again.

This goes on for several more km's and I'm thinking ... "where do we go with this" ?

I exit the 401 at Brock Street and look in the rear view to see her exiting too. I turn right ( north ) and head over the 401 . I turn right again as I'm heading to the Timmy's to link up with a colleague to hand off a wack of event tickets. She slowly passes me heading north and smiles a very enticing smile and waves a coy ( finger wave ) salutation and drives off.

I didn't follow and sat in my car for a good 10 minutes thinking " what if I never see her again " ?

I don't usually live with regrets but feel that I should have done something . OH WELL !

I will definitely be on the lookout for her car in the future.

By the way ... I caught a silver band on her left hand ring finger.

What would you guys have done ?


Active member
champ said:
What would you guys have done ?
I would've continued with the game. That kind of a chance has never happened to me. If it ever did, I know it would be probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if nothing happened, the hunt and flirting would be fun.


New member
Sep 7, 2001
Truthfully Specter ... I never gave it a thought ?!

My first thought is she didn't look the type. But really ... what does an SP look like ? Attractive , more sexually overt than the average woman . Maybe , it just didn't seem to fit .

Who knows ?

On a separate note. I have many times locked eyes with a sensual woman who seems a little "differant" in a public place and we just both knew who she was. Often I've felt like approaching her but it just seems like a huge risk. I always remember the scene in that movie with Danny Glover and Martin Short ( Short has the worst luck ) where Short approachs a woman on Glover's recco. that she is a pro. she slaps him and throws a drink in his face. Hilarious !
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