24 - Tonight's show


Jan 16, 2004
You missed a good one

It's been a long day, so I hope I get everything. I'll break up the storyline by sub-plot

Who is the guy on the phone?
Jack and Chase try to figure out who the guy on the other end of the phone is. They try two routes, one where they cross reference people that Jack has worked with compared to people that Amador was associated with. The other route involves the guy who planted the virus at the hotel. They get a description of the guy from him and cross reference it against people in Jack's file. No matches come up when they search on living people, but when they included those who were presumed dead, they find a match; Steven something or other (can't remember the surname). He's a former British agent who was on loan to CTU for Jack's mission in Kosovo, who was presumed dead in the explosion that supposedly killed Victor Drazen. After contacting someone Jack knew at MI6 (Britain's equivalent of CTU), they get a name of a madam who worked with this guy. They capture her and take her to MI6's offices in LA. However, before she can be questioned, a helicopter takes out the entire floor, killing pretty much everyone BUT Jack and Chase. Realizing that the reason why the building was under attack was to destroy the information on this guy, they race to the basement to save a hard drive that has all the information. This Steven guy sent out his crew to do this, so there's some gun fights. They get to the basement, find a bomb that is to destroy the information, but manage to get out with the hard drive before the bomb goes off


Jan 16, 2004
At the Hotel (I may have this done out of sequence)
Michelle is trying to control the situation after killing the guy who tried to escape. She reveals to the people in the hotel that they were exposed to a deadly virus. She manages to get the information on the Steven guy out of the man who released the virus in the hotel. She contacts Tony, and both begin to show signs of stress. Tony learns that the virus has a 100% mortality rate, but when his resolve is questioned by Schapelle, he falls in line and says that even though his wife is involved and infected, he's dedicated to the case.
CDC finally gets there and begins testing everyone, starting with Michelle. We should know if she's infected within 2 hours. She also visits Guyelle, who's really showing symptoms. She offers him the out of suicide, but he denies it, and eventually dies. Michelle, so shaken by the experience, asks Tony to send suicide capsules to the hotel, stating that this would be a humane way for people to die if they so chose. Tony first says no, but then agrees. Schapelle catches him, confronts him and says that it's not protocol, but ultimately authorizes the use of the capusles.

Palmer and Steven
Palmer, Wayne, and the head of Homeland Security (HS) meet to discuss course of action. The head of HS butt heads over how to react, with Wayne wanting to play "wait and see" and the head of HS wanting to go all out. Their meeting is interrupted by Steven, who gives Palmer his first mission; retrieve a package. The package contains a phone, which is secure and will be used for future contact. In the next contact, Steven tells Palmer to hold a press conference and use the phrase "The Sky Is Falling". Palmer does hold a press conference, in which he announces the terror level is raised to Red, all airports closed and flights grounded. He does use the phrase as requested. Wayne isn't happy over this. After the press conference, MI6 is attacked, leaving Palmer wondering if that was a queue to launch the attack. After the attacks, Steven is briefed as to the goings on. He is made aware that Schapelle is trying to "follow the money" to find him, and that he's very good at his job. Steven calls Palmer and gives him his next mission; kill Schapelle and deliver his body by 7am (end of next episode)

As for Kim....no noticable updates. She needs to change clothes...preferably to something similar to what she wore when she was with that whacko in the woods

Gord's Bro

Amazing summary UMustang. Are you a writer for this show or what???

G's B.


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thanks bunches for the summary. Sadly, I too missed the show. It's a pretty good show. Amazingly, the most terrible news and reality show network (Fox) has the best shows on TV: 24, Arrested Development, The Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle. But of course, PBS has Now.

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
When I miss an episode I just assume that something or someone from Jack's failed mission in Kosovo will come back and present some form of threat to the Western parts of the US that will involve the President facing moral dilemas regarding the people of Los Angeles. The sexual/relationship tension between Tony and Michelle will heighten while everyone in the viewing audience tries to determine if Ryan Chapelle is a good guy or a bad guy. Kim will find herself somewhat helpless to assist her father in his efforts to erradicate terrorism in the US and will just have to sit around with a concerned look on her face, but looking good. There will be some form of an attack on a building shortly after Jack has apprehended a suspect and in the ensuing fire fight, the suspect will be killed. Fortunately Jack will realize that the attack was not directed at him but at some form of electronic device that the suspect possess (a micro chip usually) which will contain the answer to question of who is behind the threat.

If I happen to miss two weeks in a row, I assume that the information contained on the electronic device is encrypted forcing CTU to devote all its resources to decoding either to find that the info has been damaged in the attack, their decoding has triggered some form of detonation device or that the electronic device was a decoy and the bad guys have made another move. I then continue with the scenario outlined above.

This has worked for three seasons now and has been pretty accurate. This year they threw in an unfortunate wrinkle to the Kim story line in that while she is sitting around looking concerned and fretting about her father's safety, she is fully clothed and there does not seem to be a plausible plot twist that will cause her to remove her jacket this year. Given that I just picture her wearing her wardbrobe from season one and all is fine.

That said, nothing beats watching it in person.


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Season 3 is done

The ending was a disappointment. I guess the scriptwriters hadn't planned on the torture commited by Americans in all parts of the world to come to light in the mainstream media, even in the Orwellian media environment of the US and Canada.

It kinda took the edge off Jack Bauer's liberties with the cool MI-6 dude's daughter. Threatening the "bad guy" with harm to his relatives is getting old on the show. A really commitment would be to sacrifice the relatives for the cause but that would mess up the plot. Anyway, we know for a fact that in real life, the American people have tortured 9 and 11 year old boys (possibly castrated both of them in front of their father), tortured an aged man to death in front of his son (lawsuit filed by Center for Constitutional Rights), and brutally raped a 14 year old Iraqi boy (oddly, the media barely mentioned this from the US Congressional hearings a couple of weeks ago, I guess it forgot). Considering that they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki just for fun, is there anything really shocking about Jack's behaviour. Yes, that it was so unrepresentatively tame compared to real state terrorism.

Is there really a need for a fourth season?
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