I emailed her on wed. She gave a good menu. I had a bit of back and forth to figure out my needs. Left it at see you at 3:30 Friday, on thursday afternoon. 2am friday morning, get an email "hey hun" i replied "hey, whats up?" Around 7 am. 11am get a " hey babe" again. To which i respond, "hey, whats going on?" On reflection i should have asked if we were still on for today... Emailed back at 2:30. Said i could meet early or at 3:30. Emailed 2:20 said "is this happening today?" Emailed 2:50 saying "are we meeting today?" And then at 3:50 get one saying" hey babe, what do you need?" I write back, "we had an appointment today at 330.. Nothing till I ask at 530, "so what happened?" Says she had family issues and her wisdom teeth are coming in, so she cant do anything.. Now shes offering everything again for 180?
Anyone else deal with her?
Anyone else deal with her?
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