‘Don’t work for the climate wreckers’: U.N.’s António Guterres to 2022 graduates


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
May 24, 2022

‘My message to you is simple: Don’t work for climate-wreckers.Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.’

That’s United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, with some career advice for the graduating class of Seton Hall University and really, an entire generation about to enter one of the most favorable job markets in memory.

No pressure: “You must be the generation that succeeds in addressing the planetary emergency of climate change,” he said in remarks shared via the U.N.’s newsfeed on Tuesday. Watch the entire address.

Guterres, and specifically, the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have been championing a more aggressive response to global warming, putting particular emphasis on wealthy nations, financial markets and corporations aiding the developing nations that bear the brunt of climate change’s effects, but burn a smaller portion of the traditional energy sources whose pollution is behind the surge in man-made warming.

The IPCC said in a report earlier this year that by as soon as 2030, greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut by at least 43% to prevent 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming at the end of the century. That’s a key degree target set in 2015 at a Paris climate summit and is seen keeping the world from the worst ravages of warming damage. Last week, the U.N. announced five actions to speed up the shift to renewable energy.

Even on a celebratory day, Guterres was blunt about what’s at stake.

“Despite mountains of evidence of looming climate catastrophe, we still see mountains of funding for coal and fossil fuels that are killing our planet,” the U.N. head told the graduates. “That money continues to flow from some of the biggest names in finance, hedge funds and private equity. But we know investing in fossil fuels is a dead end — economically and environmentally.”

Fewer than half of 150 major global banks and financial institutions, some that joined a high-profile climate pledge, have limited their business with the oil-and-gas sector to the degree expected to limit global warming by 2050. That figure is alleged by the Paris-based nonprofit Reclaim Finance, which issued a policy tracker.

No doubt, graduates are entering a strong hiring market, which means they can have more say in opportunities and compensation. There are roughly 33% more jobs available for the class of 2022 than there were for the class of 2021, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, and “overall hiring continues to surge,” said Mary Gatta, NACE’s director of research and public policy.

Guterres told the graduates that their future will be richer if care about where they work.

“Your talent is in demand from multinational companies and big financial institutions. You will have plenty of opportunities to choose from,” he said. ”My message to you is simple: Don’t work for climate-wreckers. Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.”

His remarks broadened from climate change.

Guterres also told the graduates that the engineering degree he earned over four decades ago never resulted in a job in that field.

“What I ultimately took from my training went far beyond electronics or telecommunications,” he said.

“The most important skills I gained from my education were ‘learning how to learn,’ how to work with others, how to communicate ideas, and — above all — how to make a difference in the world.”



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Green jobs in Western countries will not save the planet. At best it'll slow its demise. I really, really don't understand why we're putting so much effort towards it.
We would have been better off taxing dirty energy and using those funds exclusively for funding research towards clean, renewable, plentiful, scalable and relatively cheap energy. Possibly fusion. New tech is all that's going to get us out of the impending mess.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
May 24, 2022

‘My message to you is simple: Don’t work for climate-wreckers.Use your talents to drive us towards a renewable future.’

That’s United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, with some career advice for the graduating class of Seton Hall University and really, an entire generation about to enter one of the most favorable job markets in memory.
Why would anyone want to work for companies that are screwing over the planet for profit?
Only assholes who only care about themselves would work there, or invest there.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Green jobs in Western countries will not save the planet. At best it'll slow its demise. I really, really don't understand why we're putting so much effort towards it.
We would have been better off taxing dirty energy and using those funds exclusively for funding research towards clean, renewable, plentiful, scalable and relatively cheap energy. Possibly fusion. New tech is all that's going to get us out of the impending mess.
The new tch will provide more sources of renewable and/or non polluting energy.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Green jobs in Western countries will not save the planet. At best it'll slow its demise. I really, really don't understand why we're putting so much effort towards it.
We would have been better off taxing dirty energy and using those funds exclusively for funding research towards clean, renewable, plentiful, scalable and relatively cheap energy. Possibly fusion. New tech is all that's going to get us out of the impending mess.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda . Time to throw up our hands and leave the consequences to future generations🤡👎 ...


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The new tch will provide more sources of renewable and/or non polluting energy.
It can't possibly provide enough jobs for many of the younger
generation who take Guterres's advice seriously. Where do you think
those looking for jobs in the airline industry can turn to for
a different career? I don't think those
who aspire to be an air pilot will find a job of driving a solar
plane. Young women who wished to be air stewardess before
they were addressed by Guterres could probably easily find
jobs as high class escorts but you can bet majority of college
graduates would have to give up their original career goals.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I worked for a mining company and feel no shame at all.
Provided me with a comfortable living and very good pension and benefits.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Mining was absolutely essential to industrial revolution
and still is to advancement of science and technology. Transition
away from fossil fuel to nuclear and renewable energy would be
impossible without a steady supply of a wide range of base and
rare metals from the mining industry. A career in mining is way
more productive than one in climate science.
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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
It can't possibly provide enough jobs for many of the younger
generation who take Guterres's advice seriously. Where do you think
those looking for jobs in the airline industry can turn to for
a different career? I don't think those
who aspire to be an air pilot will find a job of driving a solar
plane. Young women who wished to be air stewardess before
they were addressed by Guterres could probably easily find
jobs as high class escorts but you can bet majority of college
graduates would have to give up their original career goals.
You are making the wrong comparison.

Renewables etc are not an employment panacea. The point is that as green replaces fossil the jobs that lost in fossil will be more than replaced with better jobs. This is just a collateral benefit to the unstoppable march toward green.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Time to throw up our hands and leave the consequences to future generations🤡👎 ...
Predictions are hard, especially about the future.

No one can predict what the future will bring, including how energy will be produced. The only thing we can reliably predict is life on this planet will probably continue to get better, as it has for the past 100 years.

Leaving the future to future generations isn't something that's optional.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Mining was absolutely essential to industrial revolution
and still is to advancement of science and technology. Transition
away from fossil fuel to nuclear and renewable energy would be
impossible without a steady supply of a wide range of base and
rare metals from the mining industry. A career in mining is way
more productive than one in climate science.
The climate champions who claim to be experts in "science" also don't appreciate that fossil fuels and their byproducts are essential to our lives and our current standard of living.

Their importance goes well beyond the gas people buy at the pumps.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The climate champions who claim to be experts in "science" also don't appreciate that fossil fuels and their byproducts are essential to our lives and our current standard of living.

Their importance goes well beyond the gas people buy at the pumps.
You are of cousre correct. All that fossil fuel will be necessary to power the A/c as the temperatures rise, the pumps when sea level rise, the firefighting equipment when the fires increase, the rescue crews when tornadoes and hurricanes become more lethal and destructive.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
... you can bet majority of college
graduates would have to give up their original career goals.
Give up seems to be a recurring theme. Chicken little, more than a little chicken🐤...


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
You are of cousre correct. All that fossil fuel will be necessary to power the A/c as the temperatures rise, the pumps when sea level rise, the firefighting equipment when the fires increase, the rescue crews when tornadoes and hurricanes become more lethal and destructive.
I didn't hear you complaining when vaccines were created to help protect people from the worst of COVID-19.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
I didn't hear you complaining when vaccines were created to help protect people from the worst of COVID-19.

I have no idea what the connection is that you are trying to make but I guess when logic and reason fail just default to meaningless word salad.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Shoulda, woulda, coulda . Time to throw up our hands and leave the consequences to future generations🤡👎 ...
No, time to fix our focus, and throw a lot more resources into researching alternative energy. Tech is our only way out of this, and we're running out of time.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The only thing we can reliably predict is life on this planet will probably continue to get better, as it has for the past 100 years.
Not if reliable affordable fossil fuel energy is shut down

Leaving the future to future generations isn't something that's optional.
acting foolishly
ie shutting down FF without a reliable , affordable replacement in place should not be an option
i.e. allowing science to be perverted by a political agenda should not be an option

the premise man kind can control climate or 'fight' climate change is absurd
co2 is measured in parts per million and it is not the control knob for our very complex, chaotic and dynamic climate
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Vasectomy specialist should be a good career choice. Once
carbon emission has reached the point of no return worldwide
sterilisation of climate sheeple youth would have to be implemented
to save future generations.


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
No, time to fix our focus, and throw a lot more resources into researching alternative energy. Tech is our only way out of this, and we're running out of time.
Sorry, I haven't felt the need to include a sarcasm alert in quite some time - my bad...
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