Ashley Madison

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  1. S

    need help navigating backpage

    hey everyone, i used to do this a ton in HK when i visited often but can't anymore so i've decided to tryout the toronto scene. the reviews here are great but sometimes i do look around other places such as backpage.. i always see obvious b&s photos but are they that bad? see some...
  2. S

    good areas to wander for MPs

    thanks ... never heard of romeos ... im still rather new at this, only been to SRM. ill take a look.
  3. S

    good areas to wander for MPs

    anyone? places that are walking distance..
  4. S

    good areas to wander for MPs

    i know this board has specific reviews and info on MPs, but where are areas where you can just wander in and out of MPs? for those who just want to adventure around without research. thanks in advance
  5. S

    weird dilemma (business clients and MPs)

    errrrrrrrrr...... the only thing that might hint to that is that he asked if i had a gf.. but i thought maybe that would have given him a idea if im up for 'whoring'.. but then again people with gfs/wives do it all the time. edit: anyone else think the same way as ballz?
  6. S

    weird dilemma (business clients and MPs)

    ok so how do i know for sure if he wants me to look up something for him? does he have to explicitly ask for it? thanks for the advice, i should have known that a lot of people want to play. it just threw me off a bit.
  7. S

    weird dilemma (business clients and MPs)

    hi guys, i have a weird dilemma .. i started my MP hobby recently and work as a sales rep for a company that is doing a trade show. the show involves suppliers that display their goods for the buyers. i was outside for a smoke when i was approached by a buyer, he mentioned that he bought...
Toronto Escorts