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  1. H

    Older Actresses who've aged gracefully

    hey rockslinger!!! I didn't think anyone remembered that movie!! You are absitively right about Dana!!!! ouch!!! Can't find that movie anywhere now??
  2. H

    Fishing in Lake Simcoe and Cook's Bay for Dummies

    Damn!! if the lakes weren't so weedy we could have that Terb Pool party that everyone's been lamenting about minus the pool!!!
  3. H

    Fishing in Lake Simcoe and Cook's Bay for Dummies

    And don't forget...You can fish in winter too. There's a great outfit outta Beaverton on Simcoe who will take you out, set you up in a hut, lite the's gREAT!! Stare in the hole all day and pull out massive perch!! And if they don't on the ice with everyone else!!
  4. H

    Vacation ideas ??

    Ahhhh!!!!...Rio!!...What about Norway!!! Talk about Natural Beauty Everywhere from the sites to the women!! As for it still wild for a 40 somethingyearold?
  5. H

    Pickering angels

    This thread is disconcerting. PA is a solid regulated place as far I can tell. It would be nice to get the straight skivy on what's really going on as I was always told the ownership exiles those that don't follow the rules. I've even bumped into a bylaw officer once on the way in. As an...
  6. H

    So it's Saturday night what you all doing?

    Fighting a freakin cold bug....was sick all last week, got better for 2 days, wanted to come to the big city this weekend for some fun as per research here on Terb, but oh no...cold came back Thurs. night and now in total control...another lonely, my vicks vapo, some beer, halls...
  7. H

    What song would you pick to best describe yourself - thoughts on life, etc.?

    I'm too old and computer illiterate to attach lyrics and yooo tubes...but for me...America....Sister Golden Hair......."I'm not ready for the Alter but I do agree there are times when an SP can be a good friend of mine"
  8. H

    Hey Baci!!!

    Hey Happy BD!!...and bye the way, you were right!!
  9. H

    Best Vacation Spot for Partying Singles?

    Did she like the "nice shoes bar"
  10. H

    Best Vacation Spot for Partying Singles?

    I was there 2 years ago in November and YES you should be concerned!!
  11. H

    Best Vacation Spot for Partying Singles?

    Temptations...Cancaun......ahhhhh fuck....ebissa takes the case....just close this thread...I can't afford it right now!!!!
  12. H


    I did well on it.....and the price is like all even some of you ladies here on terb are on it...aren't you!!!
  13. H

    Sunday night.

    Fucking Kaberle....but heh...better to watch the leafs lose then think you're getting an sp and end up in the end.......ouch!
  14. H

    What did you get for Christmas?

    Bought myself an expensive watch.....dumb eh??? ...opportunity cost...could have.........
  15. H

    Legalities Concerning "Common Bawdy Houses"

    Why do you guys do this to me!! Here I'm rarin to go to an incall tomorrow....obviously an advertising agency on here and you're getting me uptight. It's Christmas after-all!!! Please tell me LE doesn't want to lock us up over the holidays!! Now I'm having 2nd thoughts.......where is my mentor???
  16. H

    A couple more from PA

    It went up 10 bucks!!!!
  17. H

    Cindy at Pickering Spa

    and where r the spa & crat located?
  18. H

    anyone try speed dating?

    did u post your pic on POF? and as far as 25 dates....don't have the may have some fun!!!
  19. H

    Dundas and Yonge - WOW!

    Don't forget the Nickleodeon where Teenage Head and David Wilcox used to live!
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