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  1. L

    Had to pick up my 4th poppy already......

    Poppies falling off and being lost is a metaphor for those fallen in the line of duty. That is why they have just a straight pin. Sheesh, do I have to learn the bunch of ya?
  2. L

    I only use the Frankcastle handle on terb and one other MP forum

    A comic book character? Oh, dear I am out of the loop. I am with Fabulous with this and thought you named yourself after the subway stop but rearranged the order of the two words to be a little more original. Having a blonde moment here.. :)
  3. L


    Hi Sweetie I will send you the # of my webguy, he rocks!
  4. L

    Plastic surgeons

    Yes Maxine's are great arent they?! I love playing with them too ;)
  5. L

    Plastic surgeons

    Dr. Bell. Best in Canada hands down but there is a lenghty waiting list. Dr. Edelstien is excellent as well. xoxo Lady Rachel
  6. L

    SP’s what media of advertising do you like best

    I pay for my advertising. I am sorry, some people will hate to hear this but TERB doesn't translate into ANY business for me. I have never had a Terbite come to see me over the years, either when I was dancing or now that I am a Pro Domme. Mostly I just come here to hang out, read some threads...
  7. L

    were you "cool" in school?

    Cute test. BTW, I had a shoulder tattoo at 11. I was the epicentre of the cool crowd. Still love being a bad girl, that is me.... xoox Lady Rachel
  8. L

    19th Century Anti-Masturbation Device

    You are right, it is such a barbaric device. The ones I have in my dungeon are made of plastic - so much easier to put through the dishwasher than metal ones. ;)
  9. L

    Thank God She's Beautiful...

    Capital guy Yes, but for the past 6 yrs of middle school and highschool she has been educated by Bush's school system. Sheesh...some people's kids! BTW I loved Miss West Carolina's clips - thanks for those links whomever posted them. After spending time overseas this summer I can appreciate...
  10. L

    Thank God She's Beautiful...

    wow Even I am impressed with how dumb they are breeding them nowadays in Bush's america. I had to bookmark that. She is dumb even for a blonde, I am almost offended I share the same haircolour!
  11. L

    I'm bored fucking real women

    WOW, I totally know some people that need to be dressed up in that! Thanks for the link! xoxox Lady Rachel
  12. L

    Things You Probably Didn't Know About Sex...Unless You're A Sick Bastard

    Facinating! Where did you get the stats? Got a link?
  13. L

    Funny video of Racoon stealing carpet!!

    OMG that is so CUTE!!!!
  14. L

    Happy Birthday Sloane

    Hey baby, happy birthday! Thought you were going to call me? xoxo Lady Rachel
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    "In the dark all cats are grey" -Oscar Wilde
  16. L

    "Vive Quebec,Vive Quebec Libre..."

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh...relax. "natural" quebecios are not having babies enough to replace themselves. One or two more generations of new immigrants and they will be a forgotten people. Patience my dears, patience...
  17. L

    The BDSM Section

    That would be great!
  18. L

    Does anyone know where this girl is my dungeon :p
  19. L

    Does anyone know where this girl is

    Oh baby it is PARTYTIME when you get back to town! boys, feel free to be completely jealous that I will have her all to myself ;)
  20. L

    Does anyone know where this girl is

    She is a close friend of mine. PM me if you need to get ahold of her for something business related. BTW she is living on the west coast now.
Toronto Escorts