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  1. M

    How much does it cost to put an ad in NOW or EYE?

    Hi, I've decided to go back to escorting and was wondering if anyone knew how much Now or Eye charges for a print ad with photo. I went to their site and couldn't find any price lists, anyone here know?
  2. M

    Sex Worker Cabaret Extravaganza!

    Mirha's Dear John Here's Mirha's monologe on her favorite johns. The following names are heard in voice-over before Mirha-Soleil starts her monologue: Alexandre, Camille, Abel, Sacha, Simon, Raoul, Jean-Pierre, François, Mathieu, Angelo, Kwan, Mohamed, Alain, Miguel, Gabriel, Rafael, Eduardo...
  3. M

    Sex Worker Cabaret Extravaganza!

    Sex Professionals of Canada proudly presesnt their fundraiser Bawdy House Burlesque An evening of sex worker cabaret featuring performances by Miss Kitty Galore Mirha Soile Ross Renne Nay Tanya Cheex The Saucy Tarts The *****moans Wendy & Danielle Illogik Valerie Scott August 16th 2006 The...
  4. M

    TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAY -- Rally and March at Children's Aid Society!!

    It doesn't make sense, that's why I'm reopening the case and the reason why CBC wanted to do a documentary on it. You'd be amazed at how many other moms have lost their kids for the same reason. BTW, the removal of a child from a sex worker is not manatory, but it is at the discretion of the...
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    TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAY -- Rally and March at Children's Aid Society!!

    Actually, most sex workers CAN afford there kids.
  6. M

    TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAY -- Rally and March at Children's Aid Society!!

    It wasn't just that I was a stripper, since I was in Children's Aid myself as a child they also knew that I used to prostitute. And even though I don't anymore the fact that I am quite vocal as a sex worker activist works against my favor.
  7. M

    TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAY -- Rally and March at Children's Aid Society!!

    Hi, I'm one of the women that have joined this group. I lost my son to Children's Aid Society 3 years ago. My ex husband found out that I was stripping to make ends meet and he called Children's Aid Society. CAS did an investigation, didn't find any abuse, but they didn't think that my...
  8. M

    TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAY -- Rally and March at Children's Aid Society!!

    TAKE BACK MOTHER’S DAY MARCH AND PROTEST May 14th 2006 at 15 Huntley Street at 2:00pm For most Canadians, Mother’s Day is a time when families honor their mother’s hard work. But for many of low income families find that on Mother’s Day, peace and joy is in very short supply, especially now...
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