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    It so cold!!

    soon you will be trying to save 5 cents on a bill by lowering your A/C unit. walk it off :D
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    it is NEVER to late sexy perfect sweety lady ... I will be doing one last push tonight until i can't stay awake any longer LOL I am takin care of, i have a tons of support from my s/o. the huntingtins society , and i to many DR's to even count.. :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    just the way you like it :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    The ever so erfect Kyra and i have been in touch... Kyra was incredibly kind to do this for huntingtons.. :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    bump a dee bum bump , bump bump :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    Two days to go, the final PUSH is on :)
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    Winter blows----terb party

    I would love to say yes. whith my situation, i might not know until the day before.... i miss these gatherings
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    Winter blows----terb party

    Then i have something JUST for you ;)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    I really want to meet all of you, maybe at the next terb party i can come back to toronto to thank everyone in person then go back to your place ( you and i ;) )
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    Thank you sweet man I love you all so much. all this warms my heart :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    it all goes to the same place :) thank you for taking the time to donate . It really means a lot to A LOT of people xoxoxo
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    As rude as it might sound ,you BOX is full :cool:
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    If you guys could see me right now all full of the happiest way possible :) THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART & SOUL XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXO
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    My goal was to collect $1000 in sponsor pledges for this event as of right now i am sitting at $1350.00 Ilove you all so very much :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    I was asked by a few members to post how they can sponsor me using a money order payable to : Huntingtons Society of Canada (niagara chapter) (Pm for mailing address) thank you everyone...the response to this has be nothing sort of incredible :) xoxoxoxo
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    Thank you to every one who has sponsored me so far xoxoxo and Fred Zed for allowing me to be that annoying fund raiser for a few days xoxox :)
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    Dear Security Guard At The Internet Cafe On Dundas St Friday..........

    Yes when not sleeping or fund raising :)
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    caught on camera: Driver's near miss with out of control lorry in ontario seeing that still blows my mind :)
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    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    That you for moving this thread over here as well Fred xoxo
Toronto Escorts