Toronto Escorts

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  1. N

    Blue Jays 2024

    it is encouraging to see more empty seats - best way to send a message is not going to the games. But then you have the outfield bars and playground. Do those people even watch the game?
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    Blue Jays 2024

    Getting Springer was supposed to be a get over the top signing. First year, he was injured much of the time. Now. he seems like an automatic out. My real problem is he was also supposed to bring that "know how to win je ne sais quou". Instead he is Guerrero's favourite playmate
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    Blue Jays 2024

    A tale of 2 baseball games. I went to the Jays game on Tuesday and should have taken a nap instead. They are selling out outfield seats for parties, and people just wanting to get on the jumbotron and down hot dogs. Very few are really baseball fans. Was good in a way to hear booing after...
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    Blue Jays 2024

  5. N

    Blue Jays 2024

    And they are facing such "tough" pitching, Tonight a fifth starter from the minors is dominating them.
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    Blue Jays 2024

    How bad does Vlad have to get before the manager does something? His playoff performance - especially getting picked off - has just continued. He likes sitting on the far end of the dugout...leave him there for a few games. And this would take guts....send him to Buffalo for a couple weeks
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    Blue Jays 2024

    You can't trade him because who will dump gatorade on players who get interviewed after the game?
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    Blue Jays 2024

    And the so-called super star has 3 solo home runs and I believe 1 (one!) hit with risp.
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    Blue Jays 2024

    Many of those seats behind home plate emptied during the game. Where did they go? To find better seats? And the gray haired lady looked miserable sitting in the third row. But last night was the jays at their skepticism for empty seats and empty bats in the...
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    Which Politician would you have SEX with?

    Neetu Garcha....weekend anchor Global National
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    The Legend Of Billy Stemhovilichski

    He was no Billy Duke. Actually it was mostly unfunny sctv bit.
  12. N

    Blue Jays 2024

    As long as they can sell tickets and lots of beer and people watch on tv.........there will be no commitment to winning....and the powder puff line up will lead the league in being shut out. This is not a play off team and they have no offensive superstars. Oh one guy who occasionally launch a...
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    Vlad Jr. wins arbitration hearing record $19.9M for '24

    Maybe he will show up for the playoffs. Although I do not think the Jays will make the playoffs
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    Official CFL/Argos 2023 thread

    Making things worse was the TTC! There was no streetcar service!!!! Countless fans got stuck in traffic just trying to get to the game and were standing in line ups at the gate while the game was going on. The TTC did not announce on the subway that the streetcars were not running so that fans...
  15. N

    Blue Jays Off-Season Moves

    If attendance and tv ratings do not decline in the first 2 months of the season, then Toronto fans deserve whatever crap is on the menu (team, management, and food).....they need to win big (they won't) those first 2 months to try to get us discerning types back. Ohtani needs and wants to go to...
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    2023 MLB Playoffs and World Series.

    Trivia Question.....When was the last time that two teams carrying their state name met in the world series..or has it never happened before?
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    2023 MLB Playoffs and World Series.

    I kind of feel sorry for Daulton Varsho. A good honest decent player and teammate - but even he must feel that he wasn't worth it to give up Moreno and Gurriel - as he watches them compete and succeed at the highest level.
  18. N

    2023 MLB Playoffs and World Series.

    I enjoy watching these games. I see managers who know what they are doing, I see players coming through with big hits and some big catches, I see players playing hard all the time and not getting picked off. Damn I wish Toronto had a team like that
  19. N

    Jays 2023

    I wish some one would ask Shapiro if with the undeniable GM and Manager, and the higher prices....will actual attendance go up in 2024 or down? Frankly, if attendance stays the same, then we ticket buyers are suckers. I predict the Jays won't even make the play offs next year. The Yankees...
Toronto Escorts