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  1. E

    Should Catholic schools be allowed to force religious studies?

    Just one thing it seems everybody forgets about the education funding is that when you pay property taxes (which is where the funding for schools is supposed to come from) you have a choice to say where your education tax dollars go - either to the public system or the catholic system. It is...
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    Just like you said they are in it for themselves. The sad truth is that those that truly support pay 4 play are a minuscule minority in both the country and in ANY political party. They only fein opposition because they think it will help their position in achieving their self interest goals...
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    Should Catholic schools be allowed to force religious studies?

    The way I understand it the Catholic school system exists as a remnant of Confederation for Quebec to be part of Canada. I think the politicians can use that as an excuse at least until Canada adds another province that is predominantly Jewish, Muslim or whatever.
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    Feel Good Story: CEO Donates His Bonus To His Employees

    LOL… I've lost count of home many times my ex-soviet block friends have said exactly those words….
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    I rear ended someone, question about accident and insurance

    I think they are trying to give you a hint to "punish the behaviour". If this bothers you, I would recommend not putt-putting along in the left lane at or below the limit and move over to the far right lane where you can go slower… Let them go faster, they'll clear out any radar traps ahead...
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    What do you prefer - Dogs or Cats?

    Kinda. I was thinking along the lines that wives are like cats...
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    What do you prefer - Dogs or Cats?

    I've had both, but I by far prefer dogs. Cats are only loyal to you when they want something. With dogs you leave them for a hour and come back home, they behave like they haven't seen you for ages and it makes you feel appreciated. Hell, my dog always happily greets me no matter what, the...
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    Is WW3 coming ?

    Don't forget Lithuania… the Russians would love to have a land path to that turd outpost called Kalingrad. They also promised to return the Kallingrad area. The chances of Putin and company doing that is zero. So much for their promise to right the original Nazi-Soviet Ribbentrop -Molotov...
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    Secret serum likely saved Ebola patient - But that won't help the rest of the world

    Doing animal trials is easy compared to human studies. I really think this was a lets try this - if the treatment doesn't kill him he will probably die anyway. I am very sure he and his family signed legal waivers left, right and centre. Potential lethal pandemics of bleeding from every pore...
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    Watched a bit of CNN and they said 3 other commercial aircraft were in the area at the time. They also said Lufthansa, KLM and others were regularly flying that corridor. The Malaysian flew about 200 miles further north to avoid a strong thunderstorm to the south but that it was still in...
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    I haven't seen the CNN translation but I had a Russian speaking friend listen to the link oagre gave. He said it sounded very legit because of how worried the speaker sounded (intonation of the voice) He described the conversation as basically 'Shit it was an airline we shot down. WTF are we...
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    I have my doubts that a BUK (SA-17) is as simple to operate as a point and shoot camera. More than likely there had to be, ahem, unmarked advisors either operating it or training the Donetsk farm boys. You don't hand someone a system as complex as a SAM without at least showing them how to run it.
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    Obvious it was shot down. I wonder what the chances will be to recover the black boxes and remains with the assholes in the area....
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    Ever notice Strelkov has more than a passing resemblance to Hitler? Behaviour now sounds similar too. Putin must be real happy with the fuck up and his actions today.
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    A missile that can reach 22 km up? Where do you find that kind of weaponry lying around? Abandoned in a barn? Nope. Delivered via Putin Express. This is serious weaponry not a rifle or rocket grenade.
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    Hobbying on Credit

    Never. Cash is king for the hobby and me.
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    "Journalists in region say they saw a Buk-type launcher in pro-Russian rebel hands yesterday" "between five and ten Britons were feared dead. Interfax news agency reported that 23 U.S. citizens were on board." Read more...
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    What can Ontario unions expect from the new Liberal majority government?

    I really think this is true. With high energy costs, added labour costs etc. etc., Ontario just cannot compete anymore. Why bother to locate a facility in southern Ontario? Ontario doesn't have anything even remotely close to what NY has for incentives. Why move to Buffalo NY? Try this for...
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    Another Malaysian Airways flight down over Ukraine....

    If this holds true and it was a Russian missile... I hope the world finally wakes up and gets serious with Putin - completely innocent victims - there is no excuse. Missile launchers are not accidentally, activated, targeted and fired without authorization. Putin is a control freak. He would...
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    TERB has finally moved, please report any bugs here

    If its a clue… Does show the last post made in a forum. The forum page itself does not seem to update (only checked lounge and politics).
Toronto Escorts