Great call, legatto. Misty's was literally across the street from my apartment. The elevator ride down five floors was the longest part of the trip. Misty was always great to deal with...lucky to have it on my doorstep.
Lived in Sydney for about three years, up until 18 months ago. Visited again as recently as last year. It really is a two-tier system there: Asians are relatively cheap, and locals are fucking expensive (like most other things down there - we used to call it the "lifestyle tax"). I avoided...
Headed to Oxygen tomorrow for the weekend. Just a sample trip...but if I like it, I'll book some proper time there. Thanks in advance to fletch16 and sentry11 for their reports on it so far.
Apart from someone unknown chick in the red light district in Amsterdam, Raquel at AGFE:
Mind you, she wasn't at AGFE some other, now closed, incall in downtown Hamilton...