Toronto Escorts

Search results

  1. D

    Looking for an SP who is into the the Leafs...

    Thanks for all the responses! The deal is done and, for those who are curious, I am NOT paying for the company.
  2. D

    Looking for an SP who is into the the Leafs...

    I don't know about being a sub, but she sure has to be into pain and humiliation.
  3. D

    Looking for an SP who is into the the Leafs...

    Of course. But I much prefer the restaurant.
  4. D

    Looking for an SP who is into the the Leafs...

    To accompany me to a game. Got front row (!!) tickets (I've used them before - these seats are just incredible), platinum lounge, all that jazz, and am currently single. Might as well mix pleasure with pleasure! Thursday January 31. Drop me a PM or post here if you are interested.
  5. D

    Will this error at login ever get fixed?!!!!

    Or, don`t type the www at the beginning of the URL (i.e. use, not That works too!
  6. D

    Logging into TERB

    The way to avoid this, believe it or not, is to use the URL: rather than using That`s all it takes. It`s an annoying glitch, but that`s the best workaround I`ve found.
  7. D

    Anyone know of a good NYC escort review board?

    Great! Keep 'em coming!
  8. D

    Anyone know of a good NYC escort review board?

    I'm going to be spending some time there and I'm looking for a good referral source, something as comparable to TERB as possible. Failing that, a decent listings site would be nice. Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks!
  9. D

    Reasons for Hobbying

    Wife's in the loony bin. Not going to get divorced or bring another woman home to the kids. Seems like a decent enough solution.
  10. D

    Begging for sponsors for my HUNTINGTONS DISEASE fund raiser event

    Bump. This needs more attention from us all.
  11. D

    For the ladies: need plastic surgeon recommendation - who does the best boobs?

    OK, my SO wants to get her boobs done, and I want to make sure we get the best looking ones we can, so I'm looking for some references from ladies who have had some work done. In short: who do you think is the best boob guy (or gal) in town? Before and after photos would be really helpful...
  12. D

    Phoenix Rocks!

    Now, I would hate to cast aspersions, but this is the second "first time poster" in the last few days to write a brief but positive review of the same SP, one whom some searching shows has a number of other, not so favourable reviews. Kinda makes you go "hmmmmmm...." One the flip side, I do...
  13. D

    Another review board bites the dust...

    Well, I decided to venture over to that ever so inventively named review board, GTERB, for my annual visit (which is about what the traffic seemed to warrant) the other day, and it appears to be gone. I don't know when it happened, but I can sure guess why. Anyone enlighten me on how long it...
  14. D

    Impaired Driving

    Uh...good posting, my man. Too bad you're so glib. :D
  15. D

    Impaired Driving

    To those of you who say "...if he was impaired he deserves it..." or some variant thereof, I say pshaw! The penalties for drunk driving in this country are out of proportion to the crime in the vast majority of cases (the result of a very vocal pressure group and the selective manipulation of...
  16. D

    Are Cards With high Annual Fees Worth The Cost??

    The math goes like this (at least it does for Aeroplan, I can't speak for the others, but since it is the largest affinity program in the country, it's a decent bet that the math for others is not that dissimilar). For the retail customer, each point is worth (in terms of spending power)...
  17. D

    Oh Moderators...

    Nor had I. That's a great list. Thanks.
  18. D

    Oh Moderators...

    Seriously, I would prefer to do this by PM, but don't know whom to PM and no one answered my last thread asking what happened to the BBFS thread I started and why. Instead, y'all just deleted that thread too. Fine by me, but could you please let me know why rather than just deleting this...
  19. D

    University Advice...Legal Issue...

    Now that may be the dumbest thing I have ever heard (or read). Only guilty people need lawyers? There are no falsely accused people who feel the need to preserve their rights and have an experienced and dispassionate advocate argue their innocence? Puh-leese! You must be a cop, that's the...
Toronto Escorts