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  1. J

    Selina..Where are you?

    Maybe she quit and moved back to California.
  2. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Nice excuse! The only attitude here is you and and your bullshit! Then again, I've heard on another board you carry on with the same bullshit there. I should have taking the advice from others before contacting you.
  3. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Hey handjob, thought you'd respond with your usual bullshit. The only people I have a problem with on here is ........ummmmmm...YOU! and your sidekick Fraudzilla. Must be a " hippiey" thing according to you right? Good grief. There you go again, talking about my end? Or was that rearend? homo
  4. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    The only thing that's full is you! Full of shit that is! Nothing wrong with my inbox. Funny how I did pm you over the long weekend but you managed to pm a friend of mine over the long weekend, on another board. A threat? If you see it that way, that's your problem. There have been many...
  5. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Who's angry? You can dish it out and now you can't take it? poor sport. And will you care to elaborate on what exactly a " hippiey" is?You've lost me! In my world the proper word is hippie! And you better hurry with an explanation since your butt pal Fraudzilla will come to your rescue with his...
  6. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    And everything I've said about you is correct, COWARD! Tough little parasite on a message board, aren't you? I'm certain that big mouth has got you in trouble more than a few times! How is the grammar now Professor Bullshit?
  7. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Since you were thinking in "inches" I believe I did answer your question johnnyhandjob! I know you want a guy to elaborate on the topic of "inches" but it's not my thing, apparently it is yours though. Ask another dude about his inches and leave me alone ya freak.
  8. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    No surprise there, you are always thinking in " inches " aren't you Johnnyhandjob?
  9. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Oh as we refer to you as the resident dim-wit! right COWARD?
  10. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

  11. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Hey moron, I already said if you are so brave with calling me a knob or bozo on here, let me hear it off the board, fair enough? As for assuming anything about me, I couldn't give a rats ass what you think and you already proved your trade secret is BULLSHIT! I found out from someone above you...
  12. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Sure plug, whatever. Now I'm a headbanger? Yes, you really do know me now, good lord! The only thing confusing is whether you should really be named Johnnyhandsome or Johnnyhandjob. Get a life loser.
  13. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Listen man, #1 you don't me so don't be saying something idiotic like that! This is a fucking internet forum so just because I write what I feel don't take everything so serious and rather with a "grain of salt" As far as walking into a workplace and blowing a few people away? Maybe in your...
  14. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Sure sure scumbag whatever you say! You are just so damn predictable ya know? On the issue of bullshit, who responds? the one and only Mr. Bullshit " I have polaroid's" himself- fraudmesiter100 Well Mr.Bullshit I did a little research myself and with the help of a relative that is a financial...
  15. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    100% BULLSHIT !!!
  16. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Actually... Trust me, Eddie doesn't need the money considering he makes more from his guitar and amp endorsements alone. If anything, Alex Van Halen who is on his 3rd wife (or more) needs the cash! Sammy is set with his Cabo Wabo Tequila which is rated 2nd best in the US right now winning many...
  17. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    I may have had a glitch or two here and there with the local Credit Bureau, so what! Doesn't mean I don't have money which in fact, have plenty of! So I'm not concerned about the credit bureau since I don't really care for credit cards and mortgages or leases when $$$ is more important to me! I...
  18. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    A simple joke? You are a joke! And to say you admire me, yeah no shit! You couldn't even be creative enough to start your own thread and copied mine on the credit bureau. And moron for the last time, it's Van Hagar in 2004 not Van Halen. You are just another wimp who has to hide behind her...
  19. J

    Bad Credit Report-Equifax HELP?

    Who's fighting L O S E R ? Shouldn't you be spending more time making up bullshit on the usual Australian thread? or making sure that thread gets deleted before the truth comes out by someone else? Who did you blow to have it removed? I don't even want to know. Like you even know my situation...
  20. J

    Save Don Cherry!

    sign the petition, save don cherry:
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