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  1. Meesh

    Very Ominous

    I went to the zoo and saw a baguette in a cage. The sign said it was bread in captivity.
  2. Meesh

    How do you contact people?

    That's the spirit!!
  3. Meesh

    Covid-19 most likely came from a lab leak,,,,,,,,,duh

    "First on Fox" - yeah, that alone makes me highly skeptical.
  4. Meesh

    This is bullshit! Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies

    Entirely baseless and frankly silly conspiracy theory. Trudeau's net worth went up so there's an underground illicit economy? LMFAO
  5. Meesh

    This is bullshit! Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies

    Dude, all you are doing is spouting the right-wingnut propaganda full of half-truths and outright lies. I'll follow the science. You're welcome to follow the politics.
  6. Meesh

    This is bullshit! Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies

    Thank you. Nice to see someone gets it.
  7. Meesh

    Robbie Robertson, Guitarist and Songwriter With the Band, Dies at 80

    I'm incredibly sad at his loss.
  8. Meesh

    COVID-19 outbreak declared at Etobicoke General Hospital

    Quoting a Merrie Melodies escapee like Chris Sky does not help your position.
  9. Meesh

    Higher Number Of COVID Vax Received, Higher RISK Of COVID: Newly Peer Reviewed Study Implies

    You obviously didn't read the article debunking the allegation. But hey, don't let facts stand in your way.
  10. Meesh

    Higher Number Of COVID Vax Received, Higher RISK Of COVID: Newly Peer Reviewed Study Implies

    Fair enough, but I'll still be the tunes are better on Sirius. I hate that crap the aliens play.
  11. Meesh

    Higher Number Of COVID Vax Received, Higher RISK Of COVID: Newly Peer Reviewed Study Implies

    I've had 6 shots. I have all the symptoms you mentioned, plus I'm able to pick up Sirius XM for free.
  12. Meesh

    Higher Number Of COVID Vax Received, Higher RISK Of COVID: Newly Peer Reviewed Study Implies

    Bombhshell. LMAO! You keep insulating yourself under that tinfoil hat. You keep posting whacko stuff and it always seems to have already been debunked. From Feb 2023: "It does not say that the bivalent booster increases the risk of catching COVID. The top line results show that the...
  13. Meesh

    Official WHO Paper...Covid-19 Vaccine Can Induce Multiple Sclerosis

    Take off your tinfoil hat and stop the indignant arm-waving.
  14. Meesh


    So the thread should be titled ? ALMOST EVERY POST IS FAKE ? LOL
  15. Meesh

    The Cost of Driving to Work / Car vs. TTC

    If you have friends or family out of town a car is a must. I frequently run to Keswick or Peterborough for a quick visit or lunch. To Keswick via car: 45 min. Via transit: 4hrs. And if you've ever been in a band, try lugging guitar/amps/mics etc. via transit.
  16. Meesh

    The Cost of Driving to Work / Car vs. TTC

    Remember that many (most?) people with a vehicle use it for purposes other than work as well, so you have to pro-rate the insurance/maintenance/home-parking costs to account for those myriad purposes as well.
  17. Meesh

    Boom, Bust and Echo… do you have a copy?

    Amazon is your friend.
  18. Meesh

    Age difference - dirty old men problems

    I'm in open non-monogamous relationships with three lovely ladies. One is 10 years older than me. One is 10 years younger than me. One is 30 years younger than me. I've never noticed even a sideways glance from anyone when I'm out socially with any of them. If asked, each is introduced as...
  19. Meesh

    Crazy Anti Vaxxer's Vaccine Theories

    Well, that's statistically significant. :rolleyes:
Toronto Escorts