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  1. S

    I'm An Ass...

    There will be an apology.... There will not be a gift certificate..... I have received an email requestiong more of an explanation, the response will be in person not over email and I will APOLOGISE... I'm not looking for validation, just wanted to get it off my chest, trust me I received a...
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    I'm An Ass...

    There will be no make up sex, it's done for good this time..... Just needed to get it off my chest....
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    I'm An Ass...

    No defense on this one.... We had "broken up" about 6 weeks ago becuase she was confused and no I didn't break up with her on her birthday as revenge. The bickering and arguing didn't stop. The constant response of "we can change that if you want" in reply to my being upset about things. I...
  4. S

    I'm An Ass...

    I broke up with the girlfriend on her birthday, I'm an ass. I had to do it as it was dragging on, in hindsight I should have made up an excuse and did it the next day, I'm an ass.... I'm an ass, I'm an ass, I'm an ass.... Do I want her back no, Do I want the best for her yes, I'm an ass...:(
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    Who's the most over-rated guitarist?

    What do you say about those that believe the Edge has created a new "style" of playing or sound? Not a huge fan but I read some articles in the past and I guess they kinda convinced me.....
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    Las Vegas

    SW at the Wynn was excellent on my last visit..... Jump in a limo from the airport for a quick trip up and down the strip and your driver will ask if you want to see pictures of his > daughters.....lmao
  7. S

    HD DVD or Blu-Ray

    Or just buy this....
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    Would you let your girlfriend become an escort ?

    Ummm, would I let her, sort of brings to mind the question of, she is her own person, not my right to dcide what she can and can not do...
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    U.S. Open

    288 yard par 3 8th hole can play up to 288 yards. I hope they play it all they way at the back for at least one round... [
  10. S

    U.S. Open Odds.

    Man Boobs Do you think Man Boobs' wrist has healed sufficiently? I know he had a cortisone shot but I'm thinking one missed tee shot into that US Open rough and well ouchy!!!
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    How to decide...

    30% would be very manageable, when I think about it... Good call
  12. S

    How to decide...

    Didn't cross my mind... Zero, Zip, Nada
  13. S

    How to decide...

    Hi all, Looking for a little advice from the community. I have been given a new staffing number for the upcomming quarter and in no uncertain terms, I need to let some people go. I have been given layoff packages to offer that are actualy fairly decent, but and there is always a but, I have...
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    Dell to sell PCs at Wal-Mart

    Don't understand this. How can you advertise that we built it for you, or what can we build for you, and then build low end mass machines. Sort of contradicts their entire marketing campaign?
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    2 post or not 2 post: Explicit pics of ex

    Not cool... Let it go, you had fun, now move on, be the bigger person....
  16. S

    Survivor Finale

    Ozzy should win it easy.....
  17. S

    Should OJ Simpson be allowed in Canada?

    The piece of shit was never convicted so how would you stop him???
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    Darfur, why don't we care?

    Sad.. Sad, but very true...
  19. S

    Ryder Cup USA or Europe

    Sergio pissed off Tiger and then some magazine pissed him off even more.... He'll be partnered with Furyk which should help and I believe overall the Americans have a little more depth...
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    HD television

    Without question the best picture is the Aquos... Working in the industry, everyone talks up the Aquos. As for Sony, at one time a leader and an inovator, now just crap. They have started another war, remember Beta or VHS. Welcome Blue Ray versus HDDVD...
Toronto Escorts