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  1. deep fried toast

    Do you prefer cbj or bbj with a sp?

    Yeah honestly I can't really feel much off a cbj, it's a no for me, kinda uncomfortable even to receive
  2. deep fried toast

    Anyone else over 40 getting bored with life?

    That's just depression kicking in from you getting stuck in your routine, I don't think all recommendations in here are necessarily wrong or right, just that the general advice would be to try new things or what gives you the thrills, this might be a lot of different things, and starting can...
  3. deep fried toast

    6 months in prison for Airbnb host who secretly filmed guests having sex

    Wow. Really needing to get one of those camera detector nowadays.
  4. deep fried toast

    Question re: Reviews and Provider Responses

    Would really like to know who she is to keep away tho, unless the review is saying some nasty things no provider should threat a lawsuit...
  5. deep fried toast

    Clueless, oblivious, ignorant, delusional... sorry, had to vent

    Not even accounting how personal and invasive this job is
  6. deep fried toast


    If back is for crac...
  7. deep fried toast


    Such sketchy pictures man. Not tryna judge but she does have a look that is similar to something that would be rude for me to say...
  8. deep fried toast

    Some of your favorite movie scenes.

    His final speech is golden on this
  9. deep fried toast

    I need to vent. Sorry about this

    Had a good laugh reading this
  10. deep fried toast

    What is strange with these art pieces?

    this one is a stretch :ROFLMAO:
  11. deep fried toast

    Trump is getting crazier by the minute

    They have been brainwashed, but I bet regrets are growing by the minute!
  12. deep fried toast

    Great music vids

  13. deep fried toast

    Trump is getting crazier by the minute

    imagine having voted for him honestly
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