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  1. T

    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    Originally this was the conclusion I came to, that the best method of investing was to just buy an index fund and hold it long term when I first started in finance, I mean warren buffet reccomends it. That being said, after talking to some fairly intelligent individuals (several ex-hedgefund...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    Why short equity when you can hedge with puts? Theta decay? If you were short in 06 it was a tad early, similar to burry Also, what you just described to Lehman is similar to the situation now, no? Also you mentioned TD could hedge risk, yet you said Lehman hedged risk but it ended up failing...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    Interesting, would you consider index funds right now? Seems a bit, risky buying in near the top, average returns on s&p is around 7-10% right? So all that risk for an extra 2-5% on the year vs GIC
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    I rarely listen to people online, as they've usually been wrong, especially youtube gurus, but i was curious his thoughts since he knew about the 08 crash in 06. I am new to finance to be honest, I was a computer science major, I made enough to retire quite young so I've been studying finance to...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    Curious, what are your thoughts on the current economic situation? If you saw the 08 financial crisis in 06, I am interested, what do you think will happen the next few years?
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    Lucid Motors

    Yes, you're right, any mega cap would be fine to buy when they're oversold.
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    I think you'll be surprised how easily things can come apart during a recession, trust me, the risk management right now at Canadian banks is not good at all, I think they got too greedy during covid. Mortgages were being given out to a lot of people that shouldn't have, along with car loans. On...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    "As of 31 December 2022, SVB reported a Tier 1 capital ratio of 15.4%"
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    Lucid Motors

    Actually if you're a short term trader you don't want to buy stocks at ATL, because of how liquidity works, usually if you do that, the stock will just keep going lower.
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    Lucid Motors

    I was surprised Sofi went to $10, it's valuation from MIT metrics only makes it worth around $5 (+/- $1) from a challenger bank valuation, although could be pricing in the future + rev growth from student loan forgiveness/repayments. AMD is an interesting company, george hotz keeps complaining...
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    Lucid Motors

    Nice, the way things are going i think xpeng and nio are going to go bankrupt, along with a few other american EV companies, the have no margins, no product, no business plan, it's a good idea but none of it is actually working. Nio sells expensive cars that are worse than Tesla and Xpeng sells...
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    Lucid Motors

    Xpeng has no real market, Tesla's model 3 is around the same price but better than their model P7 I don't know anyone that would buy an Xpeng over a Model 3 if they were the same price, on top of that xpeng is unprofitable and has near 0 margins, there is no thesis to invest in that company...
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    Lucid Motors

    This guy is probably the last person you want to listen to about investing, he was saying to invest in all the bubble stocks in 2021, and they all dropped 80-90%.
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    Do you believe AI is overhyped?

    this is just the beginning
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    Lucid Motors

    Thought I'd post this, probably the only company I am invested in right now, other than another one, which is a fintech stock. (Rest of my money is in GIC, US bonds, and puts on some useless companies that are in a bubble) Long story short, engineering is better than Tesla, I got in at $5.75...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    I won't go too much into details because I can't, I can say that if a hard recession happens, TD bank is going to be in trouble, very poor underwriting and overall tech system.
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