Asia Studios Massage

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  1. D

    Kitted Up Cars, Are the Owners Losers?

    2 points: 1st: these guys are losers for ruining a perfectly engineered automibile... not to mention the fact that they choose to hang out at a Tim Hortons parking lot. Its basically every Tim Hortons in the West End. 2: Whoever said that manufacturers should not build cars to go over the...
  2. D

    Toronto Star's Delusion

    tg; DoG Don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that the agency wasn't wrong. I think that anyone who employs underage girls, or treats the girls poorly, should be put out of business. ( in terms of underage, should be busted) I was stating my experience with Touch of Class. At that...
  3. D

    Toronto Star's Delusion

    I don't know if the article is 100% true or not, but I have used Touch of Class. I was a new hobbyist and thought that was just the way it was done. I know everytime I called, they would page all the ladies with my info (what i was looking for and my phone #) , and I would start getting...
Toronto Escorts