Garden of Eden Escorts

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  1. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    Check reply #8 on this thread
  2. Candymancan


    Not better. Just different girls. SL West (V&V) has nicer spa than V/Z one
  3. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    Which spa did you see Rebecca?
  4. Candymancan


    Z-one one Ford Drive, V-one on Marlborough, and SL West beside Costco (Winston Churchill)..all good experiences
  5. Candymancan


    I like Z/V One, Mei's, and SL West for MPA looks. And service! 😁
  6. Candymancan


    Mei's, Retret, Blue Rain, Dolphin, Utopia, Z-one, V-one, SL West, Comfort Foot, Crimson, Maple Wellness. Just a few that come to mind.
  7. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    Bring your own wrapper?
  8. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    Never been there, just have them on my radar aka TDL
  9. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    306A Kerr Street, Oakville
  10. Candymancan

    Mei's Spa (Various Reviews)

    Which place in Oakville? Utopia? V-One?
  11. Candymancan

    3455 Harvester Rd

    Hmm. That's too far for this boy. I'll have to miss church if I want to see her
  12. Candymancan

    Not me..

    Very few governments run like it's their own money. They treat it like it's money to get them re-elected.
  13. Candymancan

    3455 Harvester Rd

    Do you know where Ada works other than Mei's. Sundays don't work for me.
  14. Candymancan

    Not me..

    Will always have his legacy. Just look at the accumulated deficits he built up.
  15. Candymancan

    3455 Harvester Rd

    Yrah, I always enjoy a hug from Maggie. I even ask her if she wants to join me in the shower.
  16. Candymancan

    3455 Harvester Rd

    Yeah, but Crimson is known for high mileage. I haven't had much of that at Serene
  17. Candymancan

    3455 Harvester Rd

    I had Winnie at Serene before she moved to Crimson. She gave a BS at Serene which is fairly high mikeage for that place.
  18. Candymancan

    Hamilton Asian Massage

    Sorry what does 3x and 4x mean? I guess I'm a noob
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