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  1. Y

    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    No...I didn't ask for satellite data from the 1850's. For someone claiming to be smart, that is not what i asked for. OBVIOUSLY you understand it better than me because you are a science genius!!!!!!! You understand it better than the majority of scientists and climate change experts...
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Hahahaha....who asked for satellite data from 1850? Okay...I give up. You are obviously a pooning board genius. Thank you for providing me with ALL your evidence disproving the scientific consensus. Yeah I have no problem insulting you. You're an idiot. I wasn't dismissing the words...
  3. Y

    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit will wait a long time for satellite data from the 1850's! I actually understand the subject well enough. I have no interest in arguing points that already have plenty of support from the scientific community. You can find that yourself if you get your head out of your...
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Oh're such a keyboard warrior scaring me and making me runaway!!! Ohhhh noooo!!!! Look at me run! I just doesn't make sense for me to argue with idiots. It's the same as arguing with flatearthers, anti-vaxers, those who deny the moon landing, those who believe in sasquatch, etc.
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Not really. You can Google it yourself. I'm bored of this. The facts are that I don't claim to know better than the thousands of trained scientists and climate experts and I would never rely on the scientific accuracy of opinions of stranger on a escort review board. Keep posting..I will...
  6. Y

    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    haha....Yeah I'm laughing at you. My bad....I didn't realize I was in the presence of a scientific genius. You should write a paper. You obviously deserve a Nobel prize. LOL
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    That is your source? OMG...yeah I am laughing at you. SMH
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Hahaha okay...I didn't realize we had scientific geniuses on a pooner board who know better than 97%+ of climate scientists.
  9. Y

    Sexy Tan Lines Thread

    These fake images of celebrities are awful. Just sayin'.
  10. Y

    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    How about extending that graph beyond 1979 to show what the temperature was like before the industrial revolution?
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    Dry wallers fired for hosting a party with a hot blonde stripper

    It's her. She posted a photo of herself in the "infamous dress" on her Instagram. I always had a strong suspicion because the necklace she was wearing looked the same between the video and the post on LL and Instagram. FYI she also has an Onlyfans. Also, it looks like she got implants recently.
  12. Y

    home made lasagna

    I haven't tried any of these places but this may help ya.
  13. Y

    Want to buy Viagra privately

    @Sunlight Have you used the website you linked to? Just curious. Thx
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