Vaughan Spa
Toronto Escorts

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  1. R

    GSP knee injury pulls out of UFC 137

    Most boring fighter of all time,GSP. Wish someone can out dance this garcon for 5 rounds someday,nobody gay enough yet.
  2. R

    Which smartphone to choose: Blackberry, iPhone, or Android phone

    I dunno. I have a new Torch,had the old one before smashing it one drunken eve...:)..had the new Bold i didnt like so a gave it to a relative. Had an old Bold etc.. Iphones seem great for women,they seem to love them,simpletons,"Android" sounds like a childs video game,think i will stick with...
  3. R

    New 5.50$ entry fee to the U.S has taken effect....

    LOL. Reading the other thread here,"oh we don't charge them to come to Banff". Oh boy. I'm sure they would be happy with a compromise there.
  4. R

    New 5.50$ entry fee to the U.S has taken effect....

    Fact is,you want to go there more then they want to come here. Pay. Whatever the charge is,we will still be going there the same. Charge a yank a dime to come here,you will never see one. Hence,my non interest in going there,but i will have to pay the fee for my wife to go and save money...
  5. R

    Tim Hortons lasagna?

    Of all the things to add to a menu at a coffee shop,it has to be lasagna?,who the fuck came up with that idea. Some things i just don't get.
  6. R

    anyone ever refuse an SP?

    Indeed. Got into an argument with the SO one night a few years ago,went to a hotel,called something out of the phone book,asked for a young asian chick,they said they had a 20 year old etc... Late 30's broad shows up,i roll my eyes and let her in (i was half drunk anyway),was thinking i should...
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    No beer....forever... Think about that....
  8. R

    Is Canada rediscovering its core social democratic values?

    Ya i have alot of friends in Hamilton that say the same thing...;) LOL. Just kidding,non union guy here,earn your job is the way i see it or be fired. Thats business.
  9. R

    Feds will intervene if Air Canada workers strike: Raitt

    Union's should be done with. These days,your "benefits" should be having a job and if you have a problem with it,my 19 year old niece in law is working right now actually, at filling your position. Sure beats the old fat broads and gay guys that work at AC,and she won't complain. A company...
  10. R

    Is Canada rediscovering its core social democratic values?

    When the day comes that Hamilton is no longer "steel town" and instead the "cheap place to buy a home close to Toronto",your city won't be the dump it is. Be happy about that,i do think its coming and your home will be worth more then the dinner i had tonite.
  11. R

    Is the TERB party cancelled?

    Do these parties ever go on?...i was away from this forum for years till of late but i recall talk of one of these parties being cancelled in the early 2000's as well when i lurked back then...
  12. R

    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    HOF is a member of 'Herb'....and likely smokes alot of it. Hammerheads. Only city i know of where i could own a house for a tank of gas.
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    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    Indeed. If ya can't afford Ontario,ya live in Newfoundland. Or Hamilton.
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    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    Oh boy. Admin altered the title of my thread. Changed "idiots" to "Liberals". Well,i guess its the same word anyway.
  15. R

    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    Well with the HST,you will have more paying cash "no tax"....:D
  16. R

    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    You bet. This was a laydown for the conservatives,if they had of grabbed anyone off the streets of Burlington here,we would have been fine. :)
  17. R

    4 more years of the Liberals in Ontario...

    :( My wallet can't take it.
  18. R

    Question for married guys

    Not a good idea. You probably don't want to know she bangs her hairdresser,the "tell all" thing doesn't usually go your way. ;)
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    Shannon!!! Great body, waste of money!!!

    $100. Nice body,face and great ass. And you wanted more?...
  20. R

    NDP elected again

    LOL. Boob Ray and Pink Floyd. The good ol days eh. Manitoba?...keep the NDP there and Manitoba is what it is,please. Let Ontario continue to pat them on the head and tell them everything's gonna be alright.
Toronto Escorts