Search results

  1. C

    Your age and do you still get morning erections?

    57 ... and more often than not
  2. C

    Do you tell anyone that you hobby?

    Three can keep a secret, as long as two are dead!
  3. C

    A friend learned a hard lesson......

    Any money advanced to family or friends is a gift. That's it. If you cannot accept that, hold onto your cash. I've been repaid occasionally, but far more often it is a one-way transaction, so I treat any returns as found money.
  4. C

    What book changed your life?

    Heinlein -- (most of his stuff, but especially) Stranger in a Strange Land, and Starship Troopers (the movie is NOT the book) Sun Tzu -- The Art of War Strunk and White -- The Elements of Style
  5. C

    What was the stupidest rule your parents had when you were a kid?

    If your brothers can't go, you can't go. Imagine how much fun it was being 13, but restricted to activities that my 10-year-old brother could take part in.....
  6. C

    Is PMP certification worth it?

    The hitch here is being able to get to the hiring manager. Many firms simple toss PM resumes that don't include certification. Contracting to the Ontario Government? PMP is pretty much obligatory for any PM role.
  7. C

    US Military Salute Question

    In the Canadian Armed Forces, a chest salute is given when carrying a weapon at the shoulder arms position, or if slung from the shoulder. The hand is placed palm against the chest.
  8. C

    Dominican Republic
  9. C

    How Did You Choose Your Handle?

    Do I really have to explain?
  10. C

    Celebrity YOU want to shag?

    The red-headed chick from the Wendy's commercials ... and when we're done...."oh yeah, that's better" ... lol
  11. C

    Oops... I think I did it again...

    In the 80's DeBeers started their campaign that a ring should cost a month's gross income. So they've pushed it out to 2-3 months now? Pierce the consumerist veil! DeBeers controls the market.
  12. C

    Un (insert superlative) Believable

    The reference to "American" is misleading as their law is based on English Common Law with references to "home is a castle" dating back to the 1700s. Note that our laws, other than in Quebec, are also based on the common law.
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    I think you have a reasonable goal based on the following: 182 days -26 rest days (1 per week) -10 weathers (not your choice) 146 walking days 15 miles per day 7.5 walking hours per day at 2 mph (loaded) average
  14. C

    Pilot's License

    Many people make the mistake of stretching out their instruction, and long gaps between lessons mean repeating activities that have been lost in the duration. If you can, do two or more lessons a week, you'll likely shave hours off the instructional time it takes to get your licence, since you...
  15. C

    Chik 'n deli closed!!!

    Sure it is closed for good? I've heard through other sources that it is just renovations.
  16. C

    Fast food franchises?

    You have strong opinions. How many franchise agreements have you reviewed?
  17. C

    Fast food franchises?

    My understanding is that most franchise agreements are licenses for a certain period of time, and then need to be renewed, for an additional fee. Usually the physical plant is not owned by the franchisee, but leased, often from the franchisor. There are definite advantages and definite...
  18. C

    Should you be concerned if your cat kills a huge rat?

    It could be a possum. Link:
Toronto Escorts