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  1. S

    Listen Up All You TRICKS!!

    ^^^LOL... you too?
  2. S

    townie tax

    Hey, I'm no expert at this, but I do know that there are some clean, decent hotels, that if you require the room before 6pm say at noon or 2pm, then you can tell them that you only need a room for a couple hours and see if they give you a deal. So thats cutting your cost in half, you could go...
  3. S

    Listen Up All You TRICKS!!

    lol. Okay, sorry if this has been asked before, and sorry if this question is just gay/breaking some kind of rule. But I was wondering if I could ask you guys a question... Are you offended by the name trick? If you over heard one of your regular SP's talking to another SP and she referred to...
  4. S

    ANY AGENCIES NEED A DRIVER ??????????????????????? Maybe ask him? Sean.
  5. S

    An SP's Pleasure

    See, I dont know, if I was having sex with my girlfriend/wife, then yeah, it is my responsibility to make sure she is having a good time in the bed. But when you are paying for sex, thats pretty much what you are trying to get away from. You dont want to have to wine and dine a woman. You'd...
  6. S

    An SP's Pleasure

    No, I dont think shes in the business for sexual pleasure, shes in the business for the money. The second you put the money in her hands, you have done your part, her part is to make you cum. If she ends up getting off of it, then hey, jobs have their perks. But I would never feel bad if I didnt...
  7. S

    Short Forms & Abbreviations

    hey, thanks for this. I agree with the dude who said this thread might be kinda heat bag. But ah well, it helped me understand what the hell you guys are saying in these threads. heh. thanks, sean.
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