Allegra Escorts Collective
Toronto Escorts

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  1. 5


    Thanks, ty banks, dis olive salad running Tooty vinegar At 32$ a pint Rally rally car back wit Herbie bouncing flac I'm tryin I'm tryin (You bitches is good peeps)
  2. 5

    Carrie Moon

    Met Amber moon in Ottawa years ago, firecracked. Some porn, mature. Swinger and played the player.
  3. 5

    Tampa Bay

    Oh contraire mon frere or fucking mare Oils flowing fine though the dime of mine Found a new place less grace but sling down Billy Boy in cross eyed hairs. Jobs to the monks and their filthy paws Chump
  4. 5

    Tampa Bay

    Food for the mood Y'all ain't going to taint the heart flutter, y'all buggers Play your cabbage in long purple suits to that guys toots ( fucking endless) Am a fan damn shrugging man with a flat face cake And none for you, fuckers
  5. 5

    Tampa Bay

    Hey bitches, OG in the house Any of you fuckers been to fantasyland in Tampa Bay? Help a brother out and I shall reward you Bitches!
  6. 5

    Montreal finally

    Cheers! You guys are awesome. Thought mps were legal. Love French lAdies
  7. 5

    Montreal finally

    Finally gots time off for weekend, finally going to Montreal! Amongst the smoked meat, looking for advice re strip bars. Heard mileage is high, which sounds great, No car but I can grab a cab or subway if necessary. Love French girls, now hoping to see some in their home belle province. Advice...
  8. 5

    Credit cards

    If your looking for strip clubs, Taboo let me leave my card at the bar to run a tab. She also advanced me cash for some time in CR. Place is a dump. Beer is 2 for 1, dances $20 each.
  9. 5

    Meet and Greet?

    So? Next Friday? Barb's at 7:00? Then....?
  10. 5

    Meet and Greet?

    November 14 or 15? Where?
  11. 5

    Meet and Greet?

    Great idea! How about next weekend? I think socials are great ideas and are great ice breakers
  12. 5

    Another indy MA? Any intel?

    Dude Pan Am went tits up years ago, must be old sp
  13. 5


    What means 'independent rates'?
  14. 5

    Pandora @ Paradise

    How much will extras set me back at one of these spas?
  15. 5


    love down therrrrrrsdee folks. slurp: tis all flee now and all ye knead to head
  16. 5


    nope to the hockey fops - just ol oily me, new contract back in the Capital city. Weak breakneck end in sight, with a full tick tick tick cocoon to get me there! (No privates for the folk who wears the dark blue, red tie and $700 loafers) ((attn: too much attention)) am heading to the place...
  17. 5

    dipping my egg

    pinks and stinks and purple stone rock soup. (bitty bic-pen-i with the yella' menace) Fluff my puff (not much not west enuff) with a pin in the pooch (poke in the stoke) Clive! Clive! Hey, Where be da b'y? New fill (Phil?) and the golf course green and blue, true. Hello Mr Prime Minister (no...
  18. 5


    hello bitches! west jet let down at cowboy time a few bloody boozers under the plate into my buddys School (he rules) for the WEEK. down to b... D! tonight ladies, I am yours! Your welcome. Hey Sarge, report me back the tack at Romeo's time, fair one. Bitches!
  19. 5

    Offer from a stripper

    well, fell, with the stinky Pell! this has happenened to me new york times Fen.... well, 10. at, you guessed it, howdy. barbarella DIAMOND. big cost, tho - no snow - but blow! - $300. nintendo no show. be there tonight with last ditch stetson.... coz cus I am black.
  20. 5

    Ottawa fo' my faw! DIAMOND

    and not yet a dinner invite from the button down fucher-dawgs. to this to that to the rac- and the armor busta's
Toronto Escorts