Vaughan Spa

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  1. J


    just thought someone might want to know Sextasy Throughout the country, and Maryland, there have been reports of a new combination of drugs that has been hitting the streets and club scenes. Ecstasy (a drug with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects) and Viagra (a prescription drug for erectile...
  2. J


    it's not so bad??? it?? Anyone else thought about trying? I've used ecstasy a few times i just find when you finally do complete the task it's hard to get back up again. With illeagal drugs you get limp dick a bit. Jellis
  3. J


    just a question don't get all high and mighty i'm just wondering if anyone know's the side effects of mixing viagra with XTC, the illegal drug?? jellis
  4. J


    that will work? :rolleyes: So what your saying is that monday morning i could essentially go into the walk in clinic, make up some bullshit excuse..." I would have like to go to my family doctor unforuntatly she is female and I feel a little embarrased even a little un easy discussing this...
  5. J


    Having a big day on Monday, it's my birthday, planning on seeing a few girls that day...wondering if anyone can give me some advice as to where I can pick up some Viagra so that I can last for the long trek ahead of me. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. I would like to get by this...
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